英语人>词典>汉英 : 没信心的 的英文翻译,例句
没信心的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与没信心的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

God has put a strong spirit of faith in you.


No one suffers more than Cargill from lack of confidence in the marketing system .


Something you hadbelieved in deeply turns out to be not so true on Wednesday, and youmay feel mistrustful for the rest of the week.


I would also try to change the subject to education matters or to nonsexual personal matters such as his background or his beliefs.


We have to completely change the previous order must be ready to move on the school field to break the conventional PK up 2 if not a direct one to eight locked him up and then directly to Yang Jian + YUE +欲擒故纵+ million一阳指+ static shadow Shen Xue-Yong Choi,+ blue Guan (Why should we put this last because the snow has a chance of sealing a hole shut you hole you made) on this almost four seconds if you are lucky the snow over the hole then sealed Congratulations you because you have already won the war 60 percent of the seal if there is no point you would present him with a hidden weapon and then let the points title, such as pieces of a scamper up in the coming months Sanyang kai tai closed at this time point almost did not state the business Jian Yang is also the state of almost 15 seconds to less then one Ze Jian-lun up on OK after you select what he skills on the line you up for the OK to this you have won 80% of you are not called Yang Jian He wasted (a little trick if you do not have confidence in their own operations should not be used when you stealth stealth opponent immediately hidden stealth so he did not you or punches you, you can how much you a few of his) if the two sides blood depends on many things on their own time for the operation of more than two minutes after you beat him you mean you are invincible Blue啦short or very important operation to operate a bad person it up!!

我们要彻底的改变以前的出招顺序要勇于打破常规关于校场PK 上去2话不说直接一个八门上去先锁住他然后就直接上商阳剑+欲擒故纵+万岳+一阳指+静影沉璧+雪拥蓝关(为什么要最后一个放呢因为雪拥有一定的几率封穴封住穴你就发啦)这时差不多就4秒啦要是运气好雪拥封住了穴那就恭喜你啦因为这场战争你已经赢了60%啦如果没有封住穴的话现在就用暗器封他的穴吧然后一个等衔枚疾走上去在来个三阳开泰这时封穴状态也差不多没了商阳剑的15秒状态也差不多到了这时一个少泽剑抡上去就OK啦以后就有啥技能往上抡就行啦进行到这这场OK你就已经赢了80%啦商阳剑也没叫他白白浪费掉(一个小计谋如果你对自己的操作没信心就不要用先用隐身对手隐身时候你马上就隐这样的话他隐身没啦你还是隐的你就可以多大他几下啦)如果双方血都多的话就要靠自己的操作多争取时间啦 2分钟后你一打他蓝你就等于无敌啦总之操作还是很重要操作不好的人努力吧!!

It is illogical to vote for a candidate whom you have no faith in.


If oneself do not have confidence to oneself, that estimation abandons a station is only way.


V: Malcolm, I'm sorry I can't help you on this problem. I can't give this letter to you for such a ridicules reason.


Other forms of air pollution — sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide — rose or fail ed to drop in 2006 after three years of decline, according to the report, which was based on Chinese government statistics.

列举其他污染在下降的数据,但同时不忘强调,这个下降的数据是中国政府给出的。引用 Falt 的话,说明对北京空气及各方面污染能符合国际标准没信心。

Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Automobile, a Chinese car manufacturer, told the Chinese press that he was contacted several times by Hummer, but he had no confidence in its market future.


更多网络解释与没信心的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而"A8"又分为"信心"(confidence)、"诚信"(integrity)、"自豪"(pride)和"激情"(passion)4个层次及其所属的8个侧面. 其最高境界是"激情". 一如上述,就是通过不仅满足顾客的理性需求,而且满足其情感需求,让顾客爱你没商量-"无法想象世界上没有你".

drop out:辍学

出猫机会用尽,又对问题没信心,可选择辍学( drop out )拿走手头上的奖金,一旦答错便得空手而回. 而选择 drop out 的条件就是要向全世界大喊一句:「 I'm Not Smarter Than a 5th Grader !」你咪话,都几瘀!落妆一定要彻底,


薛芙(Dick Shaffer)和女儿莉兹(Liz)与茉根(Morgan)的耐心支持,是他们告诉我,他们从不怀疑我会完成这本书,我自己倒没那麼有信心. 除了相信我能写完之外,他们也坚持要我坐在电脑前面打字,本书能够从无到有,

Union Pacific:太平洋联合公司

精力充沛、信心十足的克莱斯勒是太平洋联合公司(Union Pacific)一位工程师的儿子,他大学没上完就到一个机车制造车间工作,后来升任一家机车制造厂的厂长.


而"A8"又分为"信心"(confidence)、"诚信"(integrity)、"自豪"(pride)和"激情"(passion)4个层次及其所属的8个侧面. 其最高境界是"激情". 一如上述,就是通过不仅满足顾客的理性需求,而且满足其情感需求,让顾客爱你没商量-"无法想象世界上没有你".


unbelieving 多疑的 | unbelieving 没信心的 | unbelieving 不相信的


unbeliever 不相信者 | unbelieving 多疑的 | unbelieving 没信心的


unbeliever /不相信者/不信仰者/异教徒/ | unbelieving /没信心的/不相信的/多疑的/ | unbend /弄直/

