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检定 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
checkup  ·  workout  ·  docimasy  ·  detecting

更多网络例句与检定相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To calibrate the measuring results of the kingpin obliquity on the four-wheel aligner, a calibration apparatus was developed based on the principle of independent acquisition of the kingpin obliquities in the vertical and horizontal planes of the automobile.


After comparing the two type of tests,we came to some conclusions.The tests based on binomial test can be regarded as some kind of permutation tests under certain definition of "permutaton".If the tests are related to statistics,then whether they can be viewed as permutation tests depends on if the value of the probability,p,is known where p is the population parameter in the null hypothesis.For tests like Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit test,since the statistics is calculated based on empirical distribution function,hence no matter how we repermutate the observations,the order statistics is the same.This kind of tests can't be regarded as permutation tests.

我们得到的结论为:在一般的无母数检定中,如果检定与binomial test相关,基本上都可以视作排列检定的一种;与卡方检定相关的检定,基本上和p值已知或是未知有关,这个p值为原始假设下所要检定的母体机率值;其他检定如Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit test,由於统计量的值是根据empirical distribution function决定,而不论如何重新排列样本,其顺序统计量都不变,所以无法视为一种排列检定

An image forming apparatus, provided with replacement parts each having a storage section therein and adapted to be detachably attached to the image forming apparatus and with an image forming unit arranged to form an image on a printing medium, includes: an information reading section that reads information from the storage section of at least one of the replacement parts; a certified part determining section that determines whether the replacement part is a certified part or not based on the information read from the storage section; and an image forming possibility determining section that determines whether or not image forming is possible using the replacement part determined to be a certified part by the certified part determining section.


Metering application for review of assessment standards: measurement standard assessment the original of the application; standard measurement of the original assessment certificate; evaluation standard measurement certificate is valid within the standard set measurement device and the main equipment of a copy of the certificate; returns to replace the standard measurement; measurement Standard in the near future to carry out verification / calibration of the original records and test / calibration copy of the certificate; stability of the measurement standard evaluation copy of the record; measurement standard measurement repeatability evaluation copy of the record; measurement standards in the two-cycle test run between the inspection or verification Test copies of the records.


The subject comes from the project "the research and development of illuminometer automatic test system" supported by Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection.


Firstly, the research tests the stationary of each variable by adopting the Unit Root Test and all variables shows I(1) sequence. Secondly, it tests the stability of each variable by adopting Perron (1989) structure transformation Unit Root Test. The test result is same as the ADF test, which does not consider the structure transformation.


We used to measure the square basing on national standards standing order, or with the Certificate of Square, or with light gap method.


Based on the interval hypothesis, statistical procedures were proposed and the methods for sample size determination are also given.

比较传统假设检定、区间假设检定等五种方法,以模拟的方式得到经验的整体型一错误、平均型一错误以及检定力模拟结果显示,区间假设可以有效的控制平均型I 误差在名目水准之下,且整体型一误差也比较低,检定力相较於使用Bonferroni修正来的好。

Following our result, the KS test and Cramér-von-Mises test got the best testing outcome excluding the Cauchy, student's t and Logistic distribution, and Cramér-von-Mises test is better than KS test.


This study is based on Dickey-Fuller and Augmented Dickey-Fuller two unit root test methods and Johansen's cointegration test method to examines the relationship between sales figure of DIAGEO Taiwan and macro economic indicators in order to forecast sales trend for whisky category. The three major variables are:(1) Consumer price index,(2) Single malt whisky sales figure, and (3) Blended whisky sales figure, and intend to understand the interaction between the three major variables.

本研究以Dickey-Fuller及Augmented Dickey-Fuller两种单根检定方法,检定帝亚吉欧台湾分公司的销售报表数字是否具有单根,藉以判定总体经济指标与其销售数字能否利用VAR模式及Johansen共整合检定检定两者之共整合关系,以期达成预测之目的,而研究的主要变数为:消费者物价指数;单一麦芽威士忌的销售数字;及调和式威士忌的销售数字等三变数,并试图去了解上述变项间相互的影响。

更多网络解释与检定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assay ton:检定吨

assay reagent 检定试剂 | assay ton 检定吨 | assay tool 检定工具

assay balance:检定天平

assay 检定 | assay balance 检定天平 | assay reagent 检定试剂


metage 官方检定 | metage 容量的官方检定;检定费 | metal arc cutting 金属电弧切割


metadyne 旋转式磁场放大机微场扩流发电机 | metage 官方检定 | metage 容量的官方检定;检定

testing of statistical hypothesis:统计假设的检定

检定线性假设 testing linear hypothesis | 统计假设的检定 testing of statistical hypothesis | 常态性检定 tests of normality

sequential t test:逐次t检定

逐次符号检定 sequential sign test | 逐次t检定 sequential t test | 逐次检定 sequential test

test of goodness of fit:适合度检定

Test of goodness of closeness 接近度检定 | Test of goodness of fit 适合度检定 | Test of hypothesis 假设检定

uniformly most powerful unbiased (UMPU) test:均匀最强(检定)力不偏检定

均匀最强(检定)力临界域 uniformly most powerful critical region | 均匀最强(检定)力不偏检定 uniformly most powerful unbiased (UMPU) test | 单边指数 unilateral index number

uniformly most powerful (UMP) test:均匀最强(检定)力检定

均匀最大准确度信赖界 uniformly most accurate (UMA) confidence bounds | 均匀最强(检定)力检定 uniformly most powerful (UMP) test | 均匀最强(检定)力临界域 uniformly most powerful critical region


JJF 1001对检定(verification)的定义是:"查明和确认计量器具是否符合法定要求的程序,它包括检查、加标记和(或)出具检定证书. "流量仪表检定项目很多,有流量测量性能、绝缘等电气性能、耐压等机械性能、外观等. 流量校准是检定流量测量性能的实施手段,