英语人>词典>汉英 : 求援 的英文翻译,例句
求援 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
recourse  ·  reinforce  ·  reinforced

ask for help · request reinforcements
更多网络例句与求援相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The decision was given by a show of hands or by acclamation.


When Aeacus' kingdom had a horrific plague, he prayed to Zeus for help.


In the early morning, in a house-jacket, she looked after the management of her household. Then she drove on saints' days to Mass, and from Mass to the gaols and prisons; and of what she did there, she never spoke to any one. On ordinary days she dressed and received petitioners of various classes, of whom some sought her aid every day. Then she had dinner, an abundant and appetising meal, at which some three or four guests were always present. After dinner she played a game of boston; and at night had the newspapers and new books read aloud to her while she knitted.


It was held at the branch's centre in Brannam Crescent by courtesy of neighbours and help from the Argyll Veterinary Practice.


It was held at the branch's centre in Brannam Crescent by courtesy of neighbours and help from the Argyll Veterinary Practice.BNancy Waddell rescued Riva from a Taunton racetrack in 2003 when the greyhound was 2 years old through a Salisbury organization called Greyhound Adoption Service.GSitting under harsh fluorescent lights in a school or office can be hard when just a few feet away you can see green grass and a sunny day through a window.If you think Kong is the last name of a movie gorilla, you don't have a dog.


If this bailout should go to anything, it should go to the workers of this country.


When the Alabama crew made the call,"our closest vessel from all the navies that were out there -- we have 16 navies that are patrolling those waters -- and the closest one was the USS Bainbridge, and it was over 300 nautical miles" away he said.


Refused help by Corcyra, the democrats of Epidamnus turned next to Corinth, which did help. This angered the Corcyreans, who sent a fleet to recapture their erstwhile colony, defeating the Corinthian fleet along the way.


If any disinterested persons are present, he turns to them for some reinforcement of his own faltering mind.


California bass fishing Dry flies float on the water surface and are coated with a substance called,'floatant' to make this possible.If you are interested in fly fishing and can't decide which equipment you need to have a positive fishing experience, ask an experienced angler for help.


更多网络解释与求援相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.广场恐怖(agoraphobia)不仅指对公开场所发生的恐怖,而且感到在人群聚集的地方,担心不易很快离去,或无法求援的焦虑. 这种地方包括公共汽车站、火车站、书店和超级市场,以及理发室的坐椅上、剧院和电影院当中的一排的坐位上和任何不能迅速离开的地方.

To be on the edge of breaking down:处在崩溃边缘

To feel like you've been pushed around 仿佛被生活陷害. | To be on the edge of breaking down 处在崩溃边缘. | And no one's there to save you 却无处诉说,无处求援,,,

plea: call for help:求援,请求

NEW PIT STRIKE THREAT/煤矿面临新的罢工威胁 | 25) plea: call for help/求援,请求 | BIG RESPONSE TO PLEA FOR FLOOD VICTIMS / 水灾难民求援,各方热烈响应

cry for help:大声求援

09 Hold Me In Your Arms 拥我入怀 | 10 Cry For Help 大声求援 | 11 Move Right Out 马上搬离

If help did not come then,the soldiers must endure to the end:那时如果无人求援,士兵必须忍耐到底

43.A contented person is happ... | 45.Dick was sent to the hospital because of a minor injury in ... | 46.If help did not come then,the soldiers must endure to the end. 那时如果无人求援,士兵必须忍耐到底.

fwhichle hand on:求援于;转而依靠

fwhichle over 落空;失败 | fwhichle hand on 求援于;转而依靠 | the fwhichleen 阵亡者

fwhichle hand on:求援于人

Fool by oneself/idle apart 消磨时光 | fwhichle hand on 求援于人 | in the waterdrop 在酝酿中

Di ricovrarti in braccio:我將虔誠地向禰求援

All'anima chiamila 請助以一臂之力, | Di ricovrarti in braccio, 我將虔誠地向禰求援, | Deh! rompi, Signor, il laccio0 噢!主啊!


rescued 求援 | amputated 截肢 | intoxication 酒意


search 海上搜索;侦察;纵深射击 | search and rescue 搜索与求援 | search attack unit 搜索攻击组(小队)