英语人>词典>汉英 : 气势磅礴 的英文翻译,例句
气势磅礴 的英文翻译、例句


of great momentum · grand and magnificent · great and momentous · with a tremendous momentum
更多网络例句与气势磅礴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grand Canyon tourist area is currently dominated by Taniguchi scenic waterfall, water, scenic spots and thin strip of sky scenic Walled volume three-part composition, in its core area of difficult terrain, fresh air, waterfalls Nagareizumi spread, pictographic vividly the landscape, rich in plant and animal species; have cycads stumble , Alsophila spinulosa, macaques, and other countries Craspedacusta rare animals and plants, Tamron large waterfall 200 meters, magnificent, amazing!


And now, had I the pen of a mighty poet, would I sing in epic verse the noble wrath of the archdeacon.


Along its eastern margin rises the mighty Sierra, miles in height, reposing like a smooth, cumulous cloud in the sunny sky, and so gloriously colored, and so luminous, it seems to be not clothed with light, but wholly composed of it, like the wall of some celestial city.


Mount the whole gorge carved than 20, the most striking is the Ming Wanliyi you year (AD 1585) to make Hyobu You Shilang Commandery, Shandong Yicheng Yang Jin Shi Jia three-inscribed,"climbed days off", the words high 2.7 meters wide and 1.8 m , magnificent, free and easy Juanxiu be called art treasures.


The International Music Eisteddfod is held in the small town of Llangollen in north Wales in July, but there is nothing small about the event.


The topic of my speech today is: feel mapleleaf, involve with mapleleafWe have already came to mapleleaf for two months, during those periods, we had experienced military training, mapleleaf activities week and chorus competition, we experienced so much for ESL class process and excellent club activities. I also feel such honor to come to MapleleafSchool to study and experience wonderful life such as our teachers who always help us, encourage us and motive to us.we should thank our parents to create this good environment for us, thank school for providing those facilities, thank teachers for helping us and tutoring us with our study, also guide us in a proper way. Here, we want to thank all the people who help us with understanding, encouraging and supporting. On the 19th of October, when we see all of the students wear tidy and neat uniforms to present the flag ceremony, we feel so proud to be here. When we listen to our school songs, we feel so excited to be a mapleafer.


But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular as those know-nothing kids had expected.


The magnificent Wu Mengshan hill, Liangzishan hill and horizontal wind, racing current off the Nanpanjiang river (the upper reaches of the Pearl River), Kraal Jiangnan North streaming into the ancient Yunnan is the land of fortresses, Shicheng,"the Yunnan Suoyue."


The Chinese Marxist epistemology as manifested in the cognitive concepts in Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" Theory is developed in the process of Marxist- Leninist Thoughts combining with China's reality.


Moreover, the modernization of the penal law is not only the modernization of the substantive penal law but also the revolution of the procedural penal law.


更多网络解释与气势磅礴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

l'Arc de Triomphe:凯旋门

名胜:巴黎凯旋门 (L arc de Triomphe)坐落在巴黎市中心星形广场(现称戴高乐将军广场)的中央,是法国为纪念拿破仑1806年2月在奥斯特尔里茨战役中打败俄、奥联军而建的,12条大街以凯旋门为中心,向四周辐射,气势磅礴,形似星光四射.


然而,这位作曲家的名字"巴赫"(Bach)在德语中却是"小溪"或"涓涓细流"的意思. 为此,贝多芬说:"他的名字不应叫小溪(Bach),而应叫大海(Meer). "是的,正如贝多芬所说的,巴赫的音乐就像是气势磅礴的大海,将德国古典旋律、和声和节奏汇成了音乐的海洋.


他将一种后人称之为"巴洛克式"(Baroque)的生动而又戏剧化的表现形式登峰造极. 他那火焰般华丽的巴洛克风格,其特征就在以积极的动感与炽烈的气氛,来衬托色彩来描绘他的画作. 他描写气势磅礴的>故事,



blooming and buzzing:模糊闹哄哄

powerful and mysterious气势磅礴又十分玄妙 | blooming and buzzing 模糊闹哄哄 | proper and aptly恰如其分

O Fortuna:命运女神

外行看热闹,>也就开头那段命运般气势磅礴的"噢,命运女神"(O FORTUNA)桥段为人所熟知,已经不知道被多少人用到了烂掉. 公认的名版是DG公司出品的,由约胡姆指挥柏林德意志歌剧院乐队的1968年版,企鹅三星带花.

Palace Memories:故宫之神思

故宫之神思(Palace Memories) 试听 气势磅礴之古典轻音~~无语以赞!和兰花在一起(With an orchid)试听 这支曲子太优美了,无声音乐之精髓~~~ 连凤凰卫视天气预报背景音乐都用它!森林之春 (FOREST SPRING ) 班德瑞童年(Childhood Memory)班德瑞>确实曲如其名,


无奈,总感觉后者晦涩无味,难以启口,不如"汉城"来的气势磅礴,底蕴深厚. 或许是韩国人认为"汉城"二字太过中国化,希望摆脱受大汉民族文化影响之嫌,然而据查,"首尔"(Seoul)其实也源于中国,是汉代时期中国对她的称呼.


他脍炙人口的有作品>(The Ten Commandments)、>(Cleopatra)等. 他的电影你场面浩大,气势磅礴而着称. 所以只要一提到他的名字,熟悉Hollywood的人一定联想到兴师动众的巨大规模.


游人可在民居了解平遥当地风情,欣赏地方文化艺术,品尝风味小吃和购买各种旅游商品,体验(experiencing)平遥明清时期繁荣昌盛的场景. .1.3 特色性原则 发挥锢窑及气势磅礴的四合院规模民居建筑群的"唯我独有"的民居资源优势,