英语人>词典>汉英 : 根据上下文 的英文翻译,例句
根据上下文 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与根据上下文相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the Contextual worldview, a behaviour has meaning only in terms of its social historical context.


LinkedWords.com is a new approach to contextually organize the information on the web.

LinkedWords.com 是一个提供根据上下文来组织信息的全新方法的网站。

Specifically, subdivinon a-1 provides that " subpoena duces tecum authorized by this rule and served on a judgment debtor, or on any individual while in the state, or on a corporation, partnership limited liability company or sole proprietorship doing business, licensed, qualified, or otherwise entitled to do business in the state, shall subject the person or other entity or business served to the full disclosure prescribed by section fifty- two hundred twenty-three of this article whether the materials sought are in the possession, custody or control of the subpoenaed person, business or other entity within or without the state"( CPLR 5224 [a-11] ).

具体地说,子条款a-1规定的"根据本条授权对债务人发出传票,这个人是任何在本国的,或者在公司、合伙有限责任公司或者独资企业里从事商业工作的个人,有执照的、有资格的或者其他有权在本国从事商业工作的人,这个人或者其他单位或者公司应该遵守第5223章的条款中完全披露的规定,不论这些搜集到的材料是在被传唤的个人、公司或者其他在国内的或不在国内的单位的占有、保管或者控制之下。"(CPLR 第5224条[a-11]款,。 PS:我把state翻译成了国家,不知在楼主的原文里是指国家还是指美国的州。如果根据上下文意思是州的话,上述翻译作相应调整即可。

The rest of them were all quite happy to join in Dudley's favorite


Plants in the field had turned withered and yellow in the cool wind of late fall.


The various meanings of "fittingness" in this text must be gathered from its successive contexts, just as one would understand the senses of Fug if one were reading the German text.


The variousmeanings of "fittingness" in this text must be gathered from itssuccessive contexts, just as one would understand the senses of Fugif one were reading the German text.


But the red men were not so infrequent visitors of the English settlements, that one of them would have attracted any notice from Hest Prynne, at such atime; much less would he have excluded all other objects and ideas from her mind.


The eighteenth century, for example, produced from various sources a tendency to fix the language into patterns not always set in and grew, until at the present time there is a strong tendency to restudy and re-evaluate language practices in terms of the ways in which people speak and write.

现代语言学家倾向于根据人们说和写的方式评价语言实践,而不是像早期的语言学家根据一定的模式评价语言。选项 B 符合文章的意思。 2.A 词汇题。要根据上下文的信息判断单词的意思。

Specifically, subdivinon a-1 provides that " subpoena duces tecum authorized by this rule and served on a judgment debtor, or on any individual while in the state, or on a corporation, partnership limited liability company or sole proprietorship doing business, licensed, qualified, or otherwise entitled to do business in the state, shall subject the person or other entity or business served to the full disclosure prescribed by section fifty- two hundred twenty-three of this article whether the materials sought are in the possession, custody or control of the subpoenaed person, business or other entity within or without the state"( CPLR 5224 [a-11] ).

具体地说,子条款a-1规定的&根据本条授权对债务人发出传票,这个人是任何在本国的,或者在公司、合伙有限责任公司或者独资企业里从事商业工作的个人,有执照的、有资格的或者其他有权在本国从事商业工作的人,这个人或者其他单位或者公司应该遵守第5223章的条款中完全披露的规定,不论这些搜集到的材料是在被传唤的个人、公司或者其他在国内的或不在国内的单位的占有、保管或者控制之下。&(CPLR 第5224条[a-11]款,。 PS:我把state翻译成了国家,不知在楼主的原文里是指国家还是指美国的州。如果根据上下文意思是州的话,上述翻译作相应调整即可。

更多网络解释与根据上下文相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


尤其要认真阅读全文的第一句, 因为第一句都是一个没有空格的完整的句子, 对后文的重要提示.10. 本题测试的是根据上下文选择词义的能力. 一个"纯"科学家是对准确地 (accurately)进行研究感兴趣的. 所以答案是D) accurately

Now and Then:时而

biweekly既可作"两周一次"解, 亦可作"一周两次"解; occasionally既可表示"偶尔"之意, 亦可表示"时而"(now and then)之意. 这时候, 我们只有根据上下文的情况去判定其义下面举一个例子, 以说明英语中的"同词反义"现象:显而易见,

context-sensitive help:(上下文相关帮助)

上下文相关帮助(Context Sensitive Help)可以根据用户选择显示相应的帮助,用于解决在操作过程中所遇到的疑难问题. 在实际当中,某个应用的使用者可能来自不同的国家和地区,使用着不同的语言文字,有着不同的习惯. 如果我们希望自己开发的应用获得最大的用户群,

contextually:根据上下文, 从上下文 (副)

contextual 上下文的; 取决于上下文的 (形) | contextually 根据上下文, 从上下文 (副) | contiguity 接近; 一系列; 一连串的事物; 一大片 (名)



hand in:上交

1. 此题考查固定搭配及意义和逻辑. 根据上下文判断,老师不是在教室里上交(hand in)而是在分发(hand out)试题. 故应将in改为out.

hand in:交

解析:根据上下文判断,老师不是在教室里上交(hand in)而是在分发(hand out)试题,故应将in改为out. 解析:根据上下文,测试题不只一个题目,答案(answer)当然也不只一个,所以应使用复数.

hand out:分发

解析:根据上下文判断,老师不是在教室里上交(hand in)而是在分发(hand out)试题,故应将in改为out. 解析:根据上下文,测试题不只一个题目,答案(answer)当然也不只一个,所以应使用复数.


以前总是想金银岛是想象的产物,然而(however)现在却发现它是一个真实的故事. [答案]D [解析]本题考查考生对上下文内容的理解和对几个动词含义的掌握情况. 既然他们出来散步,根据上下文得知自然而然是非常高兴只能喜欢(enjoy)3.Tracy 来信留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消

Rcvr Receiver:(接收器)

R I acknowledge or decimal point (承认或小数点)(根据上下文确定) | RCVR Receiver(接收器) | RPT Repeat or report)(重复或报告)(根据上下文确定)