英语人>词典>汉英 : 求见 的英文翻译,例句
求见 的英文翻译、例句


inquire for · ask to see · request an interview · beg for an audience
更多网络例句与求见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The foundation frame is made of channel beam and angle iron welding, the basic dimension demand of the frame refer to figure 5/6,Channel beam's high isn't strict demand, may use 5 or


People were crushing; a dispute arose at the ticket office, and there was a growing clamor caused by the hum of voices calling on Nana, demanding Nana in one of those accesses of silly facetiousness and sheer animalism which pass over mobs.


On the eve of his apotheosis, Wild's lady desired to see him, to which he consented


Orange will head for Ashford Academy; the students will ignore his request to see Zero.


Ask for sth /sb.


You have the right to ask to see your attorney.


Flustered and embarrassed at her oversight, she belatedly asked to see my driver's license.


Cobia are primarily sought by sight casting small Chartreuse jigs to migrating fish, or to fish following turtles or manta rays.

因数主要要求见铸造小黄绿色的迁移夹具捕鱼,或鱼后海龟或 manta 照射。

Chenayya rode his cycle to the Congress Party office, parked it outside, went to the door-keeper, and asked to see the candidate.


There's woman at the door, enquiring for you .


更多网络解释与求见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and what not:等等;诸如此类

What if he comes here to ask for you tomorrow? 如果他明天来这儿要求见... | 8. and what not 等等;诸如此类 | You had better take with you your shirts, shoes, caps and what not. 你最好随身带上衬衫、鞋、帽子等...

demand to do: ask to do:要求做

He took this work very seriously. 他对这工作非常认真. | 6. demand to do: ask to do 要求做 | She demanded to see the editors. 她要求见编辑.

Please sit down:请坐

Hello. 你好. | Please, sit down. 请坐. | You asked to see me. 你要求见我.


)决斗事件后没过几天他只身一人来到这里,指名要求见布罗姆(Brome)主席,看守大门的四个奥利哈钢魔像被那小子三下两下就放倒了. 当时我们还以为有人来找碴,没想到和主席在会客室里聊了十几分钟,那老家伙就把担任他魔法导师的要求给答应下来. "

But one day, the master of the goblin blacksmiths:一天,地精族的铁匠求见国王

"watched the slaughter in dread and despair.|目睹了人类的屠... | "But one day, the master of the goblin blacksmiths|一天,地精族的铁匠求见国王 | "offered to build the king a golden mechanical army,|想要为...