英语人>词典>汉英 : 污渎的 的英文翻译,例句
污渎的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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At the end, I was of course arrested and your father became the hero of the hour: more indeed than the hero of the hour merely: your family now ranks, strangely enough, with the Immortals: for with that grotesqueness of effect that is as it were a Gothic element in history, and makes Clio the least serious of all the Muses, your father will always live among the kind pure-minded parents of Sunday school literature[13b], your place is with the Infant Samuel, and in the lowest mire of Malebolge[13.1] I sit between Gilles de Retz[13.2] and the Marquis de Sade

好像历史也带上了一点哥特式的离奇古怪,从而使历史和史诗之神克里奥成了众缪斯中最不正经的一位。靠着这份离奇古怪,结果是你父亲在主日学校的文学里将永远活在那些个心地和善纯良的父母之中 [1 3 b ] ,你将与少年塞缪尔并列,而在地狱最底层的污渎中,我将与崇拜撒旦的雷斯和性变态的萨德侯爵为伍 [1 3 c ] 。

"No more do I, and that was what I was observng to this gentleman just now. I said I looked upon it as a sacrilegious profanation to reward treachery, perhaps crime."


At the end, I was of course arrested and your father became the hero of the hour: more indeed than the hero of the hour merely: your family now ranks, strangely enough, with the Immortals: for with that grotesqueness of effect that is as it were a Gothic element in history, and makes Clio the least serious of all the Muses, your father will always live among the kind pure-minded parents of Sunday school literature[13b], your place is with the Infant Samuel, and in the lowest mire of Malebolge[13.1] I sit between Gilles de Retz[13.2] and the Marquis de Sade

最 终当然是我被捕入狱,而你父亲则成了一时英雄。何止是一时英雄,你们家莫名其妙地跻身于神仙圣人之列。好像历史也带上了一点哥特式的离奇古怪,从而使历史和史诗之神克里奥成了众缪斯中最不正经的一位。靠着这份离奇古怪,结果是你父亲在主日学校的文学里将永远活在那些个心地和善纯良的父母之中[13b],你将与少年塞缪尔并列,而在地狱最底层的污渎中,我将与崇拜撒旦的雷斯和性变态的萨德侯爵为伍

更多网络解释与污渎的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


prof /教授/ | profanation /渎神/乱用/恶用/ | profanatory /亵渎的/沾污神圣的/


unhallow 污渎 | unhallowed 未使神圣的 | unhallowed 污渎的


unhallowed 未使神圣的 | unhallowed 污渎的 | unhallowed 不神圣的


unhallowed 污渎的 | unhallowed 不神圣的 | unhand 将...放掉


unhallowed /未使神圣的/不神圣的/污渎的/ | unhand /将...放掉/ | unhandily /笨拙的/不适合的/


profanationprofaneness 渎神 | profanatory 沾污神圣的 | profanatory 亵渎的


profanation /渎神/乱用/恶用/ | profanatory /亵渎的/沾污神圣的/ | professionalism /职业特性/职业化/


unguligrade 蹄行性 | unhallow 污渎 | unhallowed 未使神圣的


unhairing /脱毛/ | unhallow /亵渎/污渎/ | unhallowed /未使神圣的/不神圣的/污渎的/