英语人>词典>汉英 : 植物调查 的英文翻译,例句
植物调查 的英文翻译、例句


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Result The results showed that content of Pb and Zn in 10 kinds of greening plants in Jinggangshan Road was the highest, and the lowest in Jinggangshan University, they had obvious difference among 6 different regions. The plants could absorb Pb and Zn pollutants in different extent depending on pollutants and plant species. Cedrus deodara and Subina chinensis had higher absorption capacity to Pb with 4.84 mg/kg and 4.57 mg/kg, Pittoaporum tobira had the lowest absorption capacity to Pb with 0.38 mg/kg; Ligustrum japonicum had the highest absorption capacity to Zn with 37.58 mg/kg, Buxus microphylla had the lowest absorption capacity to Zn with 11.08 mg/kg.

结果]在所调查6个区域中,10种绿化植物叶片铅、锌含量较高的在井冈山大道,含量最低的在井冈山大学校园内,各区域不同植物叶片的铅、锌含量差异显著。10种绿化植物对大气铅、锌污染物均具有一定的吸收净化能力,并依污染物和植物种类的不同差异明显:对铅吸收量最高的植物为圆柏和雪松,分别为4.84 mg/kg 和4.57 mg/kg,最低为海桐,为0.38 mg/kg;对锌吸收量最高的植物为日本女贞,为37.58 mg/kg,最低为小叶黄杨,为11.08 mg/kg。

The results indicated that the seeding flora ingredients were complex, all the 15 seed plant distribution area types ocarrina in China were found, the characteritic of the distribution area types is anciently original, rich for primitive group; geography ingredients are complex and diverse, dominated by temperate zone species, the next is tropics species, indicating the characteristics of the north and south flora; with high endemic degree.


As a most commonly used method of urban vegetation investigation, stratified random selection investigation is the topic of this paper. Based on enormous publications and practical experiences, the authors proposed the systematic processes of investigation planning, with the details and points of attention for field work of urban vegetation survey introduced. The main body of urban vegetation investigation was divided into three parts, i.


After elementary surveying on the status quio of wilding vegetation resources in Maowusu Sandy Land, the paper analysis's the succession law of plant community and the evaluates exploitative situation of wilding vegetation resources.


Four aspects of the traditional cultures of ethnic groups (cultural beliefs, medicinal culture, food culture, folklore customs), and their impacts on plant resource management and biodiversity conservation were studied and analyzed in Northwestern Yunnan using ethnobotanical approaches.

中文题名滇西北山地传统民族文化与生物多样性保护副题名外文题名 Traditional ethnic cultures and biodiversity conservation in the mountain areas of northwestern Yunnan,China 论文作者罗鹏导师裴盛基研究员学科专业植物学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中国科学院昆明植物研究所学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数156页关键词植物资源民族文化云南民族植物学生物多样性传统文化馆藏号BSLW /2003 /Q948 /23 运用民族植物学原理,采用野外面上调查、定点社区调查和文献研究相结合的办法,对滇西北少数民族传统文化中四个主要方面,即传统信仰文化、医药文化、饮食文化和民俗文化对植物资源的利用和管理的影响、与生物多样性的关系进行了调查和分析,对其中的一些&文化利用植物&进行了编目:运用生态学手段,对信仰文化在生态系统水平上对生物多样性的保护作用进行了定量分析;并采用参与式的典型社区调查的方法分析了民族传统文化对社区资源管理的影响以及传统文化机制的衰退与生物多样性变化的关系。

The 111076 nematode individuls were classified into 43 genera and 4 trophic groups. Among them, 32 genera of nematodes belong to beneficial un-plant parasitic (bacterivorous, fungivorous, omnivorous/predatory) nematodes and 11 genera of nematodes belong to baneful phytophagous nematodes which accounted for 1/4 of nematode collectivity, especially the nematodes in the genus of Tylenchus and Filenchus, involved 51 (91%) and 42 (75%) species of flowers, repectively.


