英语人>词典>汉英 : 水湿地 的英文翻译,例句
水湿地 的英文翻译、例句


meadow bog
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In the study area, the thinning-out line of albic horizon is coincident with the 55.74m contour line, and the maximum horizon error was less than 1m and the maximum vertical error less than 0.04m.


Leaves of Panicum repens naturally growing in sand beach produce 36% proline in leaf d.

自然生长的海滩铺地黍叶片中的脯氨酸含量比水湿地植株高 36%。

In Panicum repens grown naturally in sandy beach, the content of 30.6, 73.5 and 96.5 kD polypeptides was high, and under 50~400 mmol/L NaCl stress, their syntheses remained in high level.

海滩植株中30.6、73.5和96.5 kD蛋白质的合成增强,而在水湿地植株中, 39.1、68.5 和130 kD蛋白含量较高。

In Panicum repens grown naturally in water marsh, the content of 39.1,68.5 and 130 kD polypeptides was high, and under NaCl stress, the three proteins decreased somewhat, but the 30.6 kD polypeptide was enhanced along with salinity increase. The 30.6 kD protein may be related to salt acclimation of Panicum repens.

移栽后的植株在50 ~400 mmol/L NaCl胁迫下,原生长于海滩的铺地黍中30.6、73.5和96.5 kD蛋白质的含量随盐度的增加而增加;原生长于水湿地的铺地黍中39.1、68.5 和130 kD蛋白质的合成降低,但30.6 kD的蛋白质被诱导合成。30.6 kD的蛋白质可能与铺地黍的盐适应过程有关。

General to say, the wastewater treatment efficiency of Phragmites communis Trin wetland is best and Typha angustifolia wetland is secondly among 3 plant species, whereas, Cyperus alternifolius is better to remove overmuch phosphorus than other 2 aquatic plant species.


Based on the studies on the siltation and lake shrinking,changes of water environment and habitats of Grus nigricollis, utilizations of wetland resources, relations between ecological environment changes and current functional zone dividing model are discussed. The protection management of ecological environment under current functional zone dividing model is not effective in solving the conflicts between resources utilization and protection of the wetland. It is necessary to study ecologic structure and function of Caohai plateau wetland.


To take the Xi an Jing-Wei River wetland as an example,this paper simulated the impact of Weihe River to the hydrology of the wetland of Jing-Wei River by the MODFLOW,the water balance for every month in the ordinary hydrol.

本文以西安泾渭河边湿地为例,用 MODFLOW 模拟研究了渭河对泾渭河边湿地水文的影响,对泾渭湿地在平水年中各月的水平衡要素以及不同水文年的水平衡要素进行了分析。

Testing for"K"、diffusivity"D"of wetland soil transmissivity and simulation of hydrologic processes of typical wetlands are made based on the indoor dynamic modeling experiment and the mathematic model simulations. The hydrologic response of river distinguish form that of the wetlands. And this is because that wetland has special hydrologic functions. The hydroperiod of wetlands is coincident with the precipitation period of watershed.


the ground of the article synopsis introduced wetly, artificial marsh of general situation.discuss the artificial marsh constucts with modern water environment in city and emphasized to introduce hun south artificial in sun city marsh the eco-system is in water environment in city and ecosystem environment the construction of function and position, explain artificial marsh in alleviate the water resources in city the strain and the decontamination environment in the city of don't can act for of function, thus argument artificial marsh the eco-system is the conclusion that a kind of ecosystem means necessarily will develop a huge function in the modern city to the conversion progress of the ecosystem city.


In this study, combined with the actual situation of Pingyin Wetland of Shandong province, we used MIKE21 model to simulate flow filed and water quality for marsh. Contaminants transfer characteristics over time and space variation were obtained and the function of wetlands in improving the local water environment was analyzed.

结合平阴湿地实际情况,采用MIKE 21模型对湿地示范区进行了二维水动、水质模拟,给出了水体中污染物随时间和空间迁移变化规律,分析了湿地在改善当地水环境方面的作用。

更多网络解释与水湿地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


区内其他濒危物种包括美洲豹、鬃狼、大水獭(Giant Otter)、巨犰狳(Giant Armadillo)、水豚(Capybara)及巴西貘(Brazilian Tapir). 潘塔纳尔湿地的生态系统正面临人类活动所造成的危机 包括不受监管的钓鱼消遣、狩猎、偷运濒危物种(美洲鳄、美洲豹、山猫、鹦鹉)、不受监管的旅游活动、森林砍伐(Deforestation)、火耕.


dank /透水的/潮湿的/ | dankly /潮湿地/阴湿地/ | dankness /透水/潮湿/湿阴/


plash /积水坑/(水)溅泼/ | plashy /泥泞的/潮湿的/湿地的/ | plasm /血浆/乳浆/原形质/深绿玉髓/

Polygonum hydropiper:水蓼

结果表明:(1)受损湿地内近20m宽的陆向辐射带均为水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)、红蓼(Polygonum orientale)、水莎草(Juncellus serotinus)以及人工种植的苏丹草、苦荚菜和黑麦草等鱼食青饲料所取代.

Wetland Ecosystems:(湿地生态系统)

Water and Industry (水与工业) | Wetland Ecosystems (湿地生态系统) | Water Wise or Wasteful? (合理用水还是污染浪费?)

constructed wetlands:人工湿地

人工湿地(Constructed Wetlands)是20世纪70年代发展起来的一种废水处理新技术,与传统的污水二级生化处理工艺相比.具有净化效果好、去除N与P能力强、工艺设备简单、运转维护管理方便、能耗低、对负荷变化适应性强、T程建设和运行费用低、出水具有一定的生物安全性、生态环境效益显著、可实现废水资源化等特点.

Elaeocarpus hainanensis:水石榕

水石榕(Elaeocarpus hainanensis)英文名:Hainan Elaeocarpus,别名:海南胆八树、水柳树,原产我国,分布于海南岛、广西、云南等省,喜生于河边及低湿地,越南也有分布.

Oenanthe javanica:水芹

在温室内,分别以炉渣、沸石和土壤为湿地基质,水芹(Oenanthe javanica)、黑麦草(Lolium mutliflorum)和香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)为植被构建了模拟人工湿地和无基质的浮床植物系统处理生活污水,比较研究了不同污水净化系统去除氮、磷的效果.结果表明,

Porphyrio porphyrio:紫水鸡

核心提示: 11月22日下午,上海崇明东滩鸟类自然保护区管护站的监测人员进行日常监测时,在捕鱼港管护站附近的人工湿地中,记录到"世界上最美的水鸟"--紫水鸡(Porphyrio porphyrio)的身影11月22日下午,上海崇明东滩鸟类自然保护区管护站的监测人员进行日常监测时,

raising duck in paddy field:湿地

玉米-稻谷型:corn-paddy | 湿地:raising duck in paddy field | 淹水水稻:paddy rice