英语人>词典>汉英 : 毫不留情地 的英文翻译,例句
毫不留情地 的英文翻译、例句


without mercy
更多网络例句与毫不留情地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That day,my hair was messed,one side of it sticked up toughly which hardly could be made down.In anxiety,the sticking up hair was at last impressed in the small film.Perhaps it's because of the hair,i had a reluctant smile.


Aron's indictment of intellectual intoxication is not the same thing as an indictment of intellectuals. He was not anti-intellectual or contemptuous of ideas.


Meanwhile, Mrs Palin is playing the traditional running-mate's role of attacking Mr Obama's character; but after his bare-knuckle primary battle with Hillary Clinton there are no new charges to fling.


As you answer these questions, be brutally honest with yourself.


Someday happened something thay was enough to change your life and let your life change for the worse without clemency.


But at the same time he is a scrupulous doubter,ruthless in his criticism of the cruel rationalism and cosmetic morality of western civilization.


This incident is just one example out of many, in which the church community felt free to watch my every move and criticize me. I give my parents a lot of credit.


The name will be mercilessly cancelled when a Christian sinks into infidelity or godlessness and dies in his sin.


Our work started to suffer and one day, after being found out of my head and fast asleep in the office I was sacked.


To avoid sudden death, the winged creatures pitilessly pounced on the blood-soaked bodies of their leaders and didn't hesitate to tear them apart with their claws and fangs in order to feed on their lives.


更多网络解释与毫不留情地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


飒拉毫不留情地用脚和单手让刀刃愈陷愈深. 「不,关于SARA0777一事,是我们贸然造次了. 既然责任在我们,我们愿尽绵薄之力,予以协助. 艾美用的冷却床......我们称之为棺木(Coffin)就请您拿去用吧. 这么一来应该就能大幅延长活命的时间. 」


比如他会把英语"危险的"(dangerous)读成 "单脚拉屎"并对我说一个只有一只脚的人拉屎你说危险不. 在我大声笑出声来的时候他则大声读着危险单脚拉屎危险单脚拉屎. 我笑得前仰后合老师的教鞭就毫不留情地落在我的头上.

To talk like a Dutch uncle:像荷兰大叔一样絮絮不休地训人,毫不留情面地训人

The Dutch have taken Holland荷兰人占领了荷兰,用来挖苦人把旧闻当特大新闻传播 | To talk like a Dutch uncle像荷兰大叔一样絮絮不休地训人,毫不留情面地训人 | I am a Dutchman if I do我要是干我就不是人

He bashed the . . . government unmercifully over the . . . spy affair"(Lally Weymouth):他就间谍风波毫不留情地指责政府"(拉利.韦茅斯)

28、bash v.怒殴, 打坏, 盛... | "He bashed the . . . government unmercifully over the . . . spy affair"(Lally Weymouth)"他就间谍风波毫不留情地指责政府"(拉利.韦茅斯) | He gave me a bash on the eyes....

without mercy:残忍地, 毫不留情地

It is a mercy that you did not go.你幸好没有去. | without mercy残忍地, 毫不留情地 | ?beg for mercy 乞求/请求宽恕

yield upon [to] sb.'s mercy:无条件向某人投降, 听凭某人处分

take mercy on 对...表示怜悯 | without mercy 残忍地, 毫不留情地 | yield upon [to] sb.'s mercy 无条件向某人投降, 听凭某人处分

beg for mercy:乞求/请求宽恕

without mercy残忍地, 毫不留情地 | ?beg for mercy 乞求/请求宽恕 | ?at the mercy of任由...摆布 任...处置;无能为力

the social contract:社会契约

威尔逊在第五季第十七集"社会契约"(THE SOCIAL CONTRACT)里曾说,当遭遇令人难受的境况时,他人通常会说三五句无关痛痒的安慰加肩膀上两记轻拍,唯独豪斯不同,他会把虚伪的糖衣剥去,毫不留情地递上苦涩伤人的现实.


布鲁塞尔也是一个世界啤酒之都,在安德烈治(Anderlecht)还有一座啤酒博物馆. 其特色啤酒有:比利时浓啤酒、未加酵母而自然发酵的啤酒等. 如果想在这座城市把世界各地的美食毫不留情地一网打尽,那么在此推荐一些特色饭馆,拌着布鲁塞尔的热情,

Gianluigi Buffon:布冯

亚历山大-马洪(Alexander Mahone) vs 布冯(Gianluigi Buffon)马洪的妻子名叫帕梅拉(Pamela),并且还有个儿子名为卡梅伦(Cameron). 结婚15年之后,马洪突然毫不留情面地将他的家人赶出了他家的房子,由此这场婚姻便宣告终结. 而在此之前,