英语人>词典>汉英 : 歪斜 的英文翻译,例句
歪斜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deflection  ·  obliqueness  ·  skew  ·  skewed  ·  skews

更多网络例句与歪斜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After comparing the clinical symptoms and physical signs between the analogous apoplexy group and apoplexy one, using American SAS statistical analysis soft ware to take logistic regression analysis on 2206 cases, combining with clinical practice, bibliography investigation and specialists experience, the main symptoms of analogous apoplexy were defined as vertigo, sensory disturbance, severe headache, visual abnormality, involuntary movement, mental aberration, epileptic attack, agnosia, alexia and agraphia, etc.


In addition, from the shadow zone to tangent segment, the orders for distribution of the beach states in the same space is inclined to change from dissipation type to alongshore bar-trough, to rhythmic bar-trough, to skew bar, to ridge-runnel , and to reflection type.


Nose aquiline, but not straight, having a peculiar inclination towards the left cheek; expression, therefore, sinister.


If so, I wouldn't have fallen down and there wouldn't be so many askew footprints.


Sure, you've got your little messy work bench with your tools scattered askew.


Biting a pencil with a long time, and can also cause teeth askew.


I love that deafening, thundering sound That sounds like buildings tumbling down And people wish that they weren't around When we all rock and roll into town We hear those fearful piercing screams The kind you find on cinema screens And if they're fit to burst at the seams If they could say what all of this means We love that satisfying, rattling crash The sound of registers full of cash We'll be all over your town like a rash We'll steal your children and smoke all your hash I love that deafening, thundering sound The sounds like buildings tumbling down And people wish that they weren't around When we all rock and roll into town We are, we are the elephant men Take heed we'll be stampeding again Look out all of U fairweather friends Because elephants never forget

我爱那振耳欲聋的雷鸣般的声音那听起来像歪斜状的建筑物一样当我们所有的摇滚进入城镇之内 and人们希望它们不在附近我们听到那些恐怕刺骨的尖叫声那种你在电影院荧屏上找的场面如果他们可以说这全部意谓什么 and他们能够在缝合线爆裂我们爱那个满意的卡答的坠毁充满现金的储存器爆破的声音我们将会让你们城镇中所有的同类一起轻率我们将会唤醒你们的孩子用烟雾把你们搞得一塌糊涂我爱那振耳欲聋的雷鸣般的声音那听起来像歪斜状的建筑物一样当我们所有的摇滚进入城镇之内 and人们希望它们不在附近我们是,我们是elephant man 我们将会采取再一次逃窜以引起注意小心看紧你们全部顺从于安排的朋友因为 elephant 将永远不再会被遗忘

Results:The pelvic obliqueness angle and abduction angle showed the positive linear correlation by the linear regress analysis.

结果:骨盆歪斜角度同相应的外展角之间呈正线性相关,相关系数r=0.999、P=0.000,通过对歪斜角度和外展角进行直线回归分析得到回归方程Y=47.217 73+0.939 797 7X,P=0.000。

After about six months, in the process of stabilizing may seem skewed to some extent, but if there is still askew after that, the reason for this is that the process of prosthesis surgery positioning itself slightly skewed, or in after not yet completely fixed period by the impact of, this situation need to unplug and then re-insert the prosthesis, but if it has not completely fixed may be corrected.


After studying the effect of spirality that yarn twist and twist direction caused, we can conclude that the spirality of polyester/cotton blend fabrics will enlarge while the blended percentage of polyester becomes higher.


更多网络解释与歪斜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


agedness | 老年, 高龄 | agee | 半开地,歪斜地 | ageing action | 老化作用


asked 卖方要价 | askew 歪斜地 | askewawrydeflective 歪斜

Taper Faces:歪斜面 锥形面

tangential 相切 相切 | Taper Faces 歪斜面 锥形面 | Taper Faces 歪斜面 锥形面

FE Slant:(歪斜)

15.1.20 FE Scatterize(疏散) | 15.1.21 FE Slant(歪斜) | 15.1.22 FE Slant Matte(歪斜剪影)

Snarled stitches:歪斜车线

58、 Slantedinclined + 歪斜 MAMI | 59、 Snarled stitches 歪斜车线 MAMI | 60、 Stuffing disproportion 填充比例不对称 MAMI

tipsiness:微醉; 歪斜, 不稳 (名)

tipsily 微醉地; 歪斜地, 不稳地 (副) | tipsiness 微醉; 歪斜, 不稳 (名) | tipstaff 法警, 执法人员, 金属头手杖 (名)


deflection /歪斜/偏/偏向/ | deflective /偏倚的/偏斜的/歪斜的/ | deflectivity /可弯性/偏向/


skewness /歪斜度/ | skewwhiff /&/[英口]歪斜的(地)/ | ski /滑雪/滑水/

skewY Y:歪斜

skewXg 按角度X歪斜 | skewY Y歪斜 | skewYg 按角度Y歪斜

tipsily:微醉地; 歪斜地, 不稳地 (副)

tippler 酒鬼; 酒量大的人 (名) | tipsily 微醉地; 歪斜地, 不稳地 (副) | tipsiness 微醉; 歪斜, 不稳 (名)