英语人>词典>汉英 : 武士 的英文翻译,例句
武士 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cavalier  ·  knight  ·  samurai  ·  warrior  ·  knighted  ·  knighting  ·  knights  ·  warriors

palace guards in ancient times · man of prowess
更多网络例句与武士相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since I have been in Tokyo, I have been looking to buy a rare Samurai sword to take home with me as I really think they are cool and I have always been intrigued by the Samurais.


They say a Samurai's sword is his soul.


Since I have been in Tokyo, I have been looking to buy a rare Samurai sword to take home with me as I really think they are cool and I have always been intrigued by the Samurais. But I don't think that they will let me carry it on to the plane. Actually I am not even sure they will let me through customs with it so I will probably wait until another trip.


Government office of heart plain act when area of sortie auspicious former bagnio mixes forbidden cavaliers theater, although the word is such, a little inferior cavalier or meeting run to look secretly, it is the person of cavalier identity only, must be in sword leave in the care of first cafes, cannot admire knife enters the arena.


That fellow with the battle-axe looks as if he wanted to split George's head open, said Mr. Audley, pointing to a fierce warrior whose uplifted arm appeared above George Talboys' dark hair.


The concrete arrangement is as follows: First, Beginning with the historical and political background of the emergence of the knight status. Secondly, this thesis expounded historical course of the emergence and development of the knight's power that was based on the knight status. Thirdly, this thesis expounded that along with the emergence of the knight status and the emergence and development of the knight's power, Bushido being and developed came into the knight's behavior standard. In the conclusion, the writer expounder in detail that during the different times, the Confucianism exerted varying influences on Bushido.


The concrete arrangement is as follows:First, Beginning with the historical and political background of the emergence of the knight status.Secondly, this thesis expounded historical course of the emergence and development of the knight"s power that was based on the knight status.Thirdly, this thesis expounded that along with the emergence of the knight status and the emergence and development of the knight"s power, Bushido being and developed came into the knights behavior standard.In the conclusion, the writer expounder in detail that during the different times, the Confucianism exerted varying influences on Bushido.


The samurai tradition views suicide as noble though perhaps out of self-interest , since captured warriors were treated gruesomely .


In "Yojimbo"(1961), director Akira Kurosawa combines the samurai story with the Western, so that the main street could be in any frontier town, the samurai could be a gunslinger, and the locals could have been lifted from John Fords stock company.


She, Krieg and Draco were sent by Emperor Fel on a mission to track down Cade Skywalker and any remaining Jedi with the aid of Azlyn Rae, a former Jedi Padawan turned Imperial Knight and bounty hunter, who revealed the location of the Hidden Temple.


更多网络解释与武士相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They say a Samurai's sword is his soul:据说武士的剑代表了武士本人

You must understand Katsumoto pledged his sword to defend the Emperor.|胜本曾对... | They say a Samurai's sword is his soul.|据说武士的剑代表了武士本人 | They are paradoxical people, samurai.|但武士就是...

Blessed Aim:(圣武士的祝福瞄准光环)

blaze(女巫的烈焰之径技能) | blessed aim(圣武士的祝福瞄准光环) | blessed hammer(圣武士的祝福之锤技能,简称bh)


Solduri日耳曼武士 | Barbarians巴巴利亚武士 | Vandals汪达尔武士




chivalresque | 适合于骑士时代的 | chivalric | 有武士气概的,有武士风范的 | chivalrous | 有武士风度的,侠义的

Holy Freeze:(圣武士的神圣冰冻光环,简称hf)

holy fire(圣武士的圣火光环) | holy freeze(圣武士的神圣冰冻光环,简称hf) | holy shield(圣武士的神圣之盾技能,简称hs)



Resist Fire:(圣武士的抵抗火焰光环)

resist cold(圣武士的抵抗冰冷光环) | resist fire(圣武士的抵抗火焰光环) | resist lightning(圣武士的抵抗闪电光环)


在日本文化中,"武士"(Samurai)和"忍者"(Ninja)是有严格区别的. 在明治维新之前,武士阶层享受很高的待遇,而忍者则是不堪忍受武士压迫的农民秘密组成;他们躲进深山老林之中秘密修炼,因此,忍者的专长主要以"刺探"和"暗杀"为主.


他认为,在理想社会中,包括三个自由民等级:工匠(ARTISANS)、武士(WARRIORS)和监国者(GUARDIANS). ,他指出,为满足人的需求需要分工,,工匠创造社会必需品,掠夺与安全需要产生武士,武士擅长战争术和统治术,监国者统治社会,料理城邦福利.