英语人>词典>汉英 : 正负作用 的英文翻译,例句
正负作用 的英文翻译、例句


positive and negative effects
更多网络例句与正负作用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Further, we investigated the possible impact of SDP on ENSO event in interannual scale by researching the anomalous characteristics of sea temperature, wind, convergence and divergence, total cloud amount, radiation and so on. The results showed that the influence of SDP on ENSO involve not only the process of positive and negative air-sea feedback, but also the interaction between atmospheric circulation over tropical and subtropical, specially the eastward propagation of anomalous zonal wind from the equatorial Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Otherwise, it also relates, to some extent, to the transition of large-scale climatic mean flow over the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.


These two effects are the results of its function of chelation and antioxidant.


The solubilization of water in undecenoic acid-decyl amine/decane system has been investigated.


The third section is the thesis research emphases. The report on important paroxysmal event is an efficiency means that the paper breed and acquire core competence,at the same time it also brings the positive and negative double effect and influence.


New poems ; specific methods ; realistic demands ; experientialism ; positive and negative effects


Three transformation of the role of both positive and negative effects in different years to different degrees.


As a result of market failures of unpriced positive and negative side effects in land use, the private optimum land use pattern yielded by market theoretically may differ from the social optimum.


Results reveal that the development and dissipation of the dynamic pore pressure are coinstantaneous and this makes both the positive and negative dynamic pore pressure and seepage force alternate with time. Repetitive hydrodynamic pumping and sucking during moisture damage is proved.


In the BEPC electron positron storage ring, the bunch length and its lengthening are quite important characters. It determines the efficiency of getting physical events and the luminosities achievable, and it plays a key role in the upgrade of BEPC.


Hes5 gene, a key downstream mediators of Notch signaling that functions by inhibiting the expression or activity of positively acting bHLH factors, is a member of bHLH transcription factor family which acts as a positive-negative transcriptional regulators which is expressed transiently in different stages in cells growth and differentiation and orchestrate those precisely timed and progressive maturational events underlying cell fate decisions according to orders of time and spatial and coordinated the function of majority of signaling transduction on target genes to influence the proliferation and differentiation.


更多网络解释与正负作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ionic crystal:离子晶体(离子间通过离子键结合而成的晶体)

ionic bonding 离子键(由原子得失电子后,生成的正负离子之间,靠静电作用而形成的化学键) | ionic crystal 离子晶体(离子间通过离子键结合而成的晶体) | ionic lattice 离子晶格

political favor:政治施舍

polar region 极地 | political favor 政治施舍 | positive and negative effects正负作用

positive and negative effects:正负作用

political favor 政治施舍 | positive and negative effects正负作用 | postage stamp 邮票

Inactivated vaccine:灭活疫苗

据日本北里环境科学中心称,以前预防流感病毒的方法是"灭活疫苗(Inactivated Vaccine)"和"抗流行性感冒药"等,只能采用在人体内减弱病毒活性的方法. 可在空气中对流感病毒进行灭活堪称划时代之举. 夏普从2001年4月开始与北里环境科学中心就正负簇离子空气净化技术的作用,


北京正负电子对撞机就是系统地研究其中的粲(charm)夸克和陶(tau)轻子. 天文学家认为,如果50亿光年以远的深处的1型超新星的光度可以作为有效的标准烛光,宇宙中就还应该存在一种与引力作用相反的斥力,表现为与引力相反的能量--暗能量.

strong interaction:强交互作用

这项假设是:所有能够参与强交互作用(Strong interaction)的基本粒子都是由三种更基本的夸克(Quark),以及其反粒子所组成的. 而这些夸克的电荷的大小,有一些是1/3e,有一些是2/3e. (当然还有正负符号的不同. )在上一期中,

