英语人>词典>汉英 : 死节 的英文翻译,例句
死节 的英文翻译、例句


sound knot · encased knot · dead knot encased knot
更多网络例句与死节相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Saint Patrick, Ireland's patron saint for whom St. Patrick's Day is named dies in the Irish village of Saul.


The spontaneous improvement rate and the sensitivity for its prediction with Dob-2DE test in akinetic segments are both lower than those in hypokinetic segments.


Results There were 22 lacunar infarction cases, 1 case large area infarction, and 8 cases with small bleeding in the thalamus, 1 case with large bleeding in the basal ganglia of 9 cases intracerebral hemorrhage. Hemichorea appeared in 27 cases within 24 hours, 5 cases within 1 week. All received aloperidin, the symptom disappeared in27 cases(84.4%).

结果 32例偏侧舞蹈症病例中脑梗死23例(腔隙性脑梗死22例,大面积脑梗死1例),脑出血9例(丘脑少量出血8例,基底节区大量出血1例);脑卒中后24h与1周内出现偏侧舞蹈症症状分别为27例和5例;应用氟哌啶醇治疗后症状消失27例。

The patients can appear hemichorea when he had cerebral infarction with Basal ganalia injury symptoms of them can be controlled by Haloperidol and Nitrazepam.

节论 损伤基底神经节的脑梗死可以出现偏侧舞蹈病,氟哌啶醇和硝基安定可以控制其症状。

While some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine's death or burial -- which probably occurred around 270 A.D -- others claim that the Christian church may have decided to celebrate Valentine's feast day in the middle of February in an effort to 'christianize' celebrations of the pagan Lupercalia festival.


Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween46; The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color46; Carving pumpkins into jack- o'-lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland46; A legend grew up about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died, because he was a miser46; He couldn't enter hell either because he had played jokes on the devil46; As a result, Jack had to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgement Day46; So Jack and his lantern became the symbol of a lost or damned soul46; To scare these souls away on Halloween, the Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes representing "Jack of the Lantern," or Jack-o-lantern46; When the Irish brought their customs to the United States, they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips46; Today jack-o-lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are goodies waiting if they knock and say "Trick or Treat!"


First of all, the principle of the traditional throttle pedal is driven by cable-driven throttle to control engine power output, the current most advanced vehicles have been imported electronic throttle, its principle is based on servo motor control section of valve switching point of view, but the two operators who encounter the accelerator pedal stuck failure, life-saving methods should be the same, unless the electronic throttle with automatic reset power design, special or adapted vehicles is another matter.


The Feast of Dedication (10:22) occured in late December and the Passover Feast, following which he would be crucified, was not till the following April. On this occasion he went back over the river Jordan again and was there when Mary and Martha sent for him.


The Feast of Dedication (10:22) occured in late December and the Passover Feast, following which he would be crucified, was not till the following April. On this occasion he went back over the river Jordan again and was there when Mary and Martha sent for him.


The latter ultimately converted to Roman Catholicism, and his sect died out early in the 19th century.


更多网络解释与死节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the aged:老人

--啊,这是哲学之为爱智在西方发生时,即苏格拉底在面对(face)死或死临到(come to pass)他时可能反复说过的话,这话是"死之句法"、死之句段或节段,即"死-句"与"死-节"(passage,或者说pass着的passage),是一个将要去死(pass a way)的老人(the aged)反复唠叨出来的.

encased knot:死节

enamelled hardboard 搪瓷面硬质纤维板 | encased knot 死节 | enclosed pocket 夹皮



He died the last lupercalia, domina:他在上次牧神节的时候死掉了,女主人

Down with the gripes, domina.|她闹肚子痛了,女主人 | He died the last lupercalia, domina.|他在上次牧神节的时候死掉了,女主人 | I have been looking for a replacement,|我一直在找替补的

----David Plotz:凑巧?懒散节放松节死树节失败节都在八月

10.盛夏就是人人皆懒时. ----Sam Keen | 11.凑巧?懒散节放松节死树节失败节都在八月. ----David Plotz | 12.艳阳高照熏风阵阵小鸟鸣唱,可割草机坏了,这样的夏天太棒了. ----James Dent

The Shrove:忏悔节的集市和彼特罗什卡之死

12: 圆舞曲Valse 03:25 | 13: 忏悔节的集市和彼特罗什卡之死The Shrove-.... 01:05 | 14: 奶妈们之舞Wet Nurses Dance 02:25

unsound knot:死节

"卸货","Unship" | "死节","Unsound knot" | "不稳定河槽","Unstable channel"

sound knot:生节(紧密而与木地固着不离), 死节, 坚固节

herd instinct 群集[居]本能 | sound knot 生节(紧密而与木地固着不离), 死节, 坚固节 | pilocerine 毛仙影掌碱

sound knot:死节

sorting table 选料台;选纸台 | sound knot 死节 | sound wood 良好木材

black knot:黑腐节(即死节)

black kernel || 稻黑粒病 | black knot || 黑腐节(即死节) | black lacquer || 黑漆(用于家具和做工精致的小盒等)