英语人>词典>汉英 : 根深蒂固地 的英文翻译,例句
根深蒂固地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inveterately  ·  confirmedly  ·  ineradicably

更多网络例句与根深蒂固地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ethnic and cultural differences between the Muslim north and the mainly Christian and animist south have remained deep in the 53 years since Sudan's independence from British colonial rule.


The Indian consumer is an inveterate bargain hunter,perpetually looking for the best bargain and the most value for his money.


In doing so, they have integrated modern ideas with the deep-rooted spirit of the Middle Kingdom.


It exits among people inveterately, and makes human being to manage to seek and accomplish some nicer and greater achievement.


She is not in the washroom and then stopping, because it is finally his own point of view that he cares about and not hers, and with this firmly in mind, and a light, confident step, such as you might find in the works of Bulwer-Lytton, he enters the space she occupies so prettily and, taking her by the hand, proceeds to tear off the stiff white hospital gown (but no, we cannot have that kind of pornographic merde in this majestic and high-minded sentence, which will probably end up in the Library of Congress)(that was just something that took place inside his consciousness, as he looked at her, and since we know that consciousness is always consciousness of something, she is not entirely without responsibility in the matter) so, then, taking her by the hand, he falls into the stupendous white puree of her abyss, no, I mean rather that he asks her how long it has been since her last visit, and she says a fortnight, and he shudders, and tells her that with a condition like hers (she is an immensely popular soldier, and her troops win all their battles by pretending to be forests, the enemy discovering, at the last moment, that those trees they have eaten their lunch under have eyes and swords)(which reminds me of the performance, in 1845, of Robert-Houdin, called The Fantastic Orange Tree, wherein Robert-Houdin borrowed a lady's handkerchief, rubbed it between his hands and passed it into the center of an egg, after which he passed the egg into the center of a lemon, after which he passed the lemon into the center of an orange, then pressed the orange between his hands, making it smaller and smaller, until only a powder remained, whereupon he asked for a small potted orange tree and sprinkled the powder thereupon, upon which the tree burst into blossom, the blossoms turning into oranges, the oranges turning into butterflies, and the butterflies turning into beautiful young ladies, who then married members of the audience), a condition so damaging to real-time social intercourse of any kind, the best thing she can do is give up, and lay down her arms, and he will lie down in them, and together they will permit themselves a bit of the old slap and tickle, she wearing only her Mr.


She is not in the washroom and then stopping, because it is finally his own point of view that he cares about and not hers, and with this firmly in mind, and a light, confident step, such as you might find in the works of Bulwer-Lytton, he enters the space she occupies so prettily and, taking her by the hand, proceeds to tear off the stiff white hospital gown (but no, we cannot h39e that kind of pornographic merde in this majestic and high-minded sentence, which will probably end up in the Library of Congress)(that was just something that took place inside his consciousness, as he looked at her, and since we know that consciousness is always consciousness of something, she is not entirely without responsibility in the matter) so, then, taking her by the hand, he falls into the stupendous white puree of her abyss, no, I mean rather that he asks her how long it has been since her last visit, and she says a fortnight, and he shudders, and tells her that with a condition like hers (she is an immensely popular soldier, and her troops win all their battles by pretending to be forests, the enemy discovering, at the last moment, that those trees they h39e eaten their lunch under h39e eyes and swords)(which reminds me of the performance, in 1845, of Robert-Houdin, called The Fantastic Orange Tree, wherein Robert-Houdin borrowed a lady's handkerchief, rubbed it between his hands and passed it into the center of an egg, after which he passed the egg into the center of a lemon, after which he passed the lemon into the center of an orange, then pressed the orange between his hands, making it 56aller and 56aller, until only a powder remained, whereupon he asked for a 56all potted orange tree and sprinkled the powder thereupon, upon which the tree burst into blossom, the blossoms turning into oranges, the oranges turning into butterflies, and the butterflies turning into beautiful young ladies, who then married members of the audience), a condition so damaging to real-time social intercourse of any kind, the best thing she can do is give up, and lay down her arms, and he will lie down in them, and together they will permit themselves a bit of the old slap and tickle, she wearing only her Mr.


The vortex of thought less folly into which I there so immediately and so recklessly plunged, washed away all but the froth of my past hours, engulfed at once every solid or seri ous impression, and left to memory only the veriest levities of a former exist ence.


Our imperial examinations the system disappears just have only centenary, accumulative total DNA of thousands of years, in us subconscious in, adore a character confirmedly.


Work for more than a years you don't understand us, with as for we are to have idiocy deeply rootedly in your heart for long time:We have been all thinking so, working hard to work well an own work, be regarded as on a lot of problems, for example add the wages etc., also hasn't been change us after being subjected to very the treatment of the inequality to work earnest attitude, to work of that responsibility


The complex of preferential choice, that people always choose one alternative which prefers to or is indifferent with all the other alternatives, is transcendentally implanted in human mind especially decision maker's mind when facing choice.


更多网络解释与根深蒂固地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deep-Seated Problems:根深蒂固地问题

Balanced and Relatively-Fast Economic Growth 平衡相对快速地经济增长 | Deep-Seated Problems 根深蒂固地问题 | Decision-Making Mechanism 决策机制


inveteracy 根深蒂固 | inveterate 根深的 | inveterately 根深蒂固地


inveterate 根深的 | inveterately 根深蒂固地 | inviable 不能生存的


早先的1.5Mbps低速(LS)及12Mbps全速(FS)这两种以主机为中心之标准版本已可满足这类应用的需求. 在整合进Windows 98作业系统中之后,USB已成功地建立起它在市场上根深蒂固的地位,现已广泛地被用来当作PC与滑鼠、键盘、印表机及扫描器等设备间的连接标准.

Christopher Reeve:克里斯多夫.里夫

许多人就已经根深蒂固地认定了穿着红斗篷、红内裤、佩有"S"标志的克拉克-肯特形象,而此后的电影、电视、动画无一不沿用. 而今突然全盘推翻,无怪乎会有人大喊不适应. 虽然当年的主角克里斯多夫-里夫(Christopher Reeve)现已瘫痪在家,但他曾穿用过的超人戏服仍然拍卖了个好价钱.


相应地,根据许多规则(rules)和法律(laws),某一权利理应赋予一当事人,其行为则是正当(just)的,性质相反之行为则是不正当(unjust)的. "⑧ 这里所说的"权利"(right)与"法"(ius)同义,反映了一种根深蒂固的西方法理念--法(ius)源于正义(justice);

confirmedly:坚定地, 根深蒂固地

confirmed | 证实的, 惯常的, 慢性的 | confirmedly | 坚定地, 根深蒂固地 | confirming bank | 保兑银行


inveterately 根深蒂固地 | inviable 不能生存的 | invidious 不公平的

inviable:不可能生存的 (形)

inveterately 根深蒂固地; 积习地 (副) | inviable 不可能生存的 (形) | invidiously 惹人怨恨地; 暗含轻视地; 怀恨地 (副)