英语人>词典>汉英 : 毒树皮 的英文翻译,例句
毒树皮 的英文翻译、例句


ordeal bark
更多网络例句与毒树皮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Studies on the autointoxication of Chinese fir show that the aqueous extracts of surface soil, leaf litter, half decaying leaf litter, fresh leaf, branch, bark and root in pure Chinese fir plantation and their polyvinyl pyrrolidone k30 solutions affected the seed germination of Chinese fir, Raphanus sativous and water convolvulus.

对杉木自毒作用研究表明,杉木纯林中的土壤、枯落叶、半分解枯落叶和杉木鲜叶、枝条、树皮、树根的水浸液及其添加乙烯吡咯啉酮k30 的溶液对杉木种子、空心菜种子和萝卜种子的萌发均有影响。

extracts from Meliaazedrach linn ; Artemisia annua Linn and Ginkgo.biloba ; Pieris rapae ; controlling effect


Sesbania belongs to the bark of a few sort to be fiber raw material, can take the place of hemp in order to make up a rope, branches and leaves is green manure, if prick Tian Jing, big pod sesbania and Egypt sesbania more, juice of latter decoct of foliaceous in order to can avoid poisonous fly to bite for domestic animals rinse.


更多网络解释与毒树皮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chionanthus:毒灰木皮 流苏树皮

chiolite | 锥冰晶石 | chionanthus | 毒灰木皮 流苏树皮 | chionathin | 流苏树脂


山鸡椒树皮含生物碱六驳碱(Laurotetanine)、异紫堇定(Isocorydine)、N一甲基六驳碱、木兰箭毒碱(Magnocu- rarine). 树皮含柠檬醛,但不含香茅醛. 果实含挥发油2%~6%,其主成分为枸橼醛(citral) 含量达70%~90%,


树皮含生物碱,已分离得到右旋六驳碱(laurotetanine),N-甲基六驳碱(N-methyl laurotetanine),异紫堇定碱(isocorydine),木兰箭毒碱(magnocurarine). 近又从木部分得山鸡椒杷明碱(litebamine).