英语人>词典>汉英 : 步哨 的英文翻译,例句
步哨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与步哨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She saw the helmsman's look of solid and hostile conviction- he would stand sentry with them at Alameda and let nothing get by.


When the power goes out, infantry portals stop spawning in players, armories can't be used to buy or resupply, Command Stations become inactive, sentries power down, etc.


Dogs ability is even greater, once the king of Sparta to attack Mongolia swallow Caledonia, found himself the army there are acts of conspiracy to mutiny, he was laid off unit for the sentry dog soldiers, surrounded the town, do not result in a a traitor to escape.


更多网络解释与步哨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


465. seafarer: 水手,海员. | 466. seamstress: 女裁缝. | 467. sentry: 哨兵,步哨.


sentimentalize /流于感伤/变成多愁善感/使感伤/ | sentimentally /富感情地/ | sentinel /步哨/看守者/哨兵/

Sentry Ward:岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨

Clarity Potion 净化药水 clarity 清楚 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 warden 看门人,管理员

Sentry Ward:岗哨守卫 warden 看门人,管理员

Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 warden 看门人,管理员 | Scroll of Town Portal 回城卷轴 scroll 卷轴,纸卷,画卷

Sentry Ward:岗哨守卫 warden 观门人,管理员

Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 sentry 哨兵,步哨 | Sentry Ward 岗哨守卫 warden 观门人,管理员 | Scroll of Town Portal 来回城卷轴 scroll 卷轴,纸卷,画卷


sentinel 步哨,守衛 | serried 密集的,擁擠的,鋸齒狀的 | set about 開始做,攻擊


sentinel步哨; 哨兵, 标记 | anteromedial前内侧的 | consecutive连接的,相连的,相邻的,连续的


sentinel /步哨/看守者/哨兵/ | sentisection /活体解剖/ | sentry /步哨/哨/卫兵/看守/哨所/设岗哨/站岗/放哨/