英语人>词典>汉英 : 正着地 的英文翻译,例句
正着地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sock  ·  socked  ·  socking

更多网络例句与正着地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore the small house sparrow was very not convinced may not be able to discover any good method to for a while press under its tree to have a butcher to slice meat exactly the small house sparrow to the big house sparrow saying that you were not fierce that you have the original story to fly make the block meat from the butcher hand to come up the big house sparrow to smile say small KS, therefore a dive flew on the table to hold in the mouth a meat to fly the tree to be possible to grasp by the butcher butcher unusual vitality then to pull out all of a sudden the big house sparrow the wool, the big house sparrow only shouted HELP, the small house sparrow could not tolerate really flew all of a sudden to butcher's handAs soon as nipped a butcher hand to hurt then puts the big house sparrow the big house sparrow to go all out to fly the tree to come the small house sparrow saying that then does not boast I to rescue your you inadequately to be possible the big house sparrow to say exactly early who wanted you to rescue my me to prepare to remove completely clothes to do with him.


Held a gourd full of rum to his mouth; while the third, an old sailer, at once the pilot and captain, looked on with that egotistical pity men feel for a misfortune that they have escaped yesterday, and which may overtake them to-morrow.


Under the upswelling tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their petticoats, in whispering water sway ing and upturning coy silver fronds


Unattended, idling, sorting data with contented lazy clickings, Multivac, too, had earned its vacation and the boys appreciated that.


He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a huddle of these weirdos standing quite close by.


A stout, middle-aged man, with enormous owl-eyed spectacles, was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table, staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books.


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….

u2 M- w7 O5 a% k 应考画师夏珪将&踏花归去马蹄香&画为:初雨天晴,林间小道上,由远及近、稀稀地零落一行马蹄印;在最近的马蹄印上有三只蜜蜂,两只在蹄印上盘旋准备采蜜,而另一只沿着&香路&一直向前飞去……;在&深山藏古寺&中,他将画面画成:在飞岩绝壁、蜿蜒的石矶小道上两名步履蹒跚的老和尚,正吃力地抬着一桶水向山上走去,一旁是云雾缭绕的林海……;而在&万绿丛中一点红&的画面是:在一望无垠的绿色丛林与稻田间,一位紫衣少女双手分别拎着给亲人送午餐的饭篮与陶瓦罐;那迎面拂面而来的山风,吹动着紫衣显现少女婀娜的身影,吹开少女的乌发露出美丽的脸庞——蛾眉凤眼、粉腮朱唇,透出春的气息……。

Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" ha**een exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiquhorseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine,Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin andhis party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled onthe preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has beenexiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be paintedscreen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small overthe faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket ofwater going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of theLinhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis ina Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying theirloved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian fromthe face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena,blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan,Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


更多网络解释与正着地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ansar al-Islam:安萨尔伊斯兰组织

在一间用油灯点亮的昏暗拥挤的屋子里,一个叫"安萨尔"伊斯兰组织(Ansar al Islam)的武装分子们盘着腿席地而坐,他们正全神贯注地倾听着长着一脸胡子的指挥官在作战斗评析.

He looks approvingly at his son playing piano:他赞许地望着他儿子弹钢琴

17. Well, if you want, I'll just break it off with her. 如果你想的话,... | 18. He looks approvingly at his son playing piano. 他赞许地望着他儿子弹钢琴. | 19. I just wanna clarify this, 我正想澄清这个....

in full blossom:正开着花;正盛

in full 全部地,不省略地 | in full blossom * 正开着花;正盛 | in full swing 正在全力进行中

He observed a man trying to force the lock:他看到有个人正变着法儿地撬那把锁

At this moment he notice the manager coming in. 这时他注意... | He observed a man trying to force the lock. 他看到有个人正变着法儿地撬那把锁. | He reported a man trying to force a lock. 他报告说有人正变...

slink:鬼鬼祟祟或感到羞愧地(溜)走. 例如

The old man shuffled to the door.那老头拖着脚步向门走去.... | 5. slink:鬼鬼祟祟或感到羞愧地(溜)走. 例如: | The boy slunk by while his father was reading a newspaper.父亲正看着报,孩子从他面前偷偷地溜了过...

The boy slunk by while his father was reading a newspaper:父亲正看着报,孩子从他面前偷偷地溜了过去

5. slink:鬼鬼祟祟或感到羞愧地(溜)走. 例... | The boy slunk by while his father was reading a newspaper.父亲正看着报,孩子从他面前偷偷地溜了过去. | The thief slunk in by the back door.贼偷偷地从后门溜了...

She might be holding you thight:她或许正紧紧地抱着你

And while I'm sitting here I wonder 坐在这里我心里在想着 | She might be holding you thight 她或许正紧紧地抱着你 | now 现在

over against:正对着

整数round numbers | 正对着over against ... | 正面朝上(地)right side up

Thy choicest gifts in store:特选的礼物正贮藏着

God save the Queen!愿神佑我女王! | Thy choicest gifts in store, 特选的礼物正贮藏着 | On her be pleased to pour, 乐意地赐给女王

I am like the road in the night listening to the footfalls of its memories in silence:我象那夜间之路,正静悄悄地谛听着记忆的足音

182 我象那夜间之路,正静悄悄地谛听着记忆的足音. I am like the road in the night listening to the footfalls of its memories in silence. | 183 黄昏的天空,在我看来,象一扇窗户,... | 184 太急于做好事的人,反...