英语人>词典>汉英 : 注意上 的英文翻译,例句
注意上 的英文翻译、例句


draw a bead on
更多网络例句与注意上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Notice that the term "bounded above" has now been used in two ways .


The aim is to remain dispassionate about your purchase, and concentrate on the numbers and collated information.


I'd like to draw your attention to figure three and four on ….

我想请大家注意……上的图表3 和4。

Watch out for floats that are not all the same height.


From then on,I take my notice on you.


I'd like to thank you for scheduling us on such short notice.


Important: In a MVC world we only want to put rendering logic in our View's code-behind class (and not any application or data logic). Notice above how the only logic we have is to assign the strongly typed ViewData collection of Category objects to the ListView control.

重要:在 MVC 中我们只希望在视图的后台代码中放置显示逻辑(不包括任何其他的业务逻辑),注意上面的大妈中我们唯一的一个逻辑操作时将强类型的目录列表 ViewData 赋值给 ListView 控件。

If you don\'t think so,it only indicates the man you know is disguising himself or you don\'t know about him.


Even under the cloak of darkness, a mouse that has attracted an owl's attention doesn't stand a chance.


What's it gonna take to make him notice me?


更多网络解释与注意上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

appear on the scene:出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意

appear in the gazette | 被宣告破产 | appear on the scene | 出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意 | appear | 出现, 看来, 似乎, 公开露面, 出版, 发表


"注意"(care)一词,包括在准备中的注意、从事中的注意以及技术上应有的注意. 原告虽尽各种注意,仍应负责,表明此种责任乃是严格责任. 正如林德法官所解释的,在高度危险活动中,并不问造成损害的活动是否应该尽到注意,

come on the scene:出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意

come on the scene | 出现> | come on the scene | 出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意 | come on the stage | 登上政治舞台 进入社会(活动)

I notice you'rewearing your class "A" dress uniform in court today:我注意到你今天是穿着高级制服上的法庭

You flew up to Washington this morning. Is... | I notice you'rewearing your class "A" dress uniform in court today.|我注意到你今天是穿着高级制服上的法庭 | As are you, Lieutenant. Did you wear that on t...

HEAD UP:(因有物体飞来)注意头上

The boss just called them into his office. I think heads are gonna roll. 老板刚把他们叫进了办公室,我... | Head up! (因有物体飞来)注意头上! | You are starting to make headway with your French! 你的法语开...

in the spotlight:成为注意中心;出风头

in the sense of 从. . . 意义上说 | in the spotlight 成为注意中心;出风头 | in the strictest sense最严格的意义上


注意义务说认为,过失是指主观上不注意(inadvertence),即违反注意义务,没有预见他应该预见的危害结果. 从这一观点看,过失属于主观范畴. Hall认为,"过失的含义是无注意(inadvertence),即被告完全没有认识(unaware)到其行为的危险性,

keep sb locked up:被锁上,注意这里宾补

billions of 十亿为一个billion | keep sb locked up 被锁上,注意这里宾补 | according to 依照

Do you notice that notice on the notice-board:你注意到了布告栏上的布告吗

And you didn't notice anything unusual? 你觉察到什么异常的事没有? | Do you notice that notice on the notice-board? 你注意到了布告栏上的布告吗? | noticeable 能够注意到的,显而易见的

come on the scene:出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意

come on the scene | 出现> | come on the scene | 出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意 | come on the stage | 登上政治舞台 进入社会(活动)