英语人>词典>汉英 : 标本分布 的英文翻译,例句
标本分布 的英文翻译、例句


sampling distribution
更多网络例句与标本分布相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result of framework protein and lysosome marked with fluorescence was observed in sym-acorched laser scaning microscope: red fluorescent β-tubulin and green fluorescent eathepsin in nerve cell were seen in distribution in the same sample. The distribution of both was the same, and was located in around nucleus in the early of differentiation, and in cytoplasm and apophysis in the maturity of differentiation.


This specimen is unsatisfactory due to scant squamous cellularity seen at 10X.


The author investigated the community of grasshoppers in Changbai Mountain area during the period of July to September 2001, complementally collected specimen and systematically collected and measured environmental factors from July to October in the following year, and consulted to specimen collected by Fengling Zhang and Yanlong-yang in 1979, 1980 and 1981. By analyzing and classifying the data of five years, the author analyzed the community construction and ecological adaptability of the grasshoppers in the area. The main aspects dealing with the grasshoppers are as follows:(1)the community construction and faunal geographical elements;(2)characteristics of their ecological distribution;(3)vertical distribution of grasshoppers in the northern slop;(4)the relationship between environmental factors and differences in shape of grasshoppers in different vertical belt of northern slop, etc.


Methods In 18 adult upper extremity cadavers,origins,courses, branches,distribution and the anastomosis of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve,basilic vein and their nutrient vessels were studied under the operating microscope.5 fresh adult cadavers,photographic developer were injected in the artery.


We organized and identified the specimens which collected in the insects specimens laboratory of life science and technology department of Xinjiang university, from almost everywhere of Xinjiang with combination of the conventional methods and the electroscopic scanning technique.

本文采用常规鉴定方法与雄性外生殖器解剖相结合,辅以扫描电镜观察,对收藏于新疆大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫室20年来积累的标本及三年在校期间系统地采集于全疆各地的拟步甲类标本进行了整理与鉴定,结合野外考察及重要类群的生物学研究,研究其区系成份,并对其区系特征及地理分布状况进行了系统的分析,主要研究成果如下:1)初步查明新疆拟步甲科昆虫共计266种,分隶于23族72属,其中35种为中国新记录种,3种为拟步甲类新种,作新种记述,并附图片;在研究过程中初步探讨了拟步甲的中文命名问题; 2)新疆拟步甲种类繁多,其区系成分分析显示,除12种为广布种以外,共有6种区系成分,其中中亚细亚种为最多,有87种,占已种的32.7﹪;其次依次为中央亚细亚种和特有种,分别为81种和65种,各占已知种类的30.5﹪和24.4﹪;泛古北种12种,占4.5﹪;欧洲西伯利亚种7种,占2.6﹪;欧洲中亚种最少,仅有2种,占0.75﹪,并根据新疆拟步甲科昆虫区系成分分析了其起源问题; 3)新疆拟步甲科昆虫的地理分布表明,分布于准噶尔盆地的种类最为丰富,计161种,占新疆已知种的60.5﹪;其次是塔里木盆地92种,占已知种的34.6﹪;东疆诸盆地63种,占23.7﹪;伊犁谷地56种,占21.1﹪;在三大山系中,天山山系的拟步甲种类最多,为54种,占20.3﹪;阿尔泰山山系28种,占10.5﹪;昆仑山山系13种,占4.9﹪。

In the present project,the project group investigated Cololejeunea flora of some provinces of China, collected over 500 specimens of Cololejeunea and over 7000 specimens of other liverworts,and borrowed over 3500 specimens (including 416 types)from other important herbaria. The species diversity and distribution weree clarified preliminary by means of mophologocal and ecologoical observation and studies on oil bodies and chromosomes as well as bioactivity of some species.


RESULTS: Under the axial loading on the intact specimen, 70% stress contributed at the pars, 26% at intervertebral disc, and 2.8% at iliolumbar ligament.


Results In 9 cases of endometrial biopsy of materials by uterine curettage, the cells of endometrial stromal sarcomas of 6 cases were well differentiated and like stromal cells of endometrial hyperplasia; the cells of endometrial stromal sarcomas of 3 cases were poor differentiated, the cells of 2 were like that of malignant lymphoma, and another like that of pleomorphous sarcoma. In 9 cases were found the distribution of vessels cluster like endometrial corkscrew small artery. The tumor cells were grew along lymphatic or protruded in lymphatic, and there were small islands or small pieces of tumor cells in the interspace of muscles in 2 cases. The contrastive observation of the specimens of resected uterines of 9 cases confirmed the valve of above features to the confessed diagnosis of endometrial stromal sarcomas in the materials of endometrial biopsy or uterine curettage.


