英语人>词典>汉英 : 沿线 的英文翻译,例句
沿线 的英文翻译、例句


along the line
更多网络例句与沿线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter three: Demostrate the components of the river citys symbolic sights and discuss how to establish it on the basis of analysis of culture and tradition of these river cities.


Then significance of rational allocation of added values from land development along rail transit line is illustrated. Meanwhile, the paper discusses principles of rational allocation of added values, based on rent theory.


Considering Guangzhou urban rail transit planning, this paper discusses the policy to control and reserve the land along the rail lines as well as the measures for reserving the land step by step so as to provide the land for urban railway construction and to enable the government to finance urban railway construction.


The transport demand forecast model of rail transit of Suzhou city was built first and the relationship between ridership and population, total building area, residential area, commercial area are deduced. And at last, the influence of the land use pattern on the rail transit ridership is explored which can be used as reference for other rail development project.


We will try hard to build the Yangjiaping pedestrian commerce zone; take use of the land returned by Jianshe Group Co., Ltd to establish a man-sized office building, a comprehensive logistic mansion, an information transmitting network and an information platform, and also to attract large enterprises and companies from home and abroad to set up their headquarters in Chongqing according to the plan.


Based on the intensive field investigation of the thirteen slopes higher than fifty meters,rosette plot and stereographic projection are used to analyze joints distribution and stability evaluation.

对某临江公路沿线13个高度超过50 m的高陡边坡进行了地质普查,并用玫瑰花图及赤平投影对沿线节理裂隙进行统计分析和稳定性分析评价。

A regional differentiation along the suburban railway, Xinhua Street, and along the north side of the Canal in Tongzhou culture to become real estate with the three threads, along the suburban railway transportation is convenient, affordable price, very suitable for small white-collar workers live, The main advantage of relying on traffic to attract customers; Xinhua Street, along the complete facilities, landscape, and mainly depends on the quality of life to attract customers; Canal culture with rich water resources, landscape best, cheap.


The survey and investigation resuits indicate that patchy and sporadic permafrost, mosaicked by extensive presence of taliks or seasonally frozen ground and drainage patterns, accounts for 40% of the total permafrost area along the pipeline route. The permafrost along the pipeline route has been in rapid degradation due to the combined effects from dramatic climate warming and ever increasing human activities.


The local factors such as topography, vegetations and soil moisture contents, have great influences on the distribution, ground temperatures, and ground ice contents of permafrost. About 50 km of wetlands have been identified along the China-Russia crude oil pipeline route. In these segments, the surficial deposits consist of peat and humic layers on the top of thick ground-ice, or ice-rich permafrost. The frozen ground engineering geology conditions in wetlands generally are the worst for building and operating the pipeline. The hazardous periglacial processes, such as the widespreadpresence of pingos, icings and frost mounds due to the extensive occurrence of the frost-susceptible soils and ample supplies of surface and ground waters in winter pose significant threats on pipeline operation.

地形地貌单元、植被分布、地表水分条件的变化等局部因素对多年冻土的分布和地下冰的赋存产生重要的影响,管道沿线大约分布有50 km左右的沼泽湿地,其表层为腐殖质土及泥炭层,泥炭层下面分布着含土冰层或地下冰,是管道沿线最差的冻土工程地质地段;由于中俄原油管道沿线水系发育多,冻胀丘、冰椎和冰幔等不良冻土现象广泛分布。

Based on the field investigation in Aug 2001 and Aug 2002, digital China Vegetation Map in 2001 and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Vegetation Regionalization Map in 1996, vegetation characteristic along two sides of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway is studied in this article Meanwhile, the impacts of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway constructions on the ecosystems are analyzed using ARCVIEW、ARC/INFO and PATCH ANALYSIS It was found that:(1) Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway span 9 altitudes,12 longitudes and 6 natural regions (East Qinghai and Qilian mountain steppe region, Chaidamu mountain desert region, South Qinghai alpine meadow steppe region, Qiangtang alpine steppe region, Guoluonaqu alpine scrub meadow region and South Xizang mountain shrub steppe region);(2) the constructions of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway destroyed natural vegetation and landscape, especially in 50m-wide buffer regions along both sides of the roads, it was estimated that the Primary Productivity deceased by about 30504.62t/a and the gross biomass deceased by 432919.25~


更多网络解释与沿线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ascender line:上沿线

ascender line 上沿线 | 2 meanline 肩线 大多数成为 X-line(x线) | 1-2 = ascender 上沿

country en route:沿线国家

country default risk probability 国家违约风险概率 | country en route 沿线国家 | country exposure 国家风险

railroad in north of Xinjiang:北疆铁路沿线

铁路货运数据标记语言:Railroad Freight Data Markup Language | 北疆铁路沿线:railroad in north of Xinjiang | 驾驶台:Bridge

linear density:沿线密度

linear collider 直线对撞机 | linear density 沿线密度 | linear dichroism 线性二色性

railroad fire:[消]铁路(沿线)火灾

radio-equipped vehicle '配备无线电设备 | railroad fire [消]铁路(沿线)火灾 | railroad fire signal 铁路(沿线)火警信号

railroad fire:铁路(沿线)火灾

radio-equipped vehicle '配备无线电设备 | railroad fire 铁路(沿线)火灾 | railroad fire signal 铁路(沿线)火警信号

railroad fire signal:铁路(沿线)火警信号

railroad fire [消]铁路(沿线)火灾 | railroad fire signal 铁路(沿线)火警信号 | rake 1、[消](用水枪射流)扫描(火) 2、[消]火耙

Telephone Wayside Box:沿线电话箱

Telephone 电话 TEL | Telephone Wayside Box 沿线电话箱 TWSB | Television 电视 TV

descender line:下沿线

3 baseline 基准线 | 4 descender line 下沿线 | 3-4 = descender 下沿

road kilometers:机车沿线公里

look up and down 仔细打量(某人) 到处寻找 | road kilometers 机车沿线公里 | physical hazard 物质(有形)危险