英语人>词典>汉英 : 死亡统计的 的英文翻译,例句
死亡统计的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与死亡统计的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thoughting of to°from the carbon esmissions the coal mine, China of the coal store quantity 600,000,000,000 tons, world three, can China mineral difficult death toll world a, incompletely statistics, 2004 death 6027 people, 2005 death 5986 people, 2006 death 5770 people, 07 and 08 also have no to die down it power, abroad relevant the expert appeal:China taken blood the coal have to be stop immoderation of mine.


The death rate grew by 37%. Chinese previously did not need security door. But by now, to some place, security window has been set at seventh floor. For there are too many gangster every where, no company in China would arrange with their workwomen to go home at night. No body knows what really are the food every one have everyday. Neoteny has take place on children. Then we can imagine the situation of our health in the future. There are about 20 million girls in China are pursuing sexual work. That creates 6% of GDP aggregate, which is as much as 1000 billion RMB. This kind of activity had never appeared in the history of human being except Japan. The height of Chinese people is 2.5cm lower than that of Japanese. We can no longer see them by looking down. The small Japan became big Japan. We create 0.1 billions GDP with the payment of 1 person's life, reported by reference news. The number of death in 2003 is 136 thousands. So the number of industrial injury will be 200 thousands. It is true that our GDP is bloody. Actually, this number is a small part of the true number. The numbers which can be accounted are in nationalized business or in a big accident. In personalized business or overseas-funded enterprise, the owner do not pay attention on the death of workers. So the data can not pass to the statistical department. However, the number of death there is much more than that of the first ones. If we add this in account, the number,annually can be compared with the massacre in Nanjing.


The official death toll has reached 275 and aftershocks continued to hit the region as many survivors shelter in tented villages and wait for aid to help with their basic needs.


Residents walk past debris, a giant statue and restaurant boat swept away along the Marikina river outside Manila.


Methods Retrospective analysis was performed in54paˉtients with SARS,They were divided into two groups,survivors and non-survivors groups,thereage,sex,and underlyˉing diseases were compared,we analyzed the dead reason of death and observed the incidence of pulmonary fibrosis.in cases with administration of GC,the time and the dosage were analyzed in terms of overcome.


Last week it launched a campaign to register all of the world's births and deaths.


So the death age of the youngster and infant can be inferred through the length of the tooth, that is, through repeatedly measuring 100 teeth, use math physical statistics methodology to infer dental length and age regression equation, then put the length of the tooth taken from the scene and the type into the equation, and the death age can be inferred.

因此 ,可以利用牙齿长度来推断青、幼年人的死亡年龄。即通过重复测量 10 0颗牙齿,利用数理统计的方法,推导出牙齿长度与年龄的回归方程。然后,将现场提取的孤立牙齿的长度值与种类代入该方程,便可推算出死亡年龄。

His total of 277 may be a little on the high side (each year a few stabbings are reclassified as accidental deaths when police examine their circumstances in greater detail).


The confirmed death toll from the disaster has risen to 32,476 by 2:00 pm Sunday, and the toll would possibly rise to more than 50,000 as many, still buried in rubbles, are feared dead.


With his dissimulation and compensating zeal, his accommodations and rationalisations, his mix of motives (careerism, but also fear and genuine belief) and his proximity to the suffering he nevertheless condoned, Simonov provides exemplary answers to the questions that weave through the book.


更多网络解释与死亡统计的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


人口统计或人口统计学(Demography)为研究一个地区或国家人口的学门,主要涵盖人口总数、人口结构、与人口变迁及发展等方面. 其精细之意义为︰「对人类人口数量及其因出生、死亡及移民所引起之变动之研究.

coronary heart disease:冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病

冠心病(CHD)是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary heart disease)的简称,也称缺血性心脏病(ischenic heart disease). 一段时期在欧美一些国家统计占人口总死亡的1/3-1/2,占心脏病死亡数的50-75%,我国据北京、天津、上海等一些大城市的统计虽然不及欧美国家占的比例那么大,


根据统计,安省每年有1,700人次因为玩平底雪橇(Toboggan)而受伤送院,自2003年至今更有8人因此死亡. 旺市华裔市议员杨士渟有见及此, 于去年开始向市政府积极推动玩平底雪橇要戴头盔的附例. 假如附例获得通过,


即使不算被车子撞上,根据CDC的资料,美国每年有一百万人因滑到(slip)、绊倒(trip)、或摔下(fall)而受伤,其中1万7千人死亡. 百分之十五是跟干活有关的. 行走,是最"脚踏实地"的了,但是,统计数据已经证明:行走出事死亡的概率比空难大得多.


Biometric Analysis of Infant Mortality 婴儿死亡的生物统计分析1117 | Biomorphic 生物形态主义的813 | Biopolitics 生物政治学814

Mark Twain:马克.土温

纽约(道琼斯)--正如马克.土温(Mark Twain)关於死亡的那句名言那样,对美国10年经济扩张期业已结束的报导在很大...2007年3月1日... 昨天,国家统计局发布的<<2006年国民经济和社会发展统计公报>>显示,2006年万元国内生产总值(GDP)能源消耗比上年下降了1.23%,