英语人>词典>汉英 : 没有遗嘱的 的英文翻译,例句
没有遗嘱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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He died intestate and every attempt to trace any member of his family has proved abortive and unsuccessful.


But, says the old Man, I have one Piece of News to tell you, which perhaps may not be so acceptable to you as the rest, and that is, That believing you were lost, and all the World believing so also, your Partner and Trustees did offer to accompt to me in your Name, for six or eight of the first Years of Profits, which I receiv'd; but there being at that time, says he, great Disbursements for encreasing the Works, building an Ingenio, and buying Slaves, it did not amount to near so much as afterwards it produced: However, says she old Man, I shall give you a true Account of what I have received in all, and how I have disposed of it.


But there is no necessity whatever for resorting to an explanation which has the defect of attributing far too much precision to the proceedings of the ancient assembly The proper key to the story concerning the execution of wills in the Comitia Calata must no doubt be sought in the oldest Roman Law of intestate succession.


I may refer also to a case in the Pennsylvania courts. In that state the statute prescribed the mode for repealing or altering a will, and in Clingan v. Micheltree, 31 Pa. St. 25, the supreme court of the state held, where a will was kept from destruction by the fraud and misrepresentation of the devisee, that to declare it canceled as against the fraudulent party would be to enlarge the statute.


One who dies without a legal will .he died intestate; intestate property.


When a Roman citizen died intestate or leaving no valid Will, his descendants or kindred became his heirs according to a scale which will be presently described.


Again, the original institutions of the Jews having provided nowhere for the privileges of Testatorship, the later Rabbinical jurisprudence, which pretends to supply the casus omissi of the Mosaic law, allows the Power of Testation to attach when all the kindred entitled under the Mosaic system to succeed have failed or are undiscoverable.


The order of succession was this : on the death of a citizen, having no will or no valid will, his Unemancipated children became his Heirs.


Again, the original institutions of the Jews having provided nowhere for the privileges of Testatorship, the later Rabbinical jurisprudence, which pretends to supply the casus omissi of the Mosaic law, allows the Power of Testation to attach when all the kindred entitled under the Mosaic system to succeed have failed or are undiscoverable.


In the case of an inheritance, the testimony of the bequeathing party shall be submitted, If there is no testimony, the letter of agreement of the inheritor regarding division of the property and the death certificate of the bequeathing party shall be submitted.


更多网络解释与没有遗嘱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


英国的盎格鲁-诺曼马(Anglo-Norman)、哈克尼马(hackney)与纯血马(Thoroughbred)的血统. ...例如,在哈克尼(hackney)或埃德蒙顿, 如果一个人死了而没有遗嘱,...


作为诺贝尔的同时代人,当斯特林堡指出"理想倾向的"(idealistic)与"理想的"(ideal)这两个形容词意思有别因而违背遗嘱时,他很可能是正确的. 但他并没有提到两者的区别何在. 诺贝尔所用的"理想的"这一形容词的意思问题--向来被认为是奇特的甚至是反常的--基本上被讨论了一百年,

Power of attorney:委任书

遗嘱执行人(executor)是立遗嘱者在遗嘱中指定的负责处理其死后事宜(主要是财产问题)的人,在某些州遗嘱执行人叫做个人代理人. 在没有遗嘱的情况下,由法院指定一个遗产管理人. 2. 收集遗嘱认证(probate)所需的资料,比如遗嘱、生前遗嘱(living will)、委任书(power of attorney)、信托文件等;

Smithsonian Institution:史密森学会

1829年,一名英国化学家詹姆斯.史密森(James Smithson)在去世前立下遗嘱,他的作为遗产继承人的侄子如果到去世时仍没有子嗣,就应将全部财产"捐给美利坚合众国,在华盛顿建立一所命名为'史密森学会'(Smithsonian Institution)的学府",其宗旨是"在

Stubbs Road:司徒拔道

他位于香港半山司徒拔道(Stubbs Road)的住家,也不在他的名下. 钟楚红没有亲自到本地法庭提出申请,她是在香港的公证人(notary public)见证下作出宣誓书,承诺会依据法律和遗嘱处理朱家鼎的遗产,包括清还他所欠下的任何债务. >


potentate 当权者,统治者,君主 | testate 立遗嘱的人 | intestate 没有立遗嘱的人

Stubbs Road:司徒拔道

他位于香港半山司徒拔道(Stubbs Road)的住家,也不在他的名下. 钟楚红没有亲自到本地法庭提出申请,她是在香港的公证人(notary public)见证下作出宣誓书,承诺会依据法律和遗嘱处理朱家鼎的遗产,包括清还他所欠下的任何债务. <<联合晚报>>