英语人>词典>汉英 : 法官的地位 的英文翻译,例句
法官的地位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
judgeship  ·  justiceship

更多网络例句与法官的地位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But, under the condition of obsolescence of structural reforms, the reform of professionalization in basic-level court should sufficiently consider the judges' position and function in the national political power structure, and the Chinese condition etc, and it should be advanced with circumspection.


The judicial justice depends on three necessarypremises:the person who has been hurted by unjust action should has theright of starting the correct machine run by the judge,the judge doesn'tthink over the characteristics and status of the injurer and thesufferer,provide relief to the unjust injure.


She was nominated for an appeals court judgeship in nineteen ninety-nine.


The principle is completely executed. Some traditional civil law system countries, such as Germany, France, advocate doctrine of function and power. In those countries, judges are active, and prejudgment is not excluded. However, negative effect has raised attention from the public in those countries.


Gradually along with the litigation mode of Adversarial system seeps into criminal law area of our country, under the change of the relationship between the accusant and the defender, and the weakening color of the litigation mode of strong Inquisitorial system, and judge's position is more negative and overcome, gradually, the litigation conduct power theories starts to be mentioned and is valued by scholars learn criminal law.


Gradually along with the litigation mode of Adversarial system seeps into criminal law area of our country, under the change of the relationship between the accusant and the defender, and the weakening color of the litigation mode of strong Inquisitorial system, and judge's position is more negative and overcome, gradually, the litigation conduct power theories starts to be mentioned and is valued by scholars learn criminal law.


The privilege judges enjoyed strengthen their sense of independence,professional honour,professional morals and responsibilities.They are very sensitiveto any dangers that threaten their independence.They have strong sense of crisis inface of the critics of the public,or reduction of their professional prestige.


The author holds that the independent status of judges in the common law tradition guarantees individual's rights from being infringed by the administration, and that philosophical tradition of empiricism gives the constitutionalism characteristics of being nonsystematic and accumulative.


Finally, it is likely that Judges antedates even the first seven years of David's reign and the last years of Saul's.

最后,它可能是法官antedates ,甚至第一七年大卫的统治地位和过去几年的娑罗双树的。

Paralleling the rise in the quality of judges and prosecutors has been the change in the status of China's lawyers.


更多网络解释与法官的地位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adversary system:对抗制

英美国家对辩论原则的体现是其以"对抗制"(adversary system)为特征的诉讼体制. "对抗制"的表面含义是指与询问制相对的一种庭审方式,在对抗制的庭审方式下,法官处于"超然"中立的裁判地位,从而保证审判的公正性,"法官虽然主持庭审过程,

Lord Chancellor:法官

自公元605年起,英国就设立了大法官(Lord Chancellor)一职,其历史比首相(Premier)职位更悠久,具有十分特殊和显要的地位. 大法官作为大法官部(Department of Lord Chancellor)的长官,同时还兼任上议院(The House of Lords)的议长、内阁法律大臣(Lord Chancellor in Cabinet),


每一种权力的形式,每一种权威都需要某种抗衡(counterweight). 任何团体、任何权力都不得居于至高无上的地位. 在这样的政体(scheme)下,法官扮演着异乎寻常的重要角色. 司法审查--我们一会儿还要讲到--给予法官一种凌驾于政府其他部门之上的否决权.


法律程序还在其非人格性(impersonality)上类似于市场,用经济学的术语表达,即,使分配因素处于从属地位. 市场那看不见的手与法官的无私公正有着异曲同工之处. 法官取得报酬的方法和各种司法伦理规范都旨在保证法官与其审理的案件不具经济或其他的利害关系,


Judges 士师记 | judgeship 法官的地位 | judgmatic 考虑周到的


难怪在英文中,"司法"(justice)一词,同时有"正义"的含义. 当然,要想使司法转化为看得见的正义,必须赋予司法以独立的地位,因为只有司法独立了,法官才能依据并且仅仅依据法律裁决案件,而无需看着某种权力或者某个部门的指示行事.


justicer 法官 | justiceship 法官的地位 | justiciable 法庭裁判的


justiceship 法官的地位 | justiciable 法庭裁判的 | justicial 正义的


德国的法官分为两类,一类是为全联邦效力的法官,一类是为16个州(Lander)效力的法官. 德国关于法官的职位和任期法对联邦法官的地位做出了规定. (主要涉及联邦最高法院的法官. 到2000年12月31日止,其数量为495人.


现代社会确立了国民拥有接受"自然的"(natural)或"法定的"(lawful)法官审判的权利的宪法性地位. 尽管如此,在我国,影响和非法阻碍诉权行使以及侵害诉权依然是不绝