英语人>词典>汉英 : 比较文学 的英文翻译,例句
比较文学 的英文翻译、例句


comparative literature · comparative literatuce
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Due to its cross-cultural nature, translation study has become one of the most popular fields of research in comparative literature.


In this series of articles, He Yunbo proposes the ideal textbook of Comparative Literature in his understanding, distinguished by the qualities of academic intensity, dialogue, and unfinishedness; ZhangYuejun introduces the status quoof Comparative Literature studies in the USA; Zhang Xu's article concerns itself with the discipline organizational system, curriculum planning, teaching trends and problems in the field of comparative literature inHongKong; whereas ZhongYouxun aims at some fundamental issues of the educational system as awhole, and expresses his anxiety over the dilemma of graduate education and the pedagogy of comparative literature.


It aims to explore the contribution of Ping Fang's interlingual writing especially his comparative studies to the development of comparative literature in China.


Cultural studies aim to reveal the metaphorical relationship between the non-literary factors and literature, contrariwise, comparative literature is devoted to decoding the metonymical relationship between the literal elements.


It argues that the sustained anxiety and crisis mainly result from the insufficiency in the theoretical construction of the discipline and the renewed paradigms proposed by american school. it also investigates the cultural and academic milieus of the advent of the "theoretical heat" and "cultural turn" in the field, and analyses their constructive as ewll as deconstructive influences on the discipline.


It argues that the sustained anxiety and crisis mainly result from the insufficiency in the theoretical construction of the discipline and the renewed paradigms proposed by AmericanSchool. It also investigates the cultural and academic milieus of the advent of the "theoretical heat" and "cultural turn" in the field, and analyses their constructive as well as deconstructive influences on the discipline.


Spivak's Death of a Discipline, which has brought about heated discussion in western academia, is of significance to our resurveying of western Comparative Literature, especially that of U.S.


spivak's death of a discipline,which has brought about heated discussion in western academia,is of significance to our resurveying of western comparative literature,especially that of u.s.it is also significant for a study on comparative literature's death and its rebirth,and for a reflection on the development of china's comparative literature.the paper makes an introductory study on the original ideas as well as the insufficiencies of spivak's work.besides,it discusses the inspiration and further thinking the book brought to us.


In this way we may get a holistic consideration of all the elements in literary exchange on the basis of similarity and differentiation.


In this way we may get a holistic consideration of all the elements in literary exchange on the basis of similarity and difference.


更多网络解释与比较文学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Your degree is in|comparative literature:你的专业是比较文学

on the sofa right now.|现在正在沙发上躺着呢 | Your degree is in|comparative literature.|你的专业是比较文学 | Yes.|是的

comparative literature:比较文学

关于文学的理论,西方学制里有"文学批评"(literary criticism)和"比较文学"(comparative literature),这两门学科是新潮理论叱咤风云的场所,从业其中的教师和受业其中的学生,人数之众分开来计数也都远高于艺术哲学.

comparative literature:美国比较文学协会会刊

27. Chinese Studies in History中国历史研究 | 28. Comparative Literature美国比较文学协会会刊 | 29. Comparative Literature Studies比较文学研究

comparative literature:刘振宁 贵州大学 比较文学

朱华 四川师范大学 旅游学概论/Introduction to Tourism Principles | 刘振宁 贵州大学 比较文学/Comparative Literature | 王松江 昆明理工大学 项目规划/Project Planning


construction drawing 结构图 | comparativist 比较文学学者 | noyau 果仁酒, 果核酒

Comparative Poetics:比较诗学

至于"比较诗学"(Comparative poetics)则是近20年来比较文学发展过程中新提出的名称,专指不同民族不同文化体系的文学理论的比较研究. 比较文学的"文类学" (法文Genologie,英文Genology),指的是对于文学形式的各个种类(kind)和类型(genre)以及对于文学风格的比较研究.


但她同时也认为,"过渡空间"有两种功能--"抵制"(resistance)和"推动"(emergence)--它们具备着衡量当今世界比较文学准绳的作用. 她演讲内容丰富,但给笔者留下深刻印象的,却是关于比较文学的个人记忆与综合记忆问题. 她认为,

Comparative Literature Studies:比较文学研究

28. Comparative Literature美国比较文学协会会刊 | 29. Comparative Literature Studies比较文学研究 | 30. Criticism 批评

MA in Comparative Literature:比较文学

MA in Medieval Writing and Culture 媒体写作与文化 | MA in Comparative Literature 比较文学 | MA in Culture and Communication 文化与传播