The researcher finds that the use of ethno plants of the ancestors is amazingly wise, and it also respects the harmony of nature. The masculine plants with large number and fast growing are mostly used, such as Miscanthus and .Macaranga. used as firewood. As to the plants growing more slowly, ancestors cherished them and used them effectively and appropriately according to their characteristics.


From a phytochemical point of view, St John's wort is one of the best-investigated medicinal plants.


For the further surveying and arranging the traditional function of Schisandraceae, we also carried out the ethnopharmacological survey of Schisandraceae,and consulted 17 related herbariums and related Herbal\'s records nationwide.We documented the ethnopharmacological arrangements of schisandraceous plants which had the traditional therapeutic effects,including colloquial name,medical location,traditional usage, traditional efficacy and application,credentials specimens.


With increasing altitude,pollen numberdecreased and length of stylar ramification increased gradually.Increased stylarramification of plants of Saussurea with increasing altitude has importantadaptive significance of evolutionary ecology.It ensured sexsual reproductivesuccess,provided a foundation of hereditary variation and increased specificdiversity.In addition,asexsual reproduction of most species of Saussurea assuredindividual quantity.


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Deutzia scabra:溲疏

文章摘要:2001年4月至2003年11月,在南京中山植物园内调查了冬青卫矛(Euonymus japonicus)、日本珊瑚树(Viburnum awabuki)和溲疏(Deutzia scabra)3种树篱,以及位于不同生境的2个黄杨(Buxusmicrophyllavar.sinica)树篱中侵入生长的杂草及杂树种类,


它在植物中大多以草酸盐(oxalate)的形式存在. 草酸盐广泛存在于植物界. Zindler_Frand(1976)对草酸盐在植物界的分布情况的调查表明在93个属中,除11个属不含草酸盐外,其余各属绝大多数的种都含有大量草酸盐. 常见的富含草酸盐的饲用植物及野生植物有以下数种:



Alchemilla tianschanica:天山羽衣草

结果表明共调查样地9个,出现植物34种,分属17科29属;物种丰富度随海拔升高呈明显的偏峰格局,在海拔3060m的天山羽衣草(Alchemilla tianschanica)草甸,物种组成最为丰富,出现植物17种,分属12科17属;Shannon-Wiener指数的变化范围为2.02~2.40,

Toona ciliata:红椿

本次调查发现了一株国家二级保护植物红椿(Toona ciliata)在淹没线以上. 发现了古橄榄树和古榕树各一株在淹没线以上. 国家二级保护植物红椿(Toona ciliata)在淹没线以上,水库蓄水不会造成其周围植被类型和植物种类的消失以及气候条件的大幅变化.

coptis teeta:云南黄连

文章摘要:运用民族植物学原理,采用野外面上调查、定点社区调查和文献研究相结合的方法,调查了云南西北部高黎贡山地区傈僳族对云南黄连(Coptis teeta)的混农林种植历史和方式,总结了他们认知、利用、管理和保护这一名贵药用植物的传统知识和经验及其与生物多样性保护的关系.

Phragmites australis:芦苇

以植物重要值作为衡量植物组成相似性的指标,应用逐步聚类的方法将调查区域植被划分为4种类型:芦苇(Phragmites australis)+芨芨草口chnatherum splendens)群落,梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)--枇杷柴(Reaumuria songarica)+西伯利亚白刺群落(Nitraria sibirica),

Sparganium stoloniferum:黑三棱

根据野外调查结果,宁夏银川平原有湿地维管束植物48科135属242种(含变种),其中,黑三棱(Sparganium stoloniferum)、华水苏(Stachys riederi)、川蔓藻(Ruppia rostellata)为宁夏植物地理分布新纪录.按照吴征镒教授对中国种子植物属的分布区类型的划分,


botanicphysician 草药医 | botanizing 植物调查 | botanogeochemicalsample 植物地球化学样品