英语人>词典>汉英 : 氨基酸尿 的英文翻译,例句
氨基酸尿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aminoaciduria  ·  acidaminuria

更多网络例句与氨基酸尿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Main ingredients: whitening complex factor,vitamin C,amino acid,allantoin and roe essence.


Fresh asparagus with a variety of amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, has high nutritional value, in particular the asparagine contained in it not only has the diuretic function, but also relieves fatigue and is of benefit for our body.Therefore, asparagus is one of the hot food welcomed by the people at home and abroad.


Physiological acid ammonia acid urine symptoms can be subdivided into more than 20 kinds of types.


Ingredients: hamamelis, placenta extract, collagen, amino acid moisturizing factor, glycerol, allantoin.


Ingredient: Helichrysum and cleansing gene etc.


The comparisons of biochemistry between OP and OR rats The differences between OP and OR rats included not only body weight, but lipids metabolism and insulin sensitivity as well, characterized with insulin resistance, increasing in serum free fatty acids and ketone body, and hepatic TC and TG in OP rats. However, no significant differences were observed in serum TG, TC, LDL, HDL and fasting glucose between OP and OR rats.⑶Comparisons of metabolites in serum, urine and liver tissue between OP and OR rats①There were significant differences in amino acids concentration between OP and OR rats,especially in liver tissue, such as high concentrations in ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids in OP rats, suggesting differences in amino acids metabolism;② The different metabolites between OP and OR rats included increasing of various saturated fatty acids and decreasing of polyunsaturated fatty acids in OP rats;③The urinary metabolites analysis indicated that different structure or metabolism of gut microflora might exist between the two phenotypes, which probably influenced the regulation of body weight gain;④The end-products of catecholamines in urine and intermediates of krebs cycle in serum in OP rats were all up-regulated, suggesting that the activity of sympatheic nervous system and energy metabolism was higher in OP rats than OR rats.


An amino acid screen of blood and urine shows elevated methionine and homocysteine levels.


Acylamino acid-5-fluorouracil were prepared from acylamino acid chlorides and 5- fluorouracil in the presence of 〓.


This method is more simple and inexpensive than screening cDNA library, and can be easily adapted to clone other genes. An Amorpha fruticosa cDNA clone encoding UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, a key enzyme producing UDP-glucose in the synthesis of sucrose and cellulose, was cloned by using this method.


The rest of proteins, peptides and amino acids are reabsorbed by podocytes and labyrinth cells, then become formed bodies and secreted into urinary space again and flow with the urine. These nutritions are digested in formed bodies and then reabsorbed and utilized by cells of nephridial canal.


更多网络解释与氨基酸尿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


若有关尿黑酸氧化的酶系先天性缺失,则尿黑酸堆积,使排出的尿迅速变黑,出现尿黑酸症(alkaptonuria),此遗传疾病较罕见,发病率约仅为0.4/10万. (二)色氮酸的代谢 色氨酸的降解途径是所有氨基酸中最复杂的. 此外,

glucogenic amino acid:生糖氨基酸

若饲某种氨基酸后尿中排出葡萄糖增多,称此氨基酸为称生糖氨基酸(glucogenic amino acid);若尿中酮体含量增多,则称为生酮氨基酸(ketogenicamino acid).


胱氨酸尿(cystinuria)为先天性代谢病,因患者肾小管对胱氨酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸和鸟氨酸的重吸收障碍导致尿中的这些氨基酸排出量增加. 由于胱氨酸难于溶解,易达到饮和,故易析出而形成结晶,反复发生结石、尿路梗阻合并尿路感染;

renal glucosuria:肾性糖尿

肾性糖尿(renal glucosuria)是近端肾小管对葡萄糖再吸收功能减低而引起的疾病,又称家族性肾性糖尿或良性糖尿,本病临床上少见. 肾性氨基酸尿是指氨基酸在体内代谢正常,但肾小管对氨基酸转运障碍为主的一类肾小管疾病,因尿中氨基酸丢失而导致氨基酸平衡失调.


amimia 表情不能 | aminoacidemia 氨基酸血 | aminoaciduria 氨基酸尿


氨基酸代谢病即氨基酸病(aminoacidopathy),或称为氨基酸尿症(aminoaciduria). 可分为两大类:一类是酶缺陷,使氨基酸分解代谢阻滞,另一类是氨基酸吸收转运系统缺陷. 在Rosenberg和Scriver列举的48种遗传性氨基酸病中,至少有一半有明显的神经系统异常,


academic games 教学游戏 | aminoaciduria [医]氨基酸尿(症) | wick effect 灯芯效应


aminoacidopathy 氨基酸缺陷病 | aminoaciduria 氨基酸尿 | aminogram 氨基酸谱

Aminoaciduria, Renal:氨基酸尿, 肾性

氨基酸萘基酰胺酶类 Amino Acid Naphthylamidases | 氨基酸尿, 肾性 Aminoaciduria, Renal | 氨基酸取代 Amino Acid Substitution

ketogenic amino acid:生酮氨基酸

若饲某种氨基酸后尿中排出葡萄糖增多,称此氨基酸为称生糖氨基酸(glucogenic amino acid);若尿中酮体含量增多,则称为生酮氨基酸(ketogenic amino acid).