英语人>词典>汉英 : 标价 的英文翻译,例句
标价 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

sticker price · mark the price · marked price · posted price
更多网络例句与标价相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the project already inked a construction contract but not yet settled of account, if it is not agreed or not clearly agreed in the contract, the project owner and the contractor may sign through consultation a supplementary agreement in view of the actual circumstances of the project.


It is enough that something is promised, done, forborne or suffered by the party to whom the promise is made as consideration for the promise made to him.


The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder complying with the conditions and specifications of the invitation for bids provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the UNFPA to accept it.


The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder complying with the conditions and specifications of the invitation for bids provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the UNFPB to accept it.


LTD is a manufacturer specialized in producing price labeller(hand labeller/price labeler/pricemarker/price gun/Etiquetadora) price lable barcode paper sticker A4 lable label sticker numbering machine pollybag sealer and tag gun.


The "bidding comparison form" shall indicate the quoted bidding price of the bidders, price adjustment and explanations to business deviances, as well as the evaluated final bidding price.


The Euromarket, which is defined as a market where financial instruments traded are denominated in currencies other than the currency of the country where the market is located.


The euromarket, which is defined as a market where financial instruments traded are denominated in currencies other than the currency of the country where the market is located.it is, in the true sense, an external financial market.the important distinction between the external financial market and the domestic financial market lies in that eurocurrecy banking is not subject to domistic banking regulations.


A parity pharmacies supply more than 100 kinds of cosmetics, one of 50 milliliters installed price sunscreen 19.8 yuan, 100 ml of snake oil loaded SOD price 4.8 yuan.

沪北一家平价药房供应100多种化妆品,其中一种50毫升装防晒霜标价 19.8元,100毫升装蛇油SOD标价4.8元。

Price Labe ,comply with Price Machine,widely use for market marking.


更多网络解释与标价相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

base bid price:基本的标价

base bid price 标底 | base bid price 基本的标价 | base block 柱脚石

indirect quotation:间接标价

什么是间接标价 (Indirect Quotation)间接标价法(又称应收标价法Receiving Quotation)只在英国和美国等少数国家使用. 一般是把本国货币作为计算标准,1单位本国币能折成多少外国货币,汇率就是多少. 纽约外汇市场上的汇率就是 1美元能兑换的外币的数量,

indirect quotation:间接标价法

间接标价法 间接标价法(Indirect quotation)又称应收标价法. 它是以一定单位(如1个单位)的本国货币为标准,来计算应收若干单位的外国货币. 在国际外汇市场上,欧元、英镑、澳元等均为间接标价法. 如欧元0.9705即一欧元兑0.9705美元.

special list price:特殊标价

special line printing 特殊行(项)打印 | special list price 特殊标价 | special list price maintenance screen 特殊标价维护屏幕

posted oil price:石油标价

posted oil field price 原油油田标价 | posted oil price 石油标价 | posted price 标价


price 价格,定价,开价 | priced 已标价的,有定价的 | pricing 定价,标价

direct quotation:直接标价

2.技术难点:直接标价和间接标价 汇率有两种标价方法: 直接标价(Direct Quotation):以 1 个或 100 个外国货币为单位,折算为一定数量的本国货币.如 1 美元等于 5 元人民币, 对于中国来讲,就是直接标价.

direct quotation:直接标价法

直接标价法(Direct Quotation)是指以一定单位(如1个单位、100个单位)的外国货币为标准,折算成若干单位本国货币的汇率标价方法. 在这种标价法下,外国货币的数额固定不变,本国货币的数额则随外国货币与本国货币币值对比的变化而变化.

sticker price:标价

当进行购车议价时,勿以经销商的标价(Sticker Price)作为指标向下议价. 销售员或会略施小惠,提供低於标价五百美元的价格,许多消费者便经常因此误以为获得了一笔好交易. 事实上,除非您要购买的新车畅销又缺货,否则您便可以经销商的实际成本价开始往上谈.

unpriced tender BOQ:不标价投标数量单

合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ | 不标价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ | 标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