英语人>词典>汉英 : 气质高贵的 的英文翻译,例句
气质高贵的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sublimate  ·  sublimated  ·  sublimates  ·  sublimating

更多网络例句与气质高贵的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Smooth powder and apply moisturizing oil is rich in color, add up time allows you to maintain a brilliant lip color, not easy to fade in contact with water of food, rich fine pearl powder to make a variety of effects added with more noble qualities.


With classic and noble ingredients providing the perfect equilibrium between tradition and modernity, Colonia Intensa conveys the determination of a man who pursues his profession with enthusiasm and success.

Colonia Intensa,是Acqua di Parma的第一款男士古龙水,有着古典和高贵的气质,传统与现代之间达到了完美的平衡,Colonia Intensa表达了一个男人追求他的事业的热情和成功的决心。

Though bred as nobility, he has always been a hothead, preferring to lead an attack rather than wait to be attacked.


Copper and patina color are the favorite for designers and owners, which manifest some kind of classic and nobility.


What to stand on your in front is a charming, the brilliance shines on the person's woman-she graceful if green beautifully green bamboo, smile dimple such as quiet quiet water lily;Activity,such as weak, aweather, openings the arethusa vomit a pistil ……station in her in front of is a Wei shore the handsome-majesty deeply wear elegance, natural and unrestrained in the Yang overflow noble qualities, more secluded in the manner of speaking, tactful, deep and sharp, all present widely read have another just.


The performances are universally outstanding, with Bana in particular bringing a sense of tough nobility that seems to be his forte.


Artist spirit lives through parts that are crated through traditional techniques SUKENI World Piano serides is for that distinguished person.


It is called "close to the Fairy land", however, also costed large.


The contrary, that we see only the golden dogs, it seems particularly serene calm, put on a golden-yellow hair, it seems that a noble aristocratic temperament, eye-catching, it faces a very friendly, we like it名叫丽莎access to it.


My inspiration comes from the gentleman in the old United Kingdom.


更多网络解释与气质高贵的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Corinthian order:科林斯柱式

爱奥尼柱以其优雅高贵的气质,广泛出现在古 希腊的大量建筑中,如雅典卫城的胜利女神神庙(Temple of Athena Nike)和伊瑞克提翁神庙(Erechtheum)希腊 科林斯柱式 (Corinthian Order)的比列比爱奥尼柱更为纤细,柠头是用毛莨叶(Acanthus)作装饰,


3 月 1 日 水仙 (Daffodil) 花语 : 傲慢 花占卜 : 您天生具有高贵的气质,自觉不应埋没自己的天份,对人生很认真,相信必有出人头地的一天. 您虽然自命高贵,但很有进取心,以高傲的姿态面对人生,行为有时有点怪异,但肯定是个有为的青年.


把字母"r"想像成鲜花,朋友(friend)来了有鲜花( "r" ),魔鬼(fiend)来了有猎枪. 晚饭后,全家人围坐(sit)在一起,看滑稽幽默的讽刺短剧(skit). 气质高贵的天鹅(swan)的确有许多可以炫耀(swank)的资本,但它常常忘了自己也是从丑小鸭变来的.

Sailor Neptune:水手海王星

ru)/水手海王星(sailor neptune ) 生日:3月6日 星座:双鱼座 血型:O型 喜欢的颜色:海蓝色 爱好:收集化妆品 喜欢的食物:生鱼片 讨厌的食物:木耳 喜欢的科目:音乐 害怕的科目:没有 害怕的事物:海参 擅长:小提琴 梦想:小提琴家 阿满有着贵族小姐高贵典雅的气质,


白菊花(White Chrysanthemum)花 语:高 尚(Nobility) 这是被选来献给四世纪中叶的罗马教皇-圣马克的花. 在历代教皇中,这位教皇被公认是最具有高贵气质的人. 也因为这位教皇的关系,所以,白菊花的花语就是-高尚. 凡是受到这种花祝福而生的人,


德语中的"贵族"(adel)与"高尚"(edel)、英语中的"绅士"(gentleman)与"贵族"(nobleman)之间的联系是天然的或自然的. 正是血统上的高贵才提供了把精神加封为贵族的条件,而不是如人们通常所认为的"精神贵族"那样单纯指精神上的"贵族气质"、或在精神与肉体的分离中


著名的 雅典卫城 (Athen Acropolis)的 帕提农神庙 (Parthenon)即采用的是多立克柱式. 希腊 爱奥尼柱式 (Ionic Order)的特点是比较纤细秀美,柱身朠24条凹槽,柱头有一对向下的涡卷装饰 . 爱奥尼柱又被称为女性柱. 爱奥尼柱以其优雅高贵的气质,

pearl white:珠白

而进行了拉丝处理和耐酸加工等不同工艺的处理,也是给产品带来了时尚与高贵的气质. 这款机型共有四种颜色供消费者选择,除了所拍摄的黑色外,还有珍珠白(Pearl White)、古典铜(Classic Bronze)、白银色(Platinum Sliver)这三种


课堂上,老师这个生动贴切的比喻(simile)引得大家会心一笑. 把字母"r"想像成鲜花,朋友(friend)来了有鲜花( "r" ),魔鬼(fiend)来了有猎枪. 气质高贵的天鹅(swan)的确有许多可以炫耀(swank)的资本,但它常常忘了自己也是从丑小鸭变来的.

Jean Cocteau:导演:让.考克多

Trinity三环戒是法国著名诗人、剧作家、导演让.考克多(Jean Cocteau)一生的挚爱. 随后,Trinity风靡全球的设计被延伸到卡地亚更多的珠宝及腕表设计中. 每一件珍品,既蕴藏着同样超越时光的独特风格,又展现着生生不息的活力. 其优雅高贵的气质,