Results Labeling signal of SERT was mainly found in PACC of the cingulate gyrus in healthy controls.


Results Group C had the symptoms such as reduced activity, acceded, indulge in lying and weight loss after 3 weeks of immune injection, 14 out of 16 SD rats in Group B had the same symptoms as Group C after 4~5 weeks of immune injection, the serum enzymes in model groups increased significantly compared with those of the control group, model group C was much higher than model group B; the duration shorted, amplitude decreased, multiphase wave increased in electromyogram of model groups; MRI examination revealed samples from model group B and C had one positive case each, which presented T1MI isodensity or hypodensity signal, T2MI and STIR serial hyperdensity signal, revealing muscle inflammation; all rats'skeletal muscle from model group C and 11 out of model group B had pathological changes, which exhibited striated muscle focal fiber degeneration, necrotized and inflammatory cell infiltration, interstitial vessel wall thickening, random cardiac muscle samples had 3 positive changes, which had similar changes to skeletal muscle, there was 1 positive change from lung sample.


更多网络解释与标本分布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

geographical distribution:地理分布

但对於生物主题中大量的标本典藏,如分类阶层(Taxonomical Hierarchy)、地理分布(Geographical Distribution)、模式地位(Type Status)等有利於进行整合研究的资讯被迫加上文字标签放在DC的主题、描述单元内(如图3),

Smyrnieae Koch:美味芹族

提出将川明参置于美味芹族的分类学处理.明党参(Changium smyrnioidesWolff)系伞形科(Apiaceae)明党参属的单属种,是欧洲植物学家H.Wolff根据浙江吴兴(现湖州)的模式标本而定名的,其系统地位属伞形科芹亚科美味芹族(Smyrnieae Koch)植物[1].记载分布于西南地区的川明参,

Sampling distribution of sample mean:样本平均值的抽样分布

sampling distribution 采样分布,取样分布,抽样分布,标本分布 | sampling distribution of sample mean 样本平均值的抽样分布 | sampling distribution of the statistic 统计量的抽样分布


每 一壳面间生带都有2个复杂的波浪形隔片(septa),从中央的增厚区开始, 分别向两端来回弯延而去. Trigonium 生态 细胞三角至多角形,壳环带矩形,常连结成钜齿链状,附著於海藻上,广 泛分布於温暖海水中,亦常在化石标本中发现他们的踪迹.

Ratufa bicolor:巨松鼠

巨松鼠(Ratufa bicolor)是东洋界的特有类群.中国仅有一种,分布于海南、广西西南部、云南南部、西南部、西部和西北部,关于其亚种的分化结论过去主要依据其皮毛的颜色特征.本研究共测取75个巨松鼠头骨,每号头骨标本测取23个变量,

Camelina Crantz:亚麻荠属

[摘要]经野外词查和标本采集与鉴定,小果亚麻荠(Camelina microarpa Andrz.)和蒺藜草(Cenchrus calyculatus Cavan.Icon.)在河北省昌黎县有天然分布,亚麻荠属(Camelina Crantz)和蒺藜草属(Cenehrus L.)为2个河北植物分布新记录属.

Hemidactylus frenatus:疣尾蜥虎

2003年1月4日,我们对广西北海市涠洲岛的野生动物进行了考察,采得壁虎科(Gekkonidae)标本 1号(♀),经鉴定系广西壁虎科分布新记录--疣尾蜥虎(Hemidactylus frenatus).疣尾蜥虎隶属于蜥蜴亚目壁虎科蜥虎属[1~3].现记述如下.


文章摘要:朴喙蝶(Libythea celtis chinensis Fruhstorfer)是喙蝶科(Libytheidae)惟一常见种,属珍稀蝴蝶,它主要分布在热带、琰热带地区(东洋界),在东洋界与古北界交汇处的秦岭北坡亦有分布,但数量很少,不易采集到标本,确定秦岭北坡有相喙蝶分布,

Ligustrum quihoui:小叶女贞

拟中华半轮线虫新种(Hemicriconemoides parasinensis sp.nov.)模式标本采集于辽宁省沈阳市沈阳农业大学校园的丁香(Sy-ringa oblata)根际土中,在河南省安阳市安阳公园的小叶女贞(Ligustrum quihoui)根际土中也有分布.主要鉴别特征是虫体头区圆形,


下面以绿藻门(Chlorophyta)中的转板藻(Mougeotia)为材料来观察叶绿体的转动. 转板藻常生活在污染轻且较洁净的河水、池塘和农田等水域中,分布很广,而且自开春化冻至结冰前均能采到新鲜标本,尤其以春夏季生长最旺盛.