英语人>词典>汉英 : 歪斜的 的英文翻译,例句
歪斜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
askew  ·  slanting  ·  wry  ·  deflective  ·  skewwhiff  ·  wrier  ·  wryer

更多网络例句与歪斜的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If so, I wouldn't have fallen down and there wouldn't be so many askew footprints.


Simulation experiment on MATLAB indicated that the method can segment the askew characters effectively of which it is common occurred when handwriting.


It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry.


It did not sink immediately, but floated at a cockeyed angle.


Lead true Coplanarity, Spacing, offset, Skew and Standoff, Missing, Broken, Twisted, or Un-plated Leads.


The generalized Huygens–Fresnel diffraction integral for misaligned asymmetric first-order optical systems is derived by using the canonical operator method, which enables us to study propagation properties of anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beams through misaligned asymmetric first-order optical systems.


Methods:The angle of the acetabular abduction of 21 pelvis all 42 hip joints were measured with the manual devices when facing the 9 different pelvic obliqueness angles.


After studying the effect of spirality that yarn twist and twist direction caused, we can conclude that the spirality of polyester/cotton blend fabrics will enlarge while the blended percentage of polyester becomes higher.


Bunions: These are misaligned big toe joints where the big toe slants toward the second toe.

bunions :这些都是歪斜的大脚趾关节,而大脚趾倾斜朝着第二个脚趾。

Skew the shadow (Command + T, right-click and choose Skew) so it lies parallel to the sketchbooks top and bottom sides (21a).

歪斜的影子(Command + T键,用鼠标右键单击并选择偏移),因此它是平行于写生的顶部和底部(第21A)。

更多网络解释与歪斜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


asker 发问者 | askew 歪斜的 | asking price 索价


asked 卖方要价 | askew 歪斜地 | askewawrydeflective 歪斜的


ticklish 容易怒的 | awry 歪斜的 | wry 讽刺性的幽默


skew:歪斜的 | programmatic:有纲领性的,计划性的 | in-depth discussion:深入讨论

wrung wring:的过去式和过去分词

wrought work的过去式和过去分词 | wrung wring的过去式和过去分词 | wry 歪斜的

deflective:偏倚的, 歪斜的, 偏斜的

pressure limiting valve stem 限压阀杆 | deflective 偏倚的, 歪斜的, 偏斜的 | formation bombing 编队轰炸


deflection /歪斜/偏/偏向/ | deflective /偏倚的/偏斜的/歪斜的/ | deflectivity /可弯性/偏向/


skewness /歪斜度/ | skewwhiff /&/[英口]歪斜的(地)/ | ski /滑雪/滑水/

tipsily:微醉地; 歪斜地, 不稳地 (副)

tippler 酒鬼; 酒量大的人 (名) | tipsily 微醉地; 歪斜地, 不稳地 (副) | tipsiness 微醉; 歪斜, 不稳 (名)

This gigantic complexity of tumbling ice and abysses:那些巨型歪斜的冰和深渊的组合

We explored the glacier in the back country of his Grizzly Sanctuar... | This gigantic complexity of tumbling ice and abysses|那些巨型歪斜的冰和深渊的组合 | separated Treadwell from the world out there...