英语人>词典>汉英 : 根本就不 的英文翻译,例句
根本就不 的英文翻译、例句


not by a long sight
更多网络例句与根本就不相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Did not know how to use DZ subsequently, do not know DZ at all before.


Ha-ha, what is laughable is these does not need me to do, perhaps he does not need me to do.


If our acdres are all pure and incorrupt,we will not worry about their over entertainment at all.they will not do it at all,because there are only taxpayers and conscience in their heart!


It often happens that the parachute is too difficult, or even impossible, to extract from it's container (especially for less aggressive persons) because of too much Velcro, or deployment pins which are too long. In certain cases, if the pilot's in a spin, it's not even realistic to grab the handle of many parachute systems. After having mounted a parachute on a harness, it's vital to do a hang check to verify that the deployment handle is truly easy to grab and that the parachute can be pulled from the container with minimal effort and in any variety of pilots position and circumstances. Seems obvious, but almost no one actually does it!


The absolutely perfect mate simply does not exist or they wouldn't be human.


This was never an issue for Stalin because the welfare of his people was of no concern.


The split-rail fence and signs were not enough to keep the kids away. After the accident, Tiara and Evon said they didn't know what trespasser meant.


Here, the Wal-Marts of the world go to zero - either they don't carry any more CDs, or the few potential local takers for such fringy fare never find it or never even enter the store.


Sure, freezing leftover turkey is a common tactic, but many people make one big mistake when doing it: they jam multiple pounds of turkey into individual bags, then when they go to thaw some out for later use, they either talk themselves out of it (thinking that they don't need so much food) or they unthaw a multi-pound bag and let much of it go to waste.


At that time, an accommodating girl who often comes to our shop was come here, and she took one fastfood for her friend, she even wants to ask ice alishan milk and when she saw the situation, she came to my side and helps me with out hesitate although so many different milk teas that she don't know how to make at all.by the chance, another girl came to our shop and asked a cup of brandy milk tea and a cup of chocolate milk tea, the girl who helps me didn't know how to make the two different milk tea, but I told her I can teach her by her side, so she decided to make chocolate, unfortunately, the chocloate just left a little and couldn't make one, so she asked me where is the chocolate, I told her in the cupboard, but after looking for a while, she didn't find it.


更多网络解释与根本就不相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not at all:根本就不(用)

It is a small world! 世界真是小! | Not at all. 根本就不(用). | Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至.

traditional Chinese medicine:中医学

对于纯西医的医师,他根本就不懂中医,驾驭不了这门需要一定精力钻研并实践的中医学(traditional chinese medicine),他如何有发言权,即便是发的言论,也不是他自己亲身临床体会,或者不是客观的.

You don't even compare to her. - I don't believe you:你根本就比不上她 我不相信你

The fact is, there is someone I love.... | - You don't even compare to her. - I don't believe you.|你根本就比不上她 我不相信你 | I don't know how to make it clearer. You mean nothing to me.|我不知道怎样...


更确切地说,它使决断的作出与不得不决断的责任(responsibility)相分离,这是因为,纯粹的起源与不纯粹的仿制品(imitation)之间的选择根本就无需决断. 可事实是,言语和旋律"纯粹的"第一性根本就不纯粹. 这是因为,在断言言说和歌曲"曾为一体"后,

in the right area:根本就不对

Which explained nothing because it wasn't even|这什么也解释不了 因为手术的位置 | in the right area.|根本就不对 | It's not the surgery.|不关手术的事


他们把我当成一个落难而不得不和农夫们一起生活的愚蠢王子. 啊是的,我当然知道农夫(peasant)这个词是什么意思. 要命的是他们根本没意识到我根本就不是普通的男孩,从任何角度来说都不是.


但米华健认为,中国的行动既然都有"貌似可信的"(plausible)的理念,他们根本不需要摆出一副恶形恶相,又或感到四面楚歌. ( need neither look like a bully nor feel beleaguered.)像中国派出的"圣火护卫队",根本就不需要,

say nothing of:更不用说, 那就根本谈不到

no nothing [用在几个否定语之后]什么都没有(to) | say nothing of 更不用说, 那就根本谈不到 | stop at nothing 毫无顾忌; 不择手段; 什么都干得出

Let us be determined to be free of problems that do not exist:让我们下定决心,由那些根本就不存在的问题中脱身

今天,让我们下定决心,不再去累积任何怨尤... | 让我们下定决心,由那些根本就不存在的问题中脱身. Let us be determined to be free of problems that do not exist. | 方法只是对自己坦诚. 不要再用那些问题来欺骗自...

Social Justice:社会正义

在本卷的初稿中,我就这个论题撰写了篇幅庞大的一章,其间,我力图用大量的实例来说明那些被宣称为"社会正义"(social justice)之要求的事例不可能是正义的,因为个中的基本考虑(人们很难把这种考虑称作是一项原则)根本就不可能得到普遍适用.