英语人>词典>汉英 : 每隔...的 的英文翻译,例句
每隔...的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The frame number marks, made of steel plate shall be welded and painted on the hatch coaming and bulwark at the place of every 10 frame-space and at every bulkhead.


Frame marks made of steel plate to be welded to hatch coaming or bulwark bracket at each five frame spaces as well as each transverse bulkhead.


"In figures at each metre interval and at intervening two decimeter intervals, if the scale is in metres and decimetres, the capital letter ""M"" being placed after each metre figure;"


The rat density can be maintained at a low level in storehouses within 6 months and in canteens 4 months after deratization.


Only every other line should be read, that is the first line, the third, the fifth … and so on to the end.


Supplier preferably at quarterly interval; the electrodes of the ionizer should preferably be replaced at yearly interval.


Every few years, every mower on the market will have to have some replacement parts.


Some neigh bor hoods have a Starbucks on every block or two.


If the skin has become thoroughly wet or one has perspired a great deal, sunscreens should be applied as often as every 30 to 60 minutes to maintain a reasonably high degree of effectiveness.

误译:如皮肤已完全潮润,或大量排汗,则应每隔30分钟或60分钟使用遮阳屏幕,以保证适当的高效。改译:如果浑身湿透,或者大量排汗,应每隔30分钟到60分钟涂用一次防晒油,以保持理想的防晒效果。--《翻译批评散论》(132)评析:误译中的&遮阳屏幕&令人费解, sunscreens 确有&遮阳帘&和&遮阳板&一类的含义,但它还有&防晒油&的含义。因其多义,导致误解。

"In figures at each metre interval and at intervening two decimeter intervals, if the scale is in metres and decimetres, the capital letter ""M"" being placed after each metre figure;"


更多网络解释与每隔...的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at intervals:不时;每隔...时间/距离

30、at heart 在内心里,本质上 | 31、at intervals 不时;每隔...时间/距离 | 32、at large 自由行动的;详尽的;一般的

at intervals of:相隔, 每隔

at interim | 暂时的 临时代理的 | at intervals of | 相隔, 每隔 | at intervals | 不时, 相隔一定距离

to meet at regular intervals:每隔一定时间开会

to live in safety, security and dignity;安全的, 有保障和体面的生活;; | to meet at regular intervals;每隔一定时间开会;; | to minimize the risks of a return to warfare;把战争复发的危险降到最低限度;;

trains leaving at short intervals:每隔很短时间就开出的火车

an interval of ten feet 相隔十英尺 | trains leaving at short intervals 每隔很短时间就开出的火车 | It snowed at intervals this week. 这星期不时下雪.

every fifth year:每隔五年

245Ethiopiana. 衣索比亚的,黑人的; n. 衣索比亚人,黑人 | 246every fifth year每隔五年 | 247exacta. 精确的; vt. 强求,要求,索取

every four years:每四年;每隔三年

the winner of the first gold medal 第一枚金牌的获胜者 | every four years 每四年;每隔三年 | behave well 举止得体

every once in a while:每隔一阵子他就会靠过来 摸我的头发跟脖子

Great. We couldn't keep our eyes off each oth... | Every once in a while, he'd lean over, stroke my hair, then touch my neck.|每隔一阵子他就会靠过来 摸我的头发跟脖子 | Stop it. You're getting me all ti...

every other day:每隔一天

every bit 每一点,完全(一样) | every other day 每隔一天 | every other 每隔一个...的

Mend Wounds:对自己和一定范围内的所有玩家进行治疗.每隔数秒获得一定恢复值

Thorny Decoy: 召唤一个诱饵将敌人吸引过去并远离自己... | Mend Wounds: 对自己和一定范围内的所有玩家进行治疗.每隔数秒获得一定恢复值. | Stone Storm: 以落石攻击数米外的敌人.被击中者还会对一定范围内造成碎裂伤...

Polymorph Aura:每隔一段时间会把附近的敌人变成羊

-Unholy Aura,增加友军的生命恢复以及移动速度. | -Polymorph Aura,每隔一段时间会把附近的敌人变成羊. | -Warcry Aura,增加近距离友军的攻击力.