英语人>词典>汉英 : 欺骗地 的英文翻译,例句
欺骗地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

on the crook
更多网络例句与欺骗地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At night, I had a dream, a dream that she and I sat side by side on the grass, to proceed hand, thousands of times to kiss; can be innocent and well-being of this dream has deceived me, and I find in bed She could not.


But there is a deceiver, supremely powerful and cunning whose aim is to see that I am always deceived.


The word was blunder; and as harriet exultingly proclaimed it, there was a blush on jane's cheek which gave it a meaning not otherwise ostensible.


Heaven pity him when the guilty creature has deceived him and comes with her tears and lamentations to throw herself at his feet in self-abandonment and remorse, torturing him with the sight of her agony, rending his heart with her sobs, lacerating his breast with her groans. Multiplying her own sufferings into a great anguish for him to bear, multiplying them by twenty-fold, multiplying them in a ratio of a brave man's capacity for endurance.


Initially, such a model may not appear promising for self-deception, since simply being mistaken about p or accidentally causing oneself to be mistaken about p doesn't seem to be self-deception at all but some sort of innocent error—Sam doesn't seem self-deceived, just deceived.


Here the self-deceiver need never simultaneously hold contradictory beliefs even though she intends to bring it about that she believe p, which she regards as false at the outset of the process of deceiving herself and true at its completion.


The requirement that the self-deceiver intentionally gets herself to hold a believe she knows to be false raises the 'dynamic' or 'strategic' paradox, since it seems to involve the self-deceiver in an impossible project, namely, both deploying and being duped by some deceitful strategy.


If radically deflationary models of self-deception do turn out to imply that our own desires and emotions, in collusion with social pressures toward bias, lead us to hold self-deceptive beliefs and cultivate habits of self-deception of which we are unaware and from which cannot reasonably be expected to escape on our own, self-deception would still undermine autonomy, manifest character defects, obscure us from our moral engagements and the like.


She imposed unwittingly on the old lady and gentleman, by her ingenious cordiality; gained the admiration of Isabella, and the heart and soul of her brother: acquisitions that flattered her from the first, for she was full of ambition, and led her to adopt a double character without exactly intending


The girls' crisis was cited in the 1990s, when the American Association of University Women published "Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging America," which described how girls' self-esteem plummets during puberty and how girls are subtly discouraged from careers in math and science.


更多网络解释与欺骗地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


coze /亲热地闲谈/聊天/谈心/亲热的谈话/茶话/闲谈/ | cozen /欺骗/瞒/ | cozenage /欺骗/瞒骗/哄骗/


cozen 欺骗 | cozenage 欺骗 | cozily 舒服地


cozen /欺骗/瞒/ | cozenage /欺骗/瞒骗/哄骗/ | cozily /舒适地/安乐地/安逸地/

cozenage:欺骗; 骗局 (名)

cozen 骗取, 诈骗, 哄骗; 干欺骗勾当 (动) | cozenage 欺骗; 骗局 (名) | cozily 舒适地; 惬意地; 安乐地 (副)

deceitfully:欺骗地; 虚伪地 (副)

deceitful 骗人的, 欺诈的; 误导的; 虚假的 (形) | deceitfully 欺骗地; 虚伪地 (副) | deceitfulness 欺诈; 不诚实 (名)


Snag:抓住 | Deceptively:欺骗地 | Accurately:准确地

哄骗某人干某事//make a fool of sb 愚弄、欺骗某人:fool sb into doing sth

fool n.傻瓜,笨人 vt. 愚弄,欺骗 | fool sb into doing sth 哄骗某人干某事/make a fool of sb 愚弄、欺骗某人 | foolishly ad. 愚蠢地,荒谬地

cozily:舒适地; 惬意地; 安乐地 (副)

cozen 骗取, 诈骗, 哄骗; 干欺骗勾当 (动) | cozenage 欺骗; 骗局 (名) | cozily 舒适地; 惬意地; 安乐地 (副)


trickily /欺骗着/用奸计/ | trickish /欺骗的/狡猾的/ | trickle /滴流/滴下/细细地流/慢慢地泄漏/滴/细流/涓涓/


trickling /移动/ | trickly /欺骗地/ | tricks /戏法/