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桡侧的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与桡侧的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: The muscular branches originating from the three parts(radial tunnel part, supinator tunnel part and post-tunnel part) of PIN were observed on 30 sides upper limb specimens.The dimensions and morphology of the radial tunnel, supinator tunnel and the arcade of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle were observed and measured with caliper, and the surface projection of the entrance and exit of the ST were located.


The portal of radiocapal joint was in the triangle of tendon of extensor carpi radialis muscle and long abductor muscle of first digit.Lateral to accessory cephalic vein and superficial branceh of radial nerve.The arthroscopic portals in intercarpal joint were in the both sides of extensor carpi radialis muscle.


On the basis,design retrograde radial bone island flap pedicled with anterior interosseous artery.


Methods:12 cases of oral cancer treated with radical therapy were repaired by brachiordialis muscle with radial forearm flap , the flap was prepared and requisite brachioradial muscle was exsected simultaneously, perforators were not injured.Blood vessel was anastomosed, brachioradial muscle was filled up into cavum , oral defects were covered with flap.


To observe and measure the distance and angulation of some muscles such as flexor carpi ulnaris,extensor carpi ulnaris , flexor carpi radialis,extensor carpi radialis longus,extensor carpi radialis brevis, brachioradialis,etc,we achieved the moment of force and loaded them in the model .


In this case, a 34 year-old female presented with a dorsal wrist mass. Axial T1 image reveals a smoothly marginated mass deep to the ECRL and ECRB tendons


Results The computational results of force and pressure transmission through normal carpus matched well with previous studies. The release of TCL resulted in radial and palmar displacement of the scaphoid, flexion and radial rotation of radiocarpal joint as well as a further radial deviation of the whole carpal tunnel.

结果 腕部载荷传递及关节接触应力分布情况与前人实验数据相当接近;腕横韧带的切除导致舟骨发生向桡侧和掌侧的偏移,以及掌向屈曲和向桡侧的转动,而整个腕管结构则产生更大的桡侧偏移。

Results The anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament originates from the inferior aspect of the medial epicondyle and inserts immediately adjacent to the joint surface on the ulna near the sublimis tubercle. The posterior bundle originates from the medial epicondyle slightly posterior to its most inferior portion and inserts broadly on the olecranon process. The lateral collateral ligament arises from the inferior aspect of the lateral epicondyle. Two types of conjoined lateral collateral and annular ligamentous insertions on the ulna were observed. Type Ⅰ(61.2%) was bilobate and type Ⅱ(38.8%) was a single broad conjoined type with insertion on the ulna. The anterior band of anterior bundle was more tighten than the posterior band as the elbow flexed less than 60°. When the elbow flexed over 60°, the two parts of anterior bundle were equally tightened. The posterior bundle was tightened as the elbow was flexed more than 90°. The lateral collateral ligament was tightened gradually as the elbow moved in flexion.


A comma-shaped bone of the human wrist, located in the first row of carpals .


Abstract] Objective To sum up the experiences of tongue repair after radical operation of tongue carcinoma with free forearm flap in the last five years.Methods The clinical data of 12 patients underwent forearm free flap grafting for tongue repair from 2000 to 2006 were retrospectively analysed.

目的 探讨臂桡侧游离皮瓣在舌癌切除术后舌再造中的应用方法对南昌学第附属医院2000年以来12例应用前臂桡侧游离皮瓣修复舌癌切除术后舌组织缺损的病例进行临床分析,总结有关处理经验和教训。

更多网络解释与桡侧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basilic vein:贵要静脉

清除上肢前面全部浅筋膜.观察:头静脉(cephalic vein)起自手背静脉网的桡侧,至臂前区后,沿肱二头肌外侧沟上行,经三角肌胸大肌间沟,穿锁胸筋膜注入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉.贵要静脉(basilic vein)和前臂内侧皮神经走行于肱二头肌内侧沟的下部,

cephalic vein:头静脉

向下追踪至腕前区.在臂上部内侧找出已解剖出的前臂内侧皮神经,向下追踪,可见其在臂内侧中,下1/3交界处穿出深筋膜,向下与贵要静脉伴行至腕前区.保留已解剖出的浅静脉和皮神经,清除上肢前面全部浅筋膜.观察:头静脉(cephalic vein)起自手背静脉网的桡侧,

lateral epicondyle:外上髁

局部(local)问题方面:在此所指的肌肉是桡侧伸腕短肌(ECRB)的肌腱炎,其疼痛点大多都在肌肉与肌腱的交会处, 即外上髁(lateral epicondyle)下往手腕方向1~2公分处,其临床表徵如:常好发在40~50岁的中年人身上;痛的情况在不知情下发生(Insidious onset),


II型:远节指骨完全重复,各有其独立的骨骺,分别与近多指(Polydactyly)为最常见的手部先天性畸形,多发生在手部的桡侧,有时合并其他畸形. 临床上可分为三种类型:①多余手指仅有软组织,没有骨骼. ②多余指中有部分指骨、部分肌腱,

pronator teres:旋前圆肌

在临床上的并合症如下:1.旋前肌并合症 pronator syndrome: 当正中神经通过肘部的旋前圆肌(pronator teres)受到陷压造成此症. 此肌压迫前骨间神经分叉之上,故患者手指弯曲无力,无法紧握东西,手掌鱼际(trenar)扁平萎缩,手腕向桡侧弯曲无力,

flexor retinaculum:屈肌支持带

pollicis longus)肌腱走在腕隧道外侧部,且有其专用之滑液鞘.正中神经走在屈肌支...持带(flexor retinaculum)后侧,位於屈指浅肌与桡侧屈腕肌(flexor carpi radialis)...的狭窄空间.11.

Humeroradial joint:肱桡关节

(2)肱桡关节(humeroradial joint)由肱骨小头与桡骨头关节凹构成. (3)桡尺近侧关节(proximal radio-ulnar joint)由桡骨头的环状关节面与尺骨的桡切迹构成. 1.耻骨联合(pubic symphysis)由左右耻骨的耻骨联合面借纤维软骨连结而成.


内侧(medialis)和外侧(lateralis):是描述各部位与正中面相对距离的位置关系名词. 近正中面者为内侧,远离正中面者为外侧. 前臂的内侧称尺侧(ulnaris),外侧称桡侧(radialis). 小腿的内侧称胫侧(tibialis),外侧称腓侧(fibularis).

radiocarpal joint:[桡腕关节]

桡腕关节(radiocarpal joint)又称腕关节(wrist joint),由手舟骨、月骨和三角骨近侧的关节面共同组成关节头,与桡骨腕关节面和尺骨头下方关节盘共同构成的关节窝组成.


\\"辐射状免疫扩散法\\",\\"radial immunodiffusion\\" | \\"桡侧的\\",\\"radialis\\" | \\"辐射,放射线\\",\\"radiation\\"