英语人>词典>汉英 : 氏族 的英文翻译,例句
氏族 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
clan  ·  gens  ·  gentes  ·  phratry  ·  sept  ·  clans

更多网络例句与氏族相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

McLennan could not have used tribe here as equivalent to gens, nor as a congeries of family groups.


They show in each case a tribe composed of gentes, or divisions based upon kin.


In the measure in which the tribe increased, each gens divided again into two or more gentes, each of which now appears as a separate gens, while the original gens, which includes all the daughter gentes, continues as the phratry.


Concrete cotent:In foreword,The author introuduces the conceptional fixing about " Mongolian clans original legend "; domestic and overseas study situation ; the meaning of the study ; research purpose .In chapter 1, Mongolian clans original legend's content summary , motif variation.In chapter 2, The author investigates some problems about the wolf、 the deer 、 the catele 、 the swan 、 the owl and the tree ,which is involved Mongolian clans original legend , whether have relation to clan totemism or not.In chapter 3, The author investigates the key element of invariant content about the ancestor stems from " human " and " heaven " in Mongolian clans original legend .


N\nAmongst the Rajputs who remain Hindu, belief is held that each Kshatriya clan descends from one of three lineages: the Agnivanshi borne from the Hindu God of Fire Agni, the Suryavanshi borne from Surya the Hindu God of the Sun, and the Chandravanshi borne from Chandra, the Moon God.


It embodied mainly in the following three: The clan members were loyal to the clan collectiveness absolutely and trusted it highly , there was equality and trust between the clan leader and the clan members , the clan members united and trusted each other.


In addition to the Warlord clans, which supply Clanrat Warriors, Stormvermin, Clanrat Slaves, and Rat Swarms, there are four major clans that contribute troops to the Skaven horde: Clans Pestilens, Eshin, Moulder, and Skryre.


Warsong Outriders 战歌氏族 Fierce orcs of the Warsong Clan, locked in battle against the Silverwing Sentinels in Warsong Gulch.


Concrete cotent:In foreword,The author introuduces the conceptional fixing about " Mongolian clans original legend "; domestic and overseas study situation ; the meaning of the study ; research purpose .In chapter 1, Mongolian clans original legend's content summary , motif variation.In chapter 2, The author investigates some problems about the wolf、 the deer 、 the catele 、 the swan 、 the owl and the tree ,which is involved Mongolian clans original legend , whether have relation to clan totemism or not.In chapter 3, The author investigates the key element of invariant content about the ancestor stems from " human " and " heaven " in Mongolian clans original legend .


Some nationalities in the north experienced,at different historicaltimes,the transition from matriarchal to patriarchal society or family commune,tribalassociation,and ethnic sheikhdom.And accordingly,shamanism also experienced aseries of change of its religious forms that corresponded to such matriarchal society,patriarchal society-family commune,and sheikhdom.


更多网络解释与氏族相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


行使一切的政治权利,担负一切的军事义务.在这个"史诗时代"(Heroic Age)中,社会组织的核心是"部落"(Tribe)与"氏族" (Clan).涅斯托尔(Nestor)对阿伽门农(Agamennon)说:"用部落和 氏族来区分人类,

Frostwolf Clan:霜狼氏族

终于,萨尔决定去寻找他自己的氏族,霜狼氏族(Frostwolf Clan). 经过在奥特兰克(Alterac)山顶的长途跋涉,萨尔找到了他出生的氏族. 在接下来的几个星期里,他学习了氏族的规则并且成为了其中一员. 萨尔还遇到了德莱克沙尔,霜狼氏族中年长的萨满巫师.

clan plaid:氏族花纹格子呢

clamshell-equipped crane 抓斗吊车 | clan plaid 氏族花纹格子呢 | clan tartan 氏族花纹格子呢


clannish /氏族的/党派的/团结心很强的/ | clannishly /氏族地/党派地/ | clannishness /氏族心/党派心/


clannishly /氏族地/党派地/ | clannishness /氏族心/党派心/ | clanship /族阀/氏族的团结/爱党心/氏族制度/


氏族集团phratry | 氏族心clannishness | 氏族制度clanship


clannishness /氏族心/党派心/ | clanship /族阀/氏族的团结/爱党心/氏族制度/ | clansman /同一氏族的人/族人/同宗的人/


clan氏族,部落,宗族 | clansman族人,氏族成员 | class bias阶级偏见

Clan Eshin:艾辛氏族

四大最强盛的部族为腐霉氏族(Clan Moulder)、艾辛氏族(Clan Eshin)、神谕氏族(Clan Skryer)、疫病氏族(Clan Pestilens). 这几个大氏族(Great Clans)是鼠人族的领导者,也是地底帝国的统治者,对於所有寻常的战将氏族具有完全的统领权.

Stoneclan Cannons:硬石氏族大砲

Stoneclan Bludgeoners 硬石氏族棍棒手 | Stoneclan Cannons 硬石氏族大砲 | Stoneclan Firebeards 硬石氏族火鬍子