英语人>词典>汉英 : 横切面 的英文翻译,例句
横切面 的英文翻译、例句


transverse surface · transverse section
更多网络例句与横切面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the paper four aspects have been studied:(1) tree and distributing, belonging to the correlative contents of the dendrology,(2) the macroscopical character in virtue of magnifier and entitative microscope observing the three sections (cross section, radial section and tangential section );(3) the microcosmic character, in virtue of light microscope observing slices.


The methods of computing for similar coefficient were Discriminance of Minimal Difference of Parameters, Discriminance of Limen of Tree Compositive Character and Synthetic Weight Similarity of Parameters. The contribution of all parameters were considering as same for DMDP and DLTC, but it estimate s the similarity between parameters according to the limen for DLTC. DMDP was based on the principal component analysis for wood transverse section micrograph characters and computing the similar coefficient according to the contribution of every parameter.


Some, of course, are running obliquely and therefore are cut tangentially in relation to their full length.


An image of the posterior fossa in the transaxial plane is obtained by angling caudally from the plane used to visualize the ventricular atrium.


An image of the posterior fossa in the transaxial plane is obtained by angling caudally from the plane used to isualize the entricular atrium.


Herbacium were isobilateral leaves, and those of G. hirsutum and C. barbadense were dorsiventral leaves. The reciprocal F〓 of cross G. arboreum×G. herbacium were also isobilateral leaves, while reciprocal F〓 cross of G. hirsutum×G. barbadense were also dorsiventral leaves. The quadrispecific hybrids F〓 were isobilateral leaves, regardless of their cytoplasms. The structures of the leaf stalks and the stems were analogous to each other among the four cultivated cotton species except their diameters varied with species.


Suber The cork cells are seen as 14 polygons, show a honeycomblike arrangement in tangential section and resemble a brick wall in transverse and radial sections.


B, Cross-sectional scan at the lower abdomen of a different patient shows somewhat turbid ascites with relatively thick and incomplete mobile septations.

图1 A,下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水相对清晰,其内发现有不完全可活动的分隔。B,另一病人下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水混浊,分隔相对增厚,有不完全的分隔,可活动。

B, Cross-sectional scan at the lower abdomen of a different patient shows somewhat turbid ascites with relatiely thick and incomplete mobile septations.

图1 A,下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水相对清晰,其内发现有不完全可活动的分隔。B,另一病人下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水混浊,分隔相对增厚,有不完全的分隔,可活动。

In this paper, the Principle of fractal geometry was applied to describe the fractal properties of poplar wood cell lumen distribution.


更多网络解释与横切面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cross section:横切面

横切面(cross section)是与树干长轴相垂直的切面,亦称端面或横截面. 在这个切面上,可以见到木材的生长轮 、心材和边材、早材和晚材、木射线、薄壁组织、管孔(或管胞),胞间道等,是木材识别的重要切面.

standard cross-section:标准横切面

标准尺寸;市售尺寸 stock size | 标准横切面 standard cross-section | 槽 grooe

standard cross-section:尺度横切面

尺度尺寸;市售尺寸 stock size | 尺度横切面 standard cross-section | 槽 groove

uniform cross-section:均匀横切面

uniform 一致(的);均匀(的) | uniform cross-section 均匀横切面 | uniform speed 匀速率

uniform cross-section:均匀横切面Btu中国学习动力网

uniform body 均匀物体Btu中国学习动力网 | uniform cross-section 均匀横切面Btu中国学习动力网 | uniform motion 匀速运动Btu中国学习动力网

cross-sectional area:横切面面积

cross-harbour utility reserve area 水电设施的海底专用范围 | cross-sectional area 横切面面积 | cross-shaped block 十字型大厦

Crova's disc:横切面面积

交联结构 cross-sectional area | 横切面面积 Crova's disc | deflection 偏转 deflection plate

transverse section:横切面

transverse line 横线 | transverse section 横切面 | transverter 变换器,换能器

transverse plane:横切面

解剖平面可分为三种基本平面,包括矢状切面(sagittal plane)、额切面(frontal plane)及横切面(transverse plane),人体的基本动作就由这些构成. 以下就三种基本平面定义,及在此平面下躯干与肢体所产生之活动动作名称做详细介绍.


transducer 传送器;换能器 | transection 横切面 | transfer 传递;转移;迁移