英语人>词典>汉英 : 汗毛 的英文翻译,例句
汗毛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
down  ·  downed  ·  downing

fine hair
更多网络例句与汗毛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I've got a gun aimed at your navel. If you move so much as one muscle, you can just say adios muchachos.


I kinda liked getting blasted out of my skin.


Why does bicycle athlete want shave to go again the fine hair on the human body of leg ministry, cut short hair, fill in bootlace into the shoe inside?


Jilly—dancing braless to a blaring Led Zeppelin disc, slender brown arms, legs unshaved, Afro hair .


No, no, not by my hair of my chinny chin chin!


Natural cleaner of skin,more tender cleansing to the dirt of pore and the toxin,absorbing extra lipin and cutin.


She didn't like having hairs on her legs so she used a depilatory cream to remove them.


If you do not need to scratch it very thoroughly, or you belong to the sensitivity of the skin, fine hair on the body or to the chief, or acne, they should choose an electric shaver.


When Wu Sun-fu arrived home and got out of the car, he shivered and went gooseflesh all over


A few minutes later, when we come to a tiny Mexican place, his hackles go up a bit.


更多网络解释与汗毛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alison Lohman:艾莉森-罗曼

很强烈的开门见山法感觉就像是发生在自己身上一样,好像就是在跟你说被诅咒后你会开始感觉如何而后又会发生什麼事,光看到片头叙述法我已经汗毛直束,美女主角艾莉森罗曼 (Alison Lohman)登场时让我松了一口气(至少还没被诅咒前是正常的),

We were all a little dopey:这次我们都犯糊涂了

148. His father is a big wheel. 他父亲是个大人物 | 149. We were all a little dopey. 这次我们都犯糊涂了 | 150. It's a hair-raising story. 这个故事听了让我汗毛都竖起来了

We were all a less dopey:这次咱们都犯糊涂了

148. His fatIT is a big wheel. 他父亲是个大人物 | 149. We were all a less dopey. 这次咱们都犯糊涂了 | 150. It's a hair-raising story. 那个古代事件听了让我汗毛都竖起来了

I've never used foul language:我从不说脏话

1490. 我已经达到忍耐极限了. I've had about all I can take. | 1491. 我从不说脏话. I've never used foul language. | 1492. 让我汗毛倒竖 It makes my hair stand on end.


毛分毳毛(lanugo)、毫毛(vellus)和硬毛(hard hair),也称终毛(terminal hair). 毛就是汗毛. 毫毛如眉毛、睫毛等. 而终毛即头发. 人体除掌、跖、指跖末节背面、唇红、龟头、包皮内板、小阴唇及阴蒂无毛外,全身皮肤皆有毛.

To make one's flesh creep:使人汗毛真竖/让人直起鸡皮疙瘩

To make a cat laugh 把死人逗笑了 | To make one's flesh creep 使人汗毛真竖/让人直起鸡皮疙瘩 | To make a face 作个鬼脸

The thought of a lawsuit was enough to make his hair stand on end:一想到要打官司他就吓得汗毛直竖

汗毛直竖 hair stand on end | The thought of a lawsuit was enough to make his hair stand on end. 一想到要打官司他就吓得汗毛直竖 | Half-asleep 半梦半醒


腿肚 mollet | 汗毛 poil | 踝关节 cheville


T、处理(TREATMENTS)面部和皮肤上的瑕疵应该上美容院,一般来说都能令人满意. U、上(UPPER)唇和下巴周围出现的黑汗毛有碍美观,过密的粗汗毛常常使得脸部都不雅观. 掩饰和清除汗毛的办法很多,其中包括脱色变白、修面剃毛、上蜡、脱毛、电针除毛和拔毛等.

makes my heart race, makes the hair stand up on the back of my head:使我心跳加速,使我汗毛直竖

a detached human being before my eyes... | makes my heart race, makes the hair stand up on the back of my head.|使我心跳加速,使我汗毛直竖 | Particularly in combination with the contents of a tape,|特别...