英语人>词典>汉英 : 欺骗者 的英文翻译,例句
欺骗者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beguiler  ·  hoaxer  ·  tricker  ·  hoodwinker

更多网络例句与欺骗者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xinhua net Beijing on Feburary 3 report the name is " C of ARP beguiler mutation " virus this week is particularly notable, once it enters the computer of the user to be met to the middle of the local area network all users send virus to cheat data to wrap, make other user appoints a website to download trojan virus from the hacker.


Non-intentionalists respond that what distinguishes wishful thinking from self-deception is that self-deceivers recognize evidence against their self-deceptive belief whereas wishful thinkers do not (Bach 1981; Johnston 1988), or merely possess, without recognizing, greater counterevidence than wishful thinkers.

非意图主义者做出回应是将情愿式思考和自我欺骗区分开的是自我欺骗者认识到了与他们自我欺骗信念对立的证据;而情愿式者却没有(Bach 1981;Johnston 1988),或仅仅是拥有却没有认识到比情愿思考者更大的对立正据。

As the deceiver, she must believe ~p, and, as the deceived, she must believe p.


Even if the person on the receiving end of a lie isn't closely tied to the fibber, the one deceiving still has to keep track of―and live by―those lies.


Here the self-deceiver need never simultaneously hold contradictory beliefs even though she intends to bring it about that she believe p, which she regards as false at the outset of the process of deceiving herself and true at its completion.


The requirement that the self-deceiver intentionally gets herself to hold a believe she knows to be false raises the 'dynamic' or 'strategic' paradox, since it seems to involve the self-deceiver in an impossible project, namely, both deploying and being duped by some deceitful strategy.


Whether self-deceivers can be held responsible for their self-deception is largely a question of whether they have the requisite control over the acquisition and maintenance of their self-deceptive belief.


The belief is desirable in this instance, because holding it ensures that it will not be true. In Nelkin's view, then, what unifies cases of self-deception—both twisted and straight—is that the self-deceptive belief is motivated by a desire to believe p; what distinguishes them is that twisted self-deceivers do not want p to be the case, while straight self-deceivers do.


Levy (2004) has argued that non-intentional accounts of self-deception that deny the contradictory belief requirement should not suppose that self-deceivers are typically responsible, since it is rarely the case that self-deceivers possess the requisite awareness of the biasing mechanisms operating to produce their self-deceptive belief.


We analyse the probability of success in deception by malicious groups of receivers, discuss the threshould schemes with limited the number of malicious receivers, give the calculation formule of probability of successful attacks in any transmitted information, and information - theoretic lower bounds,show the size of the secret key space for each participation under the securiey level, provide the construction about the authentication schemes.


更多网络解释与欺骗者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


beguilement欺骗 | beguiler欺骗者 | beguiling欺骗的

beguiler:欺骗者, 消遣者

beguilement /欺骗/欺瞒/散心/ | beguiler /欺骗者/消遣者/ | beguiling /欺骗的/消遣的/

beguiler:欺骗者; 消遣者 (名)

beguilement 欺骗, 诱骗; 娱乐, 消遣 (名) | beguiler 欺骗者; 消遣者 (名) | beguine 比津舞蹈; 比津舞曲 (名)


vower发誓者,宣誓者 | hoaxer欺骗者 | indexer编索引的人


hoax 骗局 | hoaxer 欺骗者、戏弄者 | deceiver 欺人者

Great Pretender:(大欺骗者)

14.morning town ride(轻驶在清晨的小镇) 2:20 | 15.great pretender(大欺骗者) 3:53 | 16.american pie(美国派) 7:48


trick 诡计 | tricker 欺骗者 | trickery 欺骗

tricker:欺骗者; 恶作剧者 (名)

trick 戏弄, 装饰, 欺骗; 哄骗, 戏弄 (动) | tricker 欺骗者; 恶作剧者 (名) | trickery 欺骗; 奸计 (名)

it cowed that boastful trickster,chance:它震慑着那些自负的欺骗者

机遇主宰着时间与空间 it masters time,it conquers space | 它震慑着那些自负的欺骗者 it cowed that boastful trickster,chance | 残酷的环境也是它的手下败将 and bids the tyrant circumstance

And swindlers who works like kings:那些欺骗者像王者一般行驶权利

and separates the widow from the bride 失去挚爱的女人们从新娘中被撇离 | and swindlers who works like kings 那些欺骗者像王者一般行驶权利 | and broke those who break everything 剥削着那些一无所有的人