英语人>词典>汉英 : 汉尼拔 的英文翻译,例句
汉尼拔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与汉尼拔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Carthaginian army under Hannibal destroyed a numerically superior Roman army under command of the consuls Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro. Following the Battle of Cannae, Capua and several other Italian city-states defected from the Roman Republic.


Yeah, I know more about ancient Carthage than Hannibal himself.


Doctor Carthaginian Lecktor: l poverty to support you, Will.


In 216 BC, Carthaginian general Hannibal won one of the finest tactical battles in military history at Cannae.


Vacant Grahame decided that to discredited is in custody series murderer Hannibal to seek help, but has achieved nothing, prison medicine Frederick in Hannibal"s prison cell discovered but actually comes from "the tooth immortal short note.


A battle during the second of the Punic Wars (207 BC); Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal was defeated by the Romans which ended Hannibal's hopes for success in Italy.


Hannibal Lecter, Scott Glenn as Jack Crawford, Anthony Heald as Dr .


Reviewers evoked Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal Lecter — the same mock-ingratiating tone, same sadistic ingenuity — but this Joker is the bigger, gaudier showman, with a sick kid's need to watch the damage he's caused.

审稿诱发安东尼霍普金斯'汉尼拔-同模拟讨好基调,同样的施虐聪明才智-但是这是更大的小丑, gaudier表演,与生病的孩子的需要看,他的损害的原因。

When the Romans defeated King Antiochus Ⅲ 's Syrian forces at Magnesia in 189 BC, they demanded that Hannibal, Antiochus' advisor and the man who had routed Roman forces at Lake Trasimeno and Cannae three decades before, be handed over to them.


He managed to cut off many of Hannibal's foragers and killed supposedly 1/4 of his whole army and managed to attack Hannibal's camp.


更多网络解释与汉尼拔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


安条克在连串战役中败给罗马之后,有意向罗马人求和并交出汉尼拔,因此汉尼拔逃至[[克里特]](Crete) 岛,但不久便再次返回小亚细亚,投靠当时正与罗马盟国 [[帕加马]](Pergamum) 交战的 [[比提尼亚]](Bithynia)国王 普鲁西亚斯一世


汉尼拔提出的计策常常让他的群臣大为难堪,所以汉尼拔一直没有得到重用. 不得已,汉尼拔再次逃亡,在小亚细亚的希腊城邦国家中东躲西藏,而罗马也是如影随形,紧追不放. 公元前182年,比西尼亚(Bithynia)国王迫於罗马的威逼,准备将汉尼拔交出去.




2001 Hearts in Atlantis - 飘流之心 | 2001 Hannibal - 汉尼拔,沉默的羔羊续集 | 2000 Mission: Impossible II - 碟中谍II

Hannibal Rising:少年汉尼拔

并非她真的这么热爱杀人,而是她在"少年汉尼拔"(Hannibal Rising)一片里扮演食人魔的剑术老师. 这部电影里,血和内脏时时出现,而巩俐"作出了一些她的典型表演,令人压抑地紧贴在你身边,紧迫,避不开,她会用眼睛和脸说话,好象她在把她的角色从气孔里逼出来.

Hannibal Lecter:汉尼拔.莱克托

- Popil, madame. - Popil.|- 波皮尔,夫人 - 波皮尔 | Hannibal Lecter?|汉尼拔.莱克托? | Good evening.|晚上好

Hannibal comes:汉尼拔来了

Hear the drums!|听那鼓声,汉尼拔来了 | Hannibal comes!|汉尼拔来了 | All day! All they want is the dancing!|她们就只想跳舞

Hannibal Lector:汉尼拔.莱克托

What's his name?|他叫什么名字? | Hannibal Lector.|汉尼拔.莱克托 | You know him?|你认识他?

Shoeless Joe, from Hannibal, MO:五、从密苏里州汉尼拔来,无穿鞋的亚祖

扮演The Act | 五、从密苏里州汉尼拔来,无穿鞋的亚祖Shoeless Joe, from Hannibal, MO | 洋基佬Damn Yankees

Hamilcar Barca:哈米尔卡.巴尔卡 汉尼拔之父

Chandragupta Maurya 旃陀罗笈多 孔雀王朝创立者 | Hamilcar Barca 哈米尔卡.巴尔卡 汉尼拔之父 | Gaius Marius 盖乌斯.马略 罗马将军