英语人>词典>汉英 : 民兵指挥官 的英文翻译,例句
民兵指挥官 的英文翻译、例句


adjutant general
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Prior to the war Lettow-Vorbeck had seen service during the Boxer Rebellion, and in German Southwest Africa during the Hottentot and Herero Rebellion of 1904-08, during which he was wounded and sent to South Africa to recuperate.


ICC prosecutors say that Chui and his commander Katanga—known as Simba—led a militia called the Front for Patriotic Resistance of Ituri; Chui was also a commander in another militia, the National Integrationist Front.


He has asked for summonses for Ahmed Haroun, who wasinterior minister at the height of the conflict, and for a militia commander known as Ali Kushayb.

他已把 Ahmed Haroun当时冲突最为激烈时的内政部长,还有一位被称为Ali Kushayb的民兵部队指挥官都传唤到法庭。

It has been described as "a hammer and anvil" campaign, the hammer being the Anglo-Portuguese Army, commanded by Sir Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, with 40,000 to 80,000 men, pounding the French army against the anvil - the Spanish armies and guerrillas and the Portuguese militia.


There is still that chance that he may be in touch with some of his commanders in the sort of Special Republican Guard or the Fedayeen, and, if so, there is always that chance that they could make trouble again.


"We were ordered to eliminate him and we did," said Mohammed Ali, 24, a commander of the militia in the Sholeh neighborhood who took part in the operation and described how it took place.

&我们被命令处决他,我们也照做了&,24岁的Mohammed Ali说。他是这个民兵组织在Sholeh区域的指挥官,参与了这次行动并且描述了事情的经过。

更多网络解释与民兵指挥官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adjutant bird:产于印度的大鹳鸟,秃鹳

adjutancy | 副官职 | adjutant bird | 产于印度的大鹳鸟,秃鹳 | adjutant general | 师级以上之副官, (美国各洲的)民兵指挥官

Tora Bora:托拉博拉山区

加姆沙利克在2001年阿富汗战争期间,率领一个阿富汗民兵组织,在托拉博拉山区(Tora Bora)担任指挥官,当时"基地"组织头目本.拉登就是在这个地区逃脱的. 中新网2月23日电 据联合国网站报道,联合国秘书长发言人内西尔基2月22日在纽约总部举行的记者会上表示,