英语人>词典>汉英 : 水上部分的 的英文翻译,例句
水上部分的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与水上部分的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The average fresh weight was 35.22 g per plant, with the above-water part counted 77% and the under-water part 23%. The waterborne part played a key role in the biomass structure. The directly absorbing contents of N and P were 13.05-33.14 kg/(hm2·a) and ?5.62-6.67 kg/(hm2·a), respectively.

研究成果如下:水芹植株的平均鲜量35.22 g,其中水上部分占77%,水下部分占23%,生物量分布主要集中在水上部分;其对N,P的直接吸收分别可以达到13.05~33.14 kg/(hm2·a)和5.62~6.67 kg/(hm2·a)。

Will be filming several scenes for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this Wednesday in Virginia Water Royal Park, Surrey.


This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured against such proportion of liability under the contract of affreightment "Both to Blame Collision" Clause as is in respect of a loss recoverable hereunder.


This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured against such proportion of liability under the contract of affreightment "Both to Blame Collision" Clause as is in respect of a loss recoverable hereunder In the event of any claim by shipowners under the said Clause the Assured agree to notify the Underwriters who shall have the right, at their own cost and expense, to defend the Assured against such claim


The age groups between ten and fourteen had more drownings than did the others. Those falling into water had more drownings than did those playing in water, swimming, and go-fishing, and those playing in water had more drownings than did those swimming, and go-fishing. The males among the age groups under nine had less drownings than did the females. The males among the age groups between fifteen and nineteen had more drownings than did the females.


A group of scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, studied insects like water striders and then built a small robot using ultra-lightweight carbon fiber that is also able to walk on water. But they still have some improvements to make — they said the water strider is able to move about 20 times as fast.


更多网络解释与水上部分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

above water:水上的

above-water 水上部分的 | above-water 水上的 | abradability 磨损性

above water:水上部分的

above-water fish lamp 水上集鱼灯 | above-water 水上部分的 | above-water 水上的

above-water body:水上部分船体

above-mentioned 上述的 | above-water body 水上部分船体 | above-water craft 水面船舶

above-water fish lamp:水上集鱼灯

above-water damage 水线以上部分破损 | above-water fish lamp 水上集鱼灯 | above-water 水上部分的


"拖曳"(towage) 及"领港"(pilotage) 与航空器有关时,指航空器在水上时的拖曳及领港;"气垫船"(hovercraft) 指一种运载工具,其设计为使其在行驶时完全或部分由其本身排放的空气所形成的垫层支承,而该垫层的外接面包括该运载工具之下的地面、水面或其他表面;


ae)、水青树科、连香树科、三白草科(Saururaceae)、金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)、金缕梅科和木通科(Lardizabalaceae)等科的植物,在研究被子植物的起源和系统发育方面鱼腥草(herba houttuyniae)为三白草科多年生草本植物蕺菜的干燥水上部分.

Oenanthe javanica:水芹菜

文章摘要:通过水面浮床栽培试验,研究了水培水芹菜(Oenanthe javanica)植株的生长特征、生物量的解析结构,以及水芹菜在富营养化水体中对氮、磷的吸收,水芹植株的平均鲜量为85.22g,其中水上部分占82%,水下部分占18%,生物量分布主要集中在水上部分.


"拖曳"(towage) 及"领港"(pilotage) 与航空器有关时,指航空器在水上时的拖曳及领港;"气垫船"(hovercraft) 指一种运载工具,其设计为使其在行驶时完全或部分由其本身排放的空气所形成的垫层支承,而该垫层的外接面包括该运载工具之下的地面、水面或其他表面;

hanging valley:悬谷

峡湾两侧的岸壁异常陡峭,并有以下特征:有前端被削掉的山嘴,悬谷(Hanging Valley)和落差很大的瀑布. 峡湾的水上部分和水下部分在一起通常构成断面为U形的谷地,峡湾底部的特点表现为深盆地. 峡湾通常是由滨海冰川形成的冰川谷没入海中而成.