英语人>词典>汉英 : 注意事项 的英文翻译,例句
注意事项 的英文翻译、例句


matters need attention
更多网络例句与注意事项相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of the Notes can not be ignored, here we will provide you a brief introduction of laser to the attention of freckle Matters bar!


Caused by misoperation, and are described respectively in line with the marks below.


Caused by misoperation, and are described respectively in line with the marks below


Cautions: Use this all-vegetable skin-care product after reading the manual. Please keep it in a draughty and dry place and prevent pollution, sunlight and heat. Use it up within half a year after uncovering it. Keep it off infants. For any inquiry, please consult the shoppe assistants.


Notes to attention: when adjust colorful transparent groove, test is needed to determine use it or not use it as obvious shrinkage may encountered at spiculate margin caused by the fuscous.


Cautions:Please keep in a dry, ventilated, and lightproof place; pay attention to sun protection, anti-pollution; avoid contact with infants and young children alone; if contact with eyes by carelessness, please wash eyes with water immediately; if there is any doubt, please inquire the shopping guide at counter.


Cautions: Please keep in a dry, ventilated, and lightproof place; pay attention to sun protection, anti-pollution; avoid contact with infants and young children alone; if contact with eyes by carelessness, please wash eyes with water immediately; if there is any doubt, please inquire the shopping guide at counter.

适合人群:干性、松弛、下垂、衰老性肌肤 Applicability: Dry, flaccid, sagging or aged skin 注意事项:请放存于干燥、通风、避光的地方;注意防晒、防污染;避免婴幼儿单独接触;如不慎误入眼睛请立刻用清水洗净;如有任何疑义可咨询专柜导购。

Should the law concerned not permit proprietorial rights, but grant the Principal/Supplier other rights of reservation of the goods, the Principal/Supplier is empowered to exercise all of the said rights.

注意:非注册用户没有发表信息的权利。登录点击(最多可以插入5张图片,未登陆状态请手工输入图片url )发言前,请仔细阅读并同意以下注意事项,未注册用户请返回社区首页注册。1。请尊重网上道德;2。遵守互联网电子公告服务管理规定及中华人民共和国其他各项有关法律法规

Introduce the order and debug of the plastics profile extrudes molding,emphasized to introduce the technique detail that the time that the order molding should notice,And the regulation of test and acceptance the molding.


This product has the strong volatile gas also has the strong irritant smell, when the work should pay attention ventilates as well as the far away open fire.


更多网络解释与注意事项相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


安全特效,不伤害皮肤细胞,本品经过严格冷热测试,无分层、变色、变质等现象. 注意事项(Announcements) 1、使用本品时,防止水渗入本品;2、本说明资料只供商家作内部参考,不承担任何商业风险或其它法律责任.

Announcements Volume:注意事项声音音量

Sound Volume声音音量 | Announcements Volume注意事项声音音量 | Music Volume 音乐音量

do's and don'ts:注意事项;该做与不该做的事

do the trick 达到预期目的 | do's and don'ts 注意事项;该做与不该做的事 | down and out 山穷水尽

do's and don'ts:注意事项

31.fair and square 公平公正 | 32.do's and don'ts 注意事项 | 33.ifs and buts 各种理由

dos and don'ts=the rules:(行为准则,须知,注意事项)

black and white=something which is extremely clear(黑白分明的;绝对的) | dos and don'ts=the rules (行为准则,须知,注意事项) | haves and have nots=people who are rich and those who are not (富人和穷人...

far and near:注意事项

far and forth 到处,远处 | far and near 注意事项 | dos and don"ts 执政党与在野党

Matters needing attention:有关注意事项

matters need attention 注意事项 | matters needing attention 有关注意事项 | Mattessich model 马蒂西奇模型

Other cautions:其它注意事项

7.4 组装上机注意事项 Cautions for installing and assembling | 7.5其它注意事项 Other cautions | 8 附件Attachment

Cautions for handling:搬运注意事项

7.2操作过程注意事项 Cautions for operation | 7.3 搬运注意事项 Cautions for handling | 7.4 组装上机注意事项 Cautions for installing and assembling


2 .8注意事项(precautions) 包括一般注意事项(general),病人应上报内容(如是否有不明肌肉痛),药物相互作用(此项列举了与华法令、地高辛等8种药物的相互作用情况),对内分泌功能的影响,中枢神经系统毒性(CNS Toxicity),