英语人>词典>汉英 : 毕业护士 的英文翻译,例句
毕业护士 的英文翻译、例句


graduate nurse · trained nurse
更多网络例句与毕业护士相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Caroline's supervisor in training wrote a recommendation stating as a nurse and woman she "was of great value and when coupled with dignity, gentleness, uprightness and industry certainly makes a most desirable personality." She wrote to accept an offer to go to Kiukiang but had no stamps and had to delay mailing the letter."It has always seemed providential to me," she wrote."When I came home at noon there were three letters for me. One from Dr. Beebe, one from Dr. Hart and one from the Mission Board in New York, all suggesting I go to Wuhu." Caroline Maddock Hart 是 Dr.

Caroline Maddock Hart 在那里读高中,还没毕业就参加了工作。23 岁的时候,她决定当一名传教士。1901 年,27 岁的她参加了伊利诺斯护士培训学校的培训课程,后来在芝加哥库克郡医院和长老会医院实习。1903 年 8 月,她咨询了在库克郡医院里工作的 Dr。

Objective Aim at the problems which appeared in the period of psychological transition and professional cultivation,such as disappointing,conceitedness,divorcing between theory and practice,the drawbacks in relation to initiative,communication and the ability to accept professional knowledge.Propose countermeasures and benefit both of the teacher and undergraduate nurse.

目的 针对新毕业的护士初入临床的心理过渡期及业务能力培养中所出现的问题,如失落感、自负感、理论与实践脱节、主动性较差、沟通能力欠佳、接受能力较差等问题,提出相应对策,起到教学相长的目的。

Objective Aim at the problems which appeared in the period of psychological transition and professional cultivation,such as disappointing,conceitedness,divorcing between theory and practice,the drawbacks in relation to initiative,communication and the ability to accept professional knowledge.Propose countermeasures and benefit both of the teacher and undergraduate nurse.Methods One teacher help one new nurse,purposefully cultivate them from the daily work,pay attention to the field of work enthusiasm,professional dedication,prudent attitude and the ideas of concern for the patient.

目的 针对新毕业的护士初入临床的心理过渡期及业务能力培养中所出现的问题,如失落感、自负感、理论与实践脱节、主动性较差、沟通能力欠佳、接受能力较差等问题,提出相应对策,起到教学相长的目的方法采取"帮一"的带教方式,有计划、有目的地从日常工作做起,在工作热情、敬业精神、协作精神、"爱伤"观念、"慎独"精神、医患沟通等方面起到潜移默化的作用。

The constitution "Conditae" of Leo XIII (8 December, 1900) charges bishops not to permit sisters to open houses as hotels for the entertainment of strangers of both sexes, and to be extremely careful in authorizing congregations which live on alms, or nurse sick persons at their homes, or maintain infirmaries for the reception of inform persons of both sexes, or sick priests.

宪法" conditae "利奥十三世( 1900年12月8日)的收费主教不会准许姐妹打开房子作为酒店娱乐的陌生人,无论男女,并需特别小心,在授权的毕业典礼,其中居住于施舍,或护士生病人在自己的家园,或是维持疗养院用来接收通知的人,不论男女,或病假神父。

Windflowers Windflowers,windflowers my father told me not to go near them He said he feared them always and he told me that they carried him away Windflowers,beartiful windflowers I couldn't wait to touch them to smell themPeople need homes: children assume their parents' place as home; boarders call school 'home' on weekdays; married couples work together to build new homes; and travelers … have no place to call 'home', at least for a few nights. So how about peopleA thick crust, coarse-grained as limestone rough-cast, hardened gradually on top of the four crocks that stood, large pottery bombs, in the small pantry. After the hot brewery of gland, cud and udder, cool porous earthenware fermented the butter milk

水的天堂-The paradise of water Private Cars-私家车阳光给予的天堂爱的教育,从爱父母开始护士工作心得体会楚布寺导游词高三历史教学工作总结 XX解放思想学习心得:用科学思维谋求科学发展西安碑林导游词实习总结2 大学生毕业实习总结(2)音乐老师个人工作总结六年级思想品德教育总结历史教学总结童年是首歌 2007年湖南高考满分作文:诗意地生活3 Beauty 残缺的圆 Love Your Life 我渴望飞翔我的学生我的爱关于骆驼和老虎的联想向来痴,从此醉从开始到现在金融改革职务转正考核述职报告黑松林山水记大象的遭遇告别夏天听爸爸妈妈的话机电一体化专业实习报告我家女儿初长成调查报告的写作格式热门文章文章列表

The constitution "Conditae" of Leo XIII (8 December, 1900) charges bishops not to permit sisters to open houses as hotels for the entertainment of strangers of both sexes, and to be extremely careful in authorizing congregations which live on alms, or nurse sick persons at their homes, or maintain infirmaries for the reception of inform persons of both sexes, or sick priests.

宪法& conditae &利奥十三世( 1900年12月8日)的收费主教不会准许姐妹打开房子作为酒店娱乐的陌生人,无论男女,并需特别小心,在授权的毕业典礼,其中居住于施舍,或护士生病人在自己的家园,或是维持疗养院用来接收通知的人,不论男女,或病假神父。

Objective To understand the knowledge needs of newly graduated nurse to be trained after obtained a job.

目的 了解新毕业护士对上岗前的知识需求。

Objective To understand the knowledge needs of newly graduated nurse to be trained after obtained a job.


Probe into the safe nursing hidden trouble fo r new graduate nurse in department of paediatrics and its countermeasures.


The program also prepares the graduate nurse to take the National Council licensure Examination for licensure as a Registered Nurse.

该计划还准备了毕业护士采取作为注册护士执照国民议会执照考试(NCLEX - RN考试)。

更多网络解释与毕业护士相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


安河医疗人手短缺,所以和医学相关的科目,例如牙科、医科、视光学(Optometry)、药剂、兽医、护理学(Nursing)和物理治疗及康复科的毕 业生最为吃香,其毕业后6 个月的就业率在 95.2% 至 100% 之间,两年后除了护士的 99.5%外,

University Professors:大学教授

持牌经验护士(未经护校毕业但有实际经验的护士)Licensed Practical Nurses | 大学教授University Professors | 学院及其它职业学校导师College and Other Vocational Instructors

multiple choice questions:多选题

他们会告诉你这种考试与以往参加的任何护理考试不同,究其原因,NCLEX-RN考试主要是多选题(multiple choice questions)而护士业已习惯于多选题的考试,实际上你在毕业之前已经参加了很多考试,可能会认为与以往的任何考试大同小异,但有一个迥然不同的考试等待着你,


5、 迪肯大学(Deakin) 是澳洲第5大护理学院,有护理在校生 1,603人,其中海外学生141人. 本科毕业后无需提供雅思4个7即可成为澳大利亚注册护士(Registered Nurse).