英语人>词典>汉英 : 民族统一主义的 的英文翻译,例句
民族统一主义的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But this is for the German Catholic Center Party in the parliamentary party voted to support Hitler's Enabling Act.


The doctrine that irredenta should be controlled by the country to which they are ''.


The doctrine that irredenta should be controlled by the country to which they are ethnically or historically related.


Western support for the orange revolution in 2004-05 was not just about backing democracy; it was also about checking Russian irredentism.


The Radicals' irredentism had turned into irrelevance, so Tomislav Nikolic, the acting party leader, chose to follow the example of Croatia's nationalists and fashion a modern centre-right party, shorn of warlike rhetoric and no longer anti-EU.


After the August war, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the three Caucasus countries of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, all crave reassurance against an irredentist Russia.


In his literary and dramatic works, Lessing expressed the thoughts to Enlighten and foster the national sprit and even to set up an integral national civilization; what"s more, he opposed the feudal separationist rule with his ideal of Kosmopolitismus. At that time, after succeeding and developing European humanist tradition, Lessing formed his religious philosophy and religious tolerance, with his rational opinion, he deepened the profundity of German Enlightenment. Furthermore, he created townspeople"s drama and advocated the realistic aesthetics. On the one hand, he praised their disposition and expressed their political desire and class interest, which made the townspeople as a new motive force to the German Enlightenment. In addition, Lessing"s Enlighten. thoughts greatly influenced the following movement—Sturm Und Drang. The essence of Lessing"s thoughts is our common valuable prosperity.In a word. Germany then greatly needed a person like Lessing, and Lessing was the child of German Enlightenment.


In his literary and dramatic works, Lessing expressed the thoughts to Enlighten and foster the national sprit and even to set up an integral national civilization; what"s more, he opposed the feudal separationist rule with his ideal of Kosmopolitismus. At that time, after succeeding and developing European humanist tradition, Lessing formed his religious philosophy and religious tolerance, with his rational opinion, he deepened the profundity of German Enlightenment. Furthermore, he created townspeople"s drama and advocated the realistic aesthetics. On the one hand, he praised their disposition and expressed their political desire and class interest, which made the townspeople as a new motive force to the German Enlightenment. In addition, Lessing"s Enlighten. thoughts greatly influenced the following movement—Sturm Und Drang. The essence of Lessing"s thoughts is our common valuable prosperity.In a word. Germany then greatly needed a person like Lessing, and Lessing was the child of German Enlightenment.


The existence of outer power stayed in Arab world destroys union of geography, society, economy, culture and spirits of Arab world, separates the connection of different regions, obstacles development of Arab unity movement which is thought to be outer factors. However, deeper reasons should be found in inner world. Inner reasons include that political structure of Arab world and deeply dispute weakens the base of Pan-Arabism movement. In local region, the thoughts of Religious Minorities and Sectarianism deny and destroy Arab nationalism movement and its premise-the sincerity of country. Some non-Arab nations pursuit the unity of theirs own not the whole Arab nations. Regional Nationalism and Islamism obstacle the development of Pan-Arab unity movement Weak sovereignty of Arab countries and diverse political rules weaken the political base of movement of Pan-Arab unity. Unbalance of economy, culture and base of society between different regions also lag the unified movement.


The historical meanings of earlier Arab national movement are that: First, the rising of nationalism in Arab world pioneers a new routine different from traditional one; Second, the new conception of constructing country causes Arab people to be separated from formulation of religion / empire, and be immersed in construction onrush in neoteric world; Third, the grown-up of nationalism awakens and changes Arabs traditional idea, and adapts them to the new one of national development; Fourth, the thoughts of nationalism rebuilds Arab nation in the background of new era; Fifth, the babyish Pan-Arabism especially in King Era establishes development contrail of Arab world.


更多网络解释与民族统一主义的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


irrecusable 不能反对的 | irredeemable 不可兑现的 | Irredentism 民族统一主义


其中比较具体的有从地缘政治角度(geopolitics)分析周边国家对一国内或一地区内分离主义的态度,以及可能产生的连锁反应,比如有关巴尔干化(Balkanization) 和民族统一主义(Irredentism)问题的讨论.


Irredentism 民族统一主义 | Irredentist 民族统一党员 | irreducible 不能复归的

Irredentist:主张收复国土者 (名)

irredentism 民族统一主义 (名) | irredentist 主张收复国土者 (名) | irreducible 不能复归的; 不可约分的; 不能削减的 (形)

Treaty of Westphalia:威斯特伐利亚条约

自从中世纪末期民族主义的崛起,且被威斯特伐利亚条约(Treaty of Westphalia)所宣扬,民族主义在19世纪期间迅速蔓延. 国家主义的领袖们跨越大半个北半球,跨越边界共同合作鼓吹民族的统一和独立精神. 并且,19世纪也见证了国家自决的增长,


Pan-German /泛德的/泛德主义者/ | Pan-Islamic /泛回教界的/全回教徒的/ | Pan-Slavism /泛斯拉夫主义/斯拉夫民族统一运动/