英语人>词典>汉英 : 棘头虫 的英文翻译,例句
棘头虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acanthocephalan  ·  acanthocephala

spiny-headed worm · thornheaded worm
更多网络例句与棘头虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various worms of the phylum Acanthocephala that live parasitically in the intestines of vertebrates and are characterized by a cylindrical , retractile proboscis that bears many rows of hooked spines Also called acanthocephalan


Arthropoda, Class Crustacea, Subclass Copepoda are beyond the present scope. The parasitic helminth faunas of rabbit fish, cutless fish, spotted mackerel, horse mackerel, grey mullet, and cobia were investigated.


To make the classification of Helminthism of the livestock and poultry more convenient and short-cuting, the key system was set up by the programming language of Visual Basic. According to the morphologic characters of the orders, families and genuses of Cestoidea, Trematoda and Nematoda, a database was established. The correlative data can be searched easily and quickly.

为了使畜禽寄生蠕虫形态学分类更加方便、简捷,采用Visual Basic可视化的计算机编程语言,根据绦虫纲、吸虫纲、线虫纲和棘头虫纲的各目、科和属的虫体形态特征建立数据库,通过资料查询系统,可方便快捷的对相关资料进行查询。

Phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates: spiny-headed worms.


ResultsThe food-borne parasitoses in Shiyan area included pagumogonimus skrjabini,Taenia solium,cysticercus cellulosae,plerocercoid,Trichinella spiralis,Gnathostoma spinigerum,Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus and toxoplasma.


A thin wire nail with a small head or a slight side projection instead of a head .


It reported for the first time the change between niche breadth and niche overlap of the three kinds of parasite, which are Acanthocephala, Digenea and Capillaria in the digest tube of Monopterus albus , and the relation with the intensity of infection correlation.

摘 要:为探明寄生虫对黄鳝的危害,对黄鳝消化道内三大类寄生虫棘头虫门、复殖吸虫纲和毛细线虫属的生态位宽度和生态位重叠随季节的变化及其与寄生虫感染强度的关系进行了研究。

To make the classification of Helminthism of the livestock and poultry more convenient and short-cuting, the key system was set up by the programming language of Visual Basic. According to the morphologic characters of the orders, families and genuses of Cestoidea, Trematoda and Nematoda, a database was established. The correlative data can be searched easily and quickly.

为了使畜禽寄生蠕虫形态学分类更加方便、简捷,采用Visual Basic可视化的计算机编程语言,根据绦虫纲、吸虫纲、线虫纲和棘头虫纲的各目、科和属的虫体形态特徵建立数据库,通过资料查询系统,可方便快捷的对相关资料进行查询。

Among these patients, 20.9%(24/115) had a history of eating raw meat. For discharge diagnosis, neurocysticercosis accounted for 92.2%(106/115),cerebral paragonimiasis 3.5%(4/115), sparganosis 2.6%(3/115), and angiostrongyliasis cantonensis and gnathostomiasis 0.9%(1/115) each.

有生食史的占 2 0 。9%(2 4 / 1 1 5),出院诊断为脑囊尾蚴病的占 92 。2 %(1 0 6/ 1 1 5),脑并殖吸虫病占 3 。5 %(4/ 1 1 5),脑裂头蚴病占 2 。6 %(3/ 1 1 5),脑广州管圆线虫病、棘颚口线虫病各占 0 。9%(1 / 1 1 5)。

更多网络解释与棘头虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


academy blue | 带绿的黄色 | acanthocephalan | 棘头虫,棘头纲虫 | acanthoid | 棘状的, 刺状的

Acanthocephalan,Acanthocephalid (thorny headed worm ):棘头虫,棘头虫的

棘头虫目 Acanthocephala | 棘头虫,棘头虫的 Acanthocephalan,Acanthocephalid (thorny headed worm ) | 棘头虫症,棘头虫症(鱼) acanthocephaliais


acanthesthesia 针剌感 | acanthocephala 棘头虫类 | acanthocheilonemiasis 棘唇虫病


Acantharia 棘骨虫亚纲 | Acanthaster 长棘海星属 | Acanthocephala 棘头虫


Acanthaster /长棘海星属/ | Acanthocephala /棘头虫纲/棘头动物门/棘头门/ | Acanthodii /棘鱼纲/

Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Muller:鳕鱼棘吻棘头虫

棘头虫 Acanthocephalus luzus Li | 鳕鱼棘吻棘头虫 Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Muller | 叶轮虫 Notholca sp.

Macracanthorhynchus:巨吻棘虫属 巨吻棘虫属

Macracanthorhychushirudinaceus 猪巨吻棘头虫 | Macracanthorhynchus 巨吻棘虫属 巨吻棘虫属 | Macramecord 马克莱姆线

Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus:猪巨吻棘头虫

3.1 猪巨吻棘头虫(macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus) 是猪体肠道较为常见寄生虫,犬、猫及人体偶有感染,辽宁、山东是主要流行区. 中间宿主是鞘翅目的天牛、金龟子等. 在辽宁为大牙锯天牛,山东为曲牙锯天牛和棕色鳃金龟. 李立、贺霞凤、刘生光等(1982)报告1例(蚌埠医学院学报,

Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus:棘头虫

棘头虫病不仅是危害猪的主要寄生虫病之一,而且是一种人畜共患病. 它是由少棘科巨吻属蛭形巨吻棘头虫(Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus)寄生于猪的小肠壁引起的寄生虫病 ......

Genus Macracanthorhynchus:巨吻棘头虫属

Genus Leishmania利什曼属 | Genus Macracanthorhynchus 巨吻棘头虫属 | genus name属名