英语人>词典>汉英 : 模拟古典 的英文翻译,例句
模拟古典 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In advance of reviewing probability for Senior Three students, the author gave an exam of probability. On the basis of analyzing the results, the author carried out a group of teaching strategies, the author reviewed the definition of Frequency by computer imitation trials and Equiprobability models by various Probability models, and distinguished Exclusive Events and Independent Events by examples, and described Variable Distribution by means of various Probability models.


Secondly, the combination in concept and problem teaching can enhance profound comprehension of Exclusive Events and Independent Events. Finally, because Distribution is basic knowledge in teaching probability, meanwhile, the calculation for Expected Value and Variance also are based on Distribution. Thus, Distribution is the most important in teaching them, it needs to give more emphasis.


Combining mechanics theory of yield and fracture of ductile metal in classical strength theory with microcosmic fracture mechanics,and by studying fracture stress field in root of notched bar made of constructional steel,the author brought forward loci equation of constructional steel in stress triaxiality space.


Among them, there are Children Park which major for public entertainment; Undersea World major in simulating and shrinking natural sights; classical gardens major in archaizing cultural sights and big-scale mechanism fairyland major in modern idea and for enjoyment.


更多网络解释与模拟古典相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

classicalism:古典主义, 模拟古典

classicalcurriculum | 人文科课程 古典课程 | classicalism | 古典主义, 模拟古典 | classicality | 古典, 古典的学识

classicalism:古典主义; 模拟古典 (名)

classical music 古典乐 | classicalism 古典主义; 模拟古典 (名) | classically 古典主义地; 正统地; 经典地 (副)


(1)厅堂效果(HALL)模拟各种大中小型音乐厅及教学墙的空气吸声特性效果. 它有相当低的初始回声密度,密度随时间增加逐渐建立,适用于古典音乐及其他需润色的音乐. (2)镶边效果(FLANGE)当延时时间在0-35ms之间时,人耳感觉不到滞后声音的存在,

classically:古典主义地; 正统地; 经典地 (副)

classicalism 古典主义; 模拟古典 (名) | classically 古典主义地; 正统地; 经典地 (副) | classicist 古典主义者; 古典学者; 古典派作家 (名)

Arrhenius equation:阿瑞尼斯方程式

我们认为MSC因为具有部分阿瑞尼斯方程式(Arrhenius equation)的特徵,有可能是一种可以更广泛应用之数据分析方法. 但是这个推测仍有待后续研究证实. 本研究之分子模拟方法,乃以原子为单位,考虑其间作用力,并依古典力学方式之运动状态,