英语人>词典>汉英 : 水准器 的英文翻译,例句
水准器 的英文翻译、例句


bubble cell
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Remain its accuracy by rotating 360 degree around its axle center for Square and cylindroid vials.


This platform consists of electronic water leveler,control system and servo motors.


This method is also suitable for the theodolite with a contract index level.


更多网络解释与水准器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bull's eye level:牛眼水准器

bulk volume 总体积 | bull's eye level 牛眼水准器 | bull's eye light 牛眼灯

bull's eye level:圆水准器

隔框 bulkhead | 圆水准器 bull's eye level | 圆水准器 bull-eye level

coincidence level:符合水准器

符合间隔 coincidence interval | 符合水准器 coincidence level | 符合法 coincidence method

incline level:斜度测量水准器,倾斜针

inclination of image 像倾斜 | incline level 斜度测量水准器,倾斜针 | inclined mirror 斜交镜,倾斜反射镜

sighting level:照准部水准器

sighting device 粗瞄准器 | sighting level 照准部水准器 | sighting point 照准点

circular spirit level:圆形酒精水准器

circular scan 环形扫描 | circular spirit level 圆形酒精水准器 | circular sweep 环形扫描

coincidence vail:合像水准器

coincidence spectrum 重合光谱术 | coincidence vail 合像水准器 | coincidence-reading device 重合读数装置

wye level:丫型水准器

wye delta 星形-三角形接法 | wye level 丫型水准器 | wye 叉形管

air level:气泡式水准器

air leakage 漏气 | air level 气泡式水准器 | air level 气泡水准仪

plumb level:铅垂水准器

plumb datum ==> 铅垂基准 | plumb level ==> 铅垂水准器 | plumb point ==> 垂准点