英语人>词典>汉英 : 根尖部 的英文翻译,例句
根尖部 的英文翻译、例句


root tip
更多网络例句与根尖部相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Department of tooth crowns were removed and apical, dedicated root 6mm long, 50 teeth set up Enterococcus faecalis after root canal infection model, 20 teeth were placed in root canals cinnamaldehyde, gallnut decoction, Another 30 infected root canals placed FC, calcium hydroxide paste propylene glycol and normal saline.


Methods use root tube drainage or toot tube treating after opening a window in apical labium,conservative treatment on apical cyst,use the root tube filling agent suitable filling.


The results showed that the coefficient of raicel decreased firstly in a short distance, and then kept stable form radicel base to radicel apical.


Radical leaves with sheath broadened at base; petiole 30--90 cm; leaf blade triangular or triangular-ovate, 5--15(--25)× 3--15 cm, base sagittate to hastate, apex acute to acuminate.

胚根叶具鞘扩大在基部;叶柄30-90厘米;叶片三角形的或三角状卵形, 5-15(-25)* 3-15 厘米,基部箭头形到戟形,先端锐尖或渐尖。

Bone substitute of compound coral paste in periapical regions.


The occurrence of the apical lateral foramina is 15.31%(230/1502).Conclusions The apical lateral foramina are found in 1/7 of 1 502 permanent teeth.


Starting at the root apex, the transverse section was stained with methylene blue dye after 1-mm root was resected, and viewed with a surgical operating microscope. The number of canals as well as the presence and type of canal isthmuses were recorded.


Methods: 60 freshly extracted , single-rooted premolars were randomly divided into two experimental groups (cinnamic aldehyde, gallnut decoction) and four control group (FC group, calcium hydroxide mixed with propylene glycol group, negative the control group and positive control group),.


Start at the apical end of the canal and work towards the pulp chamber.


Failure to seal the isthmus will lead to eventual failure. The recognition and treatment of the canal isthmus may be one factor that will reduce the failure rate of surgical endodontics.


更多网络解释与根尖部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

caulis Perillae:苏梗

茎及叶柄基部紫苏梗(Caulis Perillae) 唇形科植物紫苏的茎番石榴叶(Folium Psidii Guajavae) 桃金娘科植物番石榴的叶番泻叶(Folium Sennae) 豆科植物狭叶番泻或尖叶番泻的小叶络石藤(Caulis Trachelospermi) 夹竹桃科植物络石的带叶藤茎款冬花(Flos Farfarae) 菊科植物款冬的花蕾黑老虎根(Radix Kadsurae Coccineae) 木兰科

secondary cell wall:次生細胞壁 於細胞停止增大後添加的最內層細胞壁常木質化

root apical meristem 根尖分生組織 位於根尖的分生組織 | secondary cell wall 次生細胞壁 於細胞停止增大後添加的最內層細胞壁常木質化 | secondary phloem 次生韌皮部 由維管束形成層產生具運輸光合作用產物的組...




root amputation 根切断术,齿根切断术:从一多根牙切除一个或一个以上牙根,但至少留下一个牙根,以支持牙冠,若仅切除一个牙根之尖部,则称(牙)根尖切除术(apicoectomy)


root amputation 根切断术,齿根切断术:从一多根牙切除一个或一个以上牙根,但至少留下一个牙根,以支持牙冠,若仅切除一个牙根之尖部,则称(牙)根尖切除术(apicoectomy)


鱼名 [stingray;ray],泛指属于魟科(Dasyatidae)及其他有关科的许多种,在其鞭形的尾的基部旁边有一根或数根带倒钩的又大又尖的背棘,能重创敌人,有时它们能长得很大,其中有些种类对牡蛎危害很大

Dentinal tubule:牙本质小管

(一)牙本质小管(dentinal tubule)为贯穿于牙本质全层的管状空间,充满了组织液和一定量的成牙本质细胞突起. 呈放射状排列,在牙尖和根尖部小管较直,颈部弯曲呈"~"形,近牙髓端的凸弯向着根尖方向限制板(lamina limitans)牙本质小管的内壁衬有一层薄的有机膜,

Phlebotomus chinensis chinensis:中华白蛉指名亚种

1.中华白蛉指名亚种(Phlebotomus chinensis chinensis) 成虫体长约3.0~3.5mm,淡黄色,竖立毛类. 口甲不发达,无色板. 咽甲的前、中部有众多尖齿,基部有若干横脊. 受精囊纺锤状,分节,但不完全;囊管长度是囊体长度的2.5倍. 雄蛉上抱器第2节有长毫5根,2根位于顶端,

pit of wood cell:木材细胞纹孔

pit of the radicle ==> 胚根尖部 | pit of wood cell ==> 木材细胞纹孔 | pit orifice ==> 纹孔口

ring-porous:環孔材 大形導管只出現於靠年輪內部的木材類型

rhizome 根莖 地下莖有芽可長成新枝 | ring porous 環孔材 大形導管只出現於靠年輪內部的木材類型 | root 根 由根尖分生組織所產生的軸向器官