英语人>词典>汉英 : 法院系统 的英文翻译,例句
法院系统 的英文翻译、例句


judicial system
更多网络例句与法院系统相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The U.S. Supreme Court is the final appellate court in the federal system.


Supreme Court is the final appellate court in the federal system.


We should establish tax courts in the domain of judicial system,compartmentalize the areas and ranks of precincts according to the economic area and trial grades,try to set up the assizes trial system and judges selecting and managing system.


But,the present measures used in the reform in the court system do not assort with the two aspects.


There are not many happy people who come into contact with the court system.


The state court systems are established according to the constitution of each state.


This essay analyzes performance evaluation in coups in China by samples to conclude digitized management,isomorphism and dual—track system as its nature.


The United States court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by dual hierarchies: there are both state and federal courts.


It is necessary to create the separation between the judiciary system and the anti-corruption system.


In state court systems, trial courts, or courts of original jurisdiction, are distributed throughout the state, usually by county.


更多网络解释与法院系统相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


judiciary 法院系统 | arbitral 仲裁人的,仲裁的 | presumption 假设,法定推论

electronic bulletin board:電子佈告欄

Judicial Conference) 制定了一套电子引注标准,用来引注登在法院的电子布告栏 (electronic bulletin board) 上的判例. 1993年,路易斯安那州最高法院制定了一套"公众所有的判例引注系统"(Public Domain Citation为了满足司法界对修订统一法律引注标准的需要,

circuit court:或巡回法院

3. 各州法院系统一般包括三级法院: 基层法院多称为审判法院 Trial Court | 或巡回法院 Circuit Court | 中级法院多称为上诉法院 Appellate Court or Court of Appeals

habeas corpus:人身保护权

即使是在州法律系统内被判死刑,死刑犯在州内上诉失败后,还可以依据美国宪法中的"人身保护权"(Habeas Corpus)上诉到联邦法院. 死刑上诉往往会一路打到美国最高法院. 另外,死刑犯还可以呼吁总统或州长行政干预,宣布暂停执行、减刑或大赦等等.

judicature act:法院组织法

法院系统 court structure | 法院组织法 judicature act | 法则 articles


认为(财富最大化意义上的)"效率"( efficiency)是型构普通法的规则、程序以及制度最主要的因素,因为普通法是通过法院系统在进化性选择( evolutionary selection)基础上形成的,所以能够有"效率"地配置社会资源,它比制定法( legislation)更有比较优势满足这


loran 导航系统 | lorcha 三桅帆船 | lord chief justice 最高法院的首席法官

judicial subjectivity:审判主观性

judicial scrutiny 司法检查 | judicial subjectivity 审判主观性 | judicial system 法院系统

Trial court:初审法院

3、联邦法院系统基本上是一个三级模式,其中有:(1)地区(初审)法院(trial court)和具有有限裁判权(limited jurisdiction)的各种低级法院;(2)美国上诉法院(appellate court);(3)美国最高法院.

Trial court:各州法院系统一般包括三级法院: 基层法院多称为审判法院

等联邦特别法院 special courts | 3. 各州法院系统一般包括三级法院: 基层法院多称为审判法院 Trial Court | 或巡回法院 Circuit Court