英语人>词典>汉英 : 植物性 的英文翻译,例句
植物性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vegetality  ·  vegetalitas

更多网络例句与植物性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vegetable oils contain a large number of different types of fatty acids, but each of vegetable oil fatty acid composition and the ratio is different.


Emerged as a novel functional food additive, lycopene has been of particular interest in recent years.


In order to utilize the by-products produced in the process of soybean oil to develop the series products with high-tech content and high affixture,The raw material classification, substance composing, product quality, function characteristics, extraction technology, applied field,the foreground of development and existent problems,were synthesized.


It can be applied in the pulverization of plant fiber material, plant shell material, non-mineral light and heavy calcium.


4 Latin square design was used in this experiment to study the effect of microbial phytase and dark plum powder or citric acid on the digestibility of phytate phosphorus,calcium and phosphorus in growing pigs.


The conventional calibration method and the standard addition method were compared in the assay of lead, cadmium, copper, and nickel in mineral Chinese medicines (borex, dragon teeth, oyster, smithsonite, and limonitium) by atomic absorption spectrometry.


The most frequently grazed three kinds of plants were Artemisia frigida, Cleistogenes songorica and Kochia prostrate.


Due to the lack of phytase in monogastric animal digestive tract, most of the phytic acid is unavailable, and directly excreted to manure.


Effects of 3 kinds of plant-based materials including 14 materials on Blattella germanica were studied, Effects of 2 kinds of expellents and 2 kinds of pesticides were also studied, for the propose of comparation with the plant-based materials and evaluation of the latter.


Four pre-treatment trials were conducted to treat soybean meal, wheat meal, corngluten meal and mixed plant meal (soybean meal, wheat meal and corn gluten mixture)with phytase to determine the optimal dose of phytase.


更多网络解释与植物性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

autonomic ganglion:植物性神经节, 自主神经节

autonomasia | 遗忘性命名不能 | autonomic ganglion | 植物性神经节, 自主神经节 | autonomic nerve | 自主神经, 植物性神经




我们可以把浮游生物粗分为植物性浮游生物(phytoplankton)和动物性浮游生物zooplankton). 植物性浮游生物,如矽藻、涡鞭毛藻等,是海洋中的基础生产者,利用太阳光行光合作用,提供大部分海洋生物的动力来源. 而动物性浮游生物如端脚类,

phytoplankton feeding:植物性浮游生物食性

植物性浮游生物 phytoplankton | 植物性浮游生物食性 phytoplankton feeding | 植物固醇 phyto-sterol

saprophytic nutrition:腐生植物性营养

如藻类或其他原生动物;(2)全植物性营养(holophytic or autotrophic nutrition),具色素可行光合作用,自行合成有机物;(3)腐生动物性营养(saprozoic nutrition),摄食腐败之有机物;(4)腐生植物性营养(saprophytic nutrition),摄取由腐败有机物

vegetable tallow:植物性[硬]脂

植物性固醇 vegetable stearol | 植物性[硬]脂 vegetable tallow | 蔬菜,植物 vegetal


vegetablesvegetarianfood 素食 | vegetal 植物性的 | vegetalityvegetant 植物性


vegetables /菜/蔬/蔬菜/素食/蔌/ | vegetal /植物的/植物性的/生长的/ | vegetality /植物性/

Phytotoxin ; Plant toxin:植物性毒素

植物性螺旋体科 Phytospirochaetaceae | 植物性毒素 Phytotoxin ; Plant toxin | 苦味酸虫红(从化) Picrocarmin

vegetable colourings:植物性染料

vegetable alkaloid 植物碱 | vegetable colourings 植物性染料 | vegetable dyes 植物性染料