英语人>词典>汉英 : 波卡洪塔斯 的英文翻译,例句
波卡洪塔斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Captain Smith was later adopted as an honorary "son" by Powhatan. But that was not the only time that Pocahontas would risk her life and the favor of her tribe to protect her new English friends.


In 1608, Pocahontas helped negotiate the return of Powhatan prisoners held by the colonists. Pocahontas was only about 12 years old when she did this!


Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, an important chief of the Algonquian Indians who lived in the Virginia region.

波卡洪塔斯是波瓦坦之女,波瓦坦是住在维吉尼亚州的亚尔冈京印地安人(Algonquian Indians:即波瓦坦人)的一位重要酋长。

She made some friends among the settlers, but when war broke out between the Powhatan Indians and the English colonists in 1613, Pocahantas was found visiting the Patawomeke tribe and was taken prisoner. The English were certain that her father would ransom his daughter and settle the war.

她结交了几位殖民朋友,但 1613 年,波瓦坦人及英国殖民开战时,波卡洪塔斯造访 Patawomeke 部落并遭囚禁;英国人确信她的父亲会赎回他的女儿并结束战争。

Pocahontas was only about 10 years old when her world changed forever.


Do you know what Pocahontas did next?


Some of Pocahontas's people were afraid or even hateful of the newcomers.


Pocahontas is most famous for reportedly saving the life of English Captain John Smith.


Captain Smith was later adopted as an honorary "son" by Powhatan. But that was not the only time that Pocahontas would risk her life and the favor of her tribe to protect her new English friends.


Captain Smith was later adopted as an honorary "son" by Powhatan. But that was not the only time that Pocahontas would risk her life and the favor of her tribe to protect her new English friends.


更多网络解释与波卡洪塔斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Powhatan Indian tribe:波哈坦印第安部落

Pocahontas 波卡洪塔斯,波瓦坦人部落的公主. | Powhatan Indian tribe 波哈坦印第安部落 | territory 地